Monday, July 09, 2001

The reality is that this legislation would protect all people who fall beyond the very narrow definition and perception of sex and gender roles and the strong stereotypes associated with gender....[including someone who] was wrongfully fired from his successful telemarketing job because his new boss worried that customers would not buy products from a man with a "soft, womanly tone."

This 'minds me of when I was in high school and had a job at the local Taco Bell. One day I was placed at the drive thru intercom. I was taking the order of these guys and they started hitting on me, assuming I was a woman because of my "soft, womanly" voice. Well, of course, this brought loud laughter from my fellow employees and was highly embarassing for me. By the time they reached the window and saw that I wasn't a woman they were simply quiet as could be and were obviously embarassed themselves. I'll never forget that day. Obviously their very narrow definition of sex and gender roles got them caught up in their own mess, and unfortunately it drug me along with them.


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