Friday, January 18, 2002

I'm finally writing this post. I've been a strong loyalist to The X-Files throughout its tenure. However, I've been struggling with what to say about how bad this season has been. There have been many a time since the start of this season where I have wanted to jump up to my computer to state my disgust, then seemingly finding myself with a lack of interest. Now comes word that the show is ending with this season. And I can only say that I am very happy to hear it, and yet very sad.

I don't mind the new characters at all, although I don't really care about them. Maybe that's the problem with that. But the real problem with this season has been the complete lack of vision, originality, and suspense. I have not been scared or surprised or taken aback by anything they've done. The stories have been incredibly BORING. The lack of originality has been the worst part-- one episode was just a pathetic rip-off of Silence of the Lambs; another was a rip-off of one of their own stories from a few years ago.

I've always been more of a fan of their individual-story-episodes rather than the ongoing "mythology" which seems to go on and on and never go anywhere. So knocking on the "mythology" episodes is easy for me. But I must say that those episodes are so terribly boring this season that I cringe even to have to watch them now.

So you may ask why I'm still watching at all. Well, it's kinda like tradition, mixed with nostalgia, filled with hope for better episodes or a glimmer of the great times that were had. I had this problem in the mid-90's when I actually sat through the miserable last season of Roseanne. That show had always been my favorite at the time, I didn't want to see it go, and I hoped for better. The final season was mind-numbingly bad and it obviously should have ended the season before. The same is true for "The X-files" this season, although it is not as bad as that.

I will miss the show. But I think more and more it obviously should have ended with last season. If they weren't going to put in the effort to create original, exciting, and suspenseful episode this season then they shouldn't have continued it. They simply let it sag along. And that's the saddest part of it.


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