Monday, October 06, 2008


people need to understand that what we are going through in this economy right now is the result of decades of republican deregulation policies and 'trickle-down' theories where nothing actually trickles down to anyone and stays up with the rich. and now everyone is hurting and our country's financial institutions are falling apart. and the republicans have nothing to say about it because they know they're unsound and unwise philosophies brought us to this brink.

it's time for a change. all the silly wedge issues of the past where they try to divide us from each other over social issues like abortion or homosexuality or gun rights or taxes, don't mean a thing if our entire nation falls down on the sword of republican economic failures.

it's time for a change. it's time to grow up, stop fighting amongst each other over petty issues, realize what we all have in common, and at stake, and vote for a new direction for our country and our own common interest, as well as our own self-interest!

think about the last 8 years:
terrorist attacks
the drowning of a major city, and many small ones
the 'you're on your own' philosophy
the economic collapse
the destruction of our reputation on the world stage
banks and savings and loans going under

this is all from a guy who everyone 'liked' because they could have a beer with him and he seemed like a nice guy.

well i don't want to have a beer with the president. i want the president to lead and shore up our country and make us strong again.

no more republican philosophy. no more republican wedge social issues. no more republican soundbytes. no more republicans.

obama and democrats november 4th.


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