Friday, April 12, 2002

It's not often you end up lobbying without trying. I'm heading to work this morning on BART and, by complete coincidence, end up sitting right next to Tom Radulovich-- one of the Board of Directors of BART. I've known Tom for a while now and we exchange pleasantries and chat about life. However, this is also the same morning that there's the headline story about how BART may be increasing fees in the future. And so we talk about the article and then I told him about how much it's costing me everyday to get back and forth from work. And it is too much. I'm usually very understanding when it comes to fees and paying for public services, but I really do think BART is too expensive for a mass-transit system which should be encouraging people to get out of their cars. Anyway, so I told him about how I hate paying the fees already in existence and how higher fees would be a terrible, terrible idea. And then we went back to chit-chatting about life. Funny how life happens sometimes.


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