Sunday, July 06, 2003

Let's talk movies:

Last night the local PBS station had a double feature of Alfred Hitchcock movies that I just happened to flip into at the beginning of it. How fortuitous! They played Spellbound and Notorious both starring the wonderful Ingrid Bergman during what must have been her heyday in Hollywood. Anyway, both films were amazing. I'd seen them years ago as a kid and remembered bits and pieces, but watching them last night, for the first time again, was so engrossing.

More contemporarily, I've been seeing quite a few Hollywood movies of today at the theater and here's a few thoughts:
1) Charlie's Angeles 2 rocks! But mostly because it is so far-fetched and terrible and campy that it becomes wonderful. I especially liked Johnnyagogo's thoughts on the matter. So true.
2) As much as I wanted to like The Hulk I found myself bored to tears.
3) While everyone kept telling me I should see Finding Nemo, especially since I love kid's movies, I only found it ok. If it hadn't have been for the hysterical Ellen Degeneres I would have probably been bored there too.
4) But the movie that blows them all away and that everyone should try and seek out in their local independent theaters is the amazing Spellbound, not to be confused with the aforementioned Hitchcock movie of the same name. This current 'Spellbound' is a documentary on the national spelling bee and I found it so engaging and lively and scary and hopeful and brilliant. It had more tension in it than any Hollywood blockbuster ever could. So find it and check it out. Now.


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