Pride. Pride. Pride.
I'm so bored with Pride.
Forgive me for sounding politically incorrect, and I don't mean "pride" as in the state of mind, I mean Pride-- the parades, festivals, and same-ole same-ole that happens every June.
I realized yesterday that this was my 13th year of Prides (since I came out in 1990 and went to my very first one). It was so exciting and fun and astounding and amazing back then. Now, once you've seen circuit boys, leather guys, naked lesbians riding motorcycles, drag queens, and the rest over and over again it all kind of blends in together and doesn't excite or amuse or freak you out anymore. It's just the same. Forgive me.
I know the importance of Pride. I really do. But I think it meant so much more back in the days when they were new and daring and represented a feeling of revolution. I also think they meant more when they weren't so popular. I think this is still the case for smaller cities or towns where it is still radical to be openly Gay. I think this is still the case for the young and/or those just coming out. And I think this is still the case for much of the straight community. But, especially in San Francisco, where everyday is open Gay life and where nothing really shocks one anymore, Pride is much more about all the tourists and straight suburban people and marching with openly Gay or supportive straight elected officials who now cater to us. It doesn't have that same feeling of revolution or purpose or excitement anymore, especially now that it's becoming mainstream. At least for me. Again, forgive me.
I want to be excited by Pride again. But each year I go, hoping for fun and excitement, and instead I end up yawning and getting annoyed with the massive crowd, and wondering where the political statements have gone (beyond the statement of just our presence). It's one large party with lots of beer and corporate sponsors and lots of beer and pandering by elected officials and corporate sponsors and lots and lots of beer. I don't even drink and I don't even go out to bars anymore because they bore me now too. So why would I care about being outside at a giant party that's similar to the bar/club scene? I need something new and exciting to happen for me to enjoy Pride again. Or maybe I'm beyond Pride, post-Pride if you will, to where it's for others now and I'm off to figure out the next thing that others won't get or care about until later when I'm passed it too.
Forgive me.
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