Friday, February 08, 2002

Ok, here's my big secret. Or at least one of them.

I recently realized that I don't have that many close friends here in SF. I've only lived here for 2 1/2 years so it's not surprising, but it's also not as good as it could be. In my first year here I obviously got very close with Jessie, but once he accumulated a boyfriend a year ago and became less and less available, I have noticed how few people I'm close to here. Things have begun to pick up over the last few months and I've gotten closer to a couple of people, but it's still not enough to make me feel connected.

So with this in mind, I'm off to a party tonight. Let me be clear: I HATE PARTIES, especially ones of the 200+ nature. But it's a political party supporting my favorite candidate, so it's a good cause. But most importantly, I'm pushing myself to go because I want to meet more people in this big ol' city. I need to meet more people. Plus there will obviously be a lot of young gay guys there, so that's a definite plus too in the meeting of men department. But I mostly just want to meet more people to develop more friendships down the road.

If only I didn't hate meeting people, mingling, socializing, schmoozing, partying, pretending, being happy, and so forth all the time. Ugh, it'd be so much easier just to go home and watch the Simpsons.


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