Friday, January 24, 2003


Over the last week there has obviously been an inordinant amount of articles, editorial, and press coverage of the Choice issue since it was the 30th anniversay of Roe v. Wade. It's been hard to keep up on here with all the links, but I'll combine a few of them here for your reading pleasure:

After three decades of abortion wars, some people may have forgotten -- or never known -- why doctors, ministers, rabbis, abortion reformers and women activists waged such an uphill battle to make abortion legal. Every year, 1 million women had illegal abortions and 5,000 women died as a result of botched abortions.

The predicament of the San Francisco doctors crystallized how untenable the situation was with respect to abortion. If physicians acted in accord with their best medical and ethical judgment, they could suffer dire consequences.

The most appropriate commemoration of Roe vs. Wade's 30th anniversary should be a renewed commitment to preserving freedom of choice. If the right to choose is to endure for future generations, pro-choice Americans must stand up and make their voices heard.
-- Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland)


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