Friday, November 13, 2009

so i've had strep throat this week. been sleeping a LOT. strangely by the end of this week i've been feeling the need to rearrange the apartment and clean while i go. for several months now i've been contemplating moving into the one-bedroom which just opened up next door to me. i'd like more space. but then they decided to build a wall over the sliding doors that were in the middle of the room in order to officially make it one bedroom and one living room, forever separate. that wall really disappoints me. i liked the idea of having one massive room with the wall's doors forever open (unless i decide to close them for guests or something like that. but alas, there's now a wall. and while the whole place is bigger, my desire is smaller. and so i've been thinking a lot more about my space in my studio apartment. i have a big studio apartment, as these types of apartments go, but i really have it cluttered with tons of needless things that i never utilize and that just make it look overly full. so this week while i've been stuck at home resting from the throat of strep, i've been slowly rearranging, putting things away in other places that make more sense, utilizing my closet and kitchen space a great deal more, and opening up my living room/bedroom into a much more minimalist look. i'm in a minimalist phase right now, which is so rare for me as i tend to love tons of things everywhere. but right now, i'm liking less things and more highlighted important things. who knows why, but i think that's mostly why i was thinking of getting a bigger apartment, simply because i want more space and less things, but the reality is that i can have that right now in my current apartment by simply consolidating and getting rid of unnecessary and unwanted items from the past. so here we are. i'm nearing getting this place the way i like it. it's making me happy right now, feels like a new year has begun. well, for that matter, it's actually a new decade in this apartment...


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