Thursday, August 02, 2001

We have practically no errors in the elections we monitor overseas because each vote is counted in the presence of the voting officials and the leading representatives and observers of the major parties, sometimes two parties and three parties or more. And they count their ballots very carefully. They hold up each one so that everybody can see that it is marked properly. They are very accomodating for people who are illiterate or confused. They'll have their name of the party and the candidate. They'll have the symbol, which might be a rooster, an ear of corn, or it might be a palm tree. They also have a photograph of the candidate. So if you put a cross mark in any one of those three places, then you have voted, and it's counted. We [America] have a very sad and, I would say, embarrassing system of voting. The error rate is enormous. -- former President Carter.


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