Tuesday, May 29, 2001

Anyone who knows me knows of my love for my United States Senator Jean Carnahan. Unfortunately, the other Senator from Missouri is Republican Christopher "Kit" Bond. He's always been a conservative Republican wrapped in moderate clothing, sorta like what Bush tries to do. He has in the past fashioned himself as a fighter for equal rights and women's rights and even used to proudly support the ERA in the 1970's while governor of Missouri. Well, those days seem to be waning, especially as the Republican party moves further and further and further and further to the right. I just received a response letter from his office which had the following paragraph amidst other such wordy crap: In 1973, the Supreme Court chose to duck on the important issues surrounding abortion, and gave us the judicial quagmire known as Roe v. Wade. As Mother Teresa said, Rose v. Wade has deformed a great nation. It has sown violence and discort at the heart of the most intimate human relationshipos. It has portrayed the greatest gifts- a child- as a competitor, an intrusion, and an inconvenience.


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