Monday, October 20, 2008

the kansas city star (which has a bad history of endorsing the republicans including bush and ashcroft) came out for obama today! this is a major coup, with really strong language that leaves no doubt. (i bolded a few key sections)

Barack Obama for president

These are anxious times for Americans. A faltering banking system, plummeting stock prices, difficult conflicts abroad, huge federal deficits, rapidly escalating health expenses . . . the list of troubles seems to go on and on, and public faith in our national leaders and key institutions has suffered.

But the six issues highlighted below illustrate why we believe Sen. Barack Obama is the right person to lead the country forward. He is a man of strength, empathy, energy and intelligence.

The Illinois Democrat understands the challenges that await George Bush’s successor. A gifted public servant whose roots extend to his mother’s birthplace in Kansas, Obama has a rare ability to encourage hope among the dispirited and to inspire young people.

Obama’s sound judgment is reflected in his choice for a running mate. Sen. Joe Biden is a passionate advocate of ordinary Americans and a foreign-policy expert who would be prepared to assume the Oval Office on a moment’s notice.

Obama’s opponent, Sen. John McCain, was the strongest candidate in the Republican presidential field this year. He is a war hero who has shown courage in Washington as well, pushing legislative colleagues toward campaign finance reform and challenging wasteful spending.

But McCain has been a less impressive candidate this year than when he ran for president in 2000. Although claiming to be a change agent, he is following in Bush’s footsteps on everything from the war in Iraq to tax breaks that favor the wealthy over the middle class.

Despite his age and previous health problems, McCain chose a vice presidential candidate who is so clearly unqualified for high office that the thought of her stepping into the presidency is frightening.

That irresponsible decision casts serious doubt on McCain’s judgment at this point in his political career. And over the past eight years, Americans have come to know, all too well, the high price of carelessness and ineptitude in the White House.

Voting is a privilege that is envied by people in many nations. We urge all eligible Americans to exercise their right to vote on Nov. 4.

The world is watching and hoping Americans will choose a president who will reach out to allies. Obama will restore America’s reputation as a land of civil liberties, educational opportunities and good faith.

Obama’s ascendancy is a tribute both to him and to the ideal that the United States is a land of opportunity for all. His achievements are the result of hard work and merit. His election as America’s first biracial president would be a milestone in the nation’s long journey toward racial equality.

The Obama-Biden ticket offers the best hope of recovering from today’s economic difficulties, reclaiming leadership in the world and moving forward to a more promising future.

A vote for the future

Years of Washington blunders have left the United States struggling both at home and abroad. Both presidential candidates promise change, but Barack Obama is most likely to deliver:

•A stronger economy: Obama is best suited to lead the drive to reinvigorate the economy, repair gaps in financial regulations, make tax policies more equitable and provide help for Americans in need.

•A safer world: Obama realizes the need to shift more military resources from Iraq to Afghanistan, home of the 9/11 terrorists. He is also committed to closing dangerous gaps in homeland security.

•A healthier America: Obama believes access to health care is a right. He would make coverage more affordable to more citizens and stop insurers from penalizing people for getting sick.

•A new energy outlook: Obama wants to boost renewable energy and encourage more efficient vehicles, buildings and appliances. He doesn’t back excessive offshore oil drilling or a rush to build nuclear plants.

•U.S. leadership abroad: An Obama presidency offers hope for the U.S. to rebuild frayed alliances and gain respect in places like Germany (seen in photo). VP nominee Joe Biden brings strong foreign-policy credentials.

•A safeguard for liberties: Obama wants judges who won’t favor the strong at the expense of the weak. He offers hope for a Supreme Court that would reject excessive executive power and protect precious freedoms.


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