Saturday, July 05, 2003

So my friends Ellen and Jon invited me to watch a performance of the San Francisco Mime Troupe in Dolores Park yesterday. My first mistake was assuming that the mime troupe were "mimes" in the sense that no words would be spoken. When they began talking to the audience, I turned to Ellen and said "they're talking?" and she said "yeah, they're not mimes." Oh. How odd. After reading their webpage's "about us" section I understand a little more, but how confusing.

However, my biggest mistake yesterday was my dress. For some reason I firmly believed that it was going to be cold in the park. Why, I have no idea now. It was the 4th of July. It was the middle of the day. There was no shade. So my wearing of heavy jeans and warmer clothes not only made no sense, but made me incredibly uncomfortable for the 4 hours we were sitting there. I almost left several times because I was so uncomfortable, not even counting the fact that sitting on the grass eventually becomes unbearable after an hour or so. Who knew grass could turn so hard?

I'm glad I went. I just wish I had been more properly prepared, dressed, and comfortable. Now I know.


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