As you probably can figure, I'm not happy with the results of the gubernatorial recall, but, honestly, nobody likes or liked Davis. I certainly never did-- except for when he was first elected in 1998 and everyone thought he was going to be this great liberal Democratic hope-- and-- except for the last two months during the recall campaign when he finally changed tune and became that great liberal Democratic hope. Too late. He turned off the electorate, including his base, from early on by being self-involved and money-hungry and arrogant. Everyone hated him. I didn't even push my friends that hard to vote for him in 2002, even with a right-wing Republican against him, because I hated him so much too.
The only reason I, and many other Democrats, including liberal Democrats, rallied against the recall within the last two months was not to save Davis himself, but to save the system. It was democracy being bought and sold and used for entertainment to the masses. And it was grossly unfair and, as I've said before, part of an ongoing effort by Republicans to change the rules midgame and win elections that they can't--Clinton's impeachment, Florida 2000, redistricting efforts, and now California. It was never a love for Davis that motivated me or many others; it was a love for democracy. But, in this American obsession with personality and soundbytes over substance and policy, the person often matters more than the policies and groups behind them. So, even though I believe California is more Democratic on policies and issues, our leader of the party in the state was a man everyone hated. And that's not something that is easy to get beyond with the electorate.
Additionally, again, even though I'm not happy with the recall's results, I can't help but be thrilled with the numbers in turnout at the polls. People, everyday people, many who had never voted before, many who hadn't voted in years, people came out and made a choice and used their voice. And that is something I am thrilled about. As usual, I worked the election as a pollworker, and we were busier than I have ever seen. It was a constant pace of people. And there were new voters and there were people who hadn't voted in years. And that was wonderful, regardless of their decisions. People were involved and cared and it made me so happy yesterday that we were really getting a voice of the public, even if it wasn't the message I necessarily wanted to hear. The people were making their voice heard. And that's a good thing. I was elated about that last night and will continue to be, even as I struggle to get used to the idea of a Gov. S..., well you know.
Next, YES! We did this. We didn't have the money. We didn't have the time to put together a real campaign. We didn't have anything in place. And we weren't ready. But, when push came to shove, and this Proposition, Proposition 54, was suddenly hoisted upon us at the last minute, we spread the word, got out the message, campaigned like crazy, and we WON. Proposition 54 has been soundly defeated. Celebrate that! We did it!
And, finally, it's time to move on to the next struggle. Because we can, and always have to, pick ourselves back up, dust ourselves off, celebrate the victories we do get, and work towards the next struggle. Because there's always another struggle in our ongoing fight for freedom and liberty and democracy and the pursuit of happiness. To use the words of Thomas Jefferson, it takes "constant vigilance." But constant vigilance doesn't mean to tear us or wear us down. It means, recognizing that this is an ongoing process that eventually will bear fruits. So, breathe, relax, gird yourself to the realities, celebrate your victories, and move on. . . Because there are always a beautiful blue sky and sunny flowers and happy people to surround yourself with. Enjoy life and enjoy the love that surrounds and warm yourself to the fact that you have made a difference in your democracy and in making your life enjoyable and free.
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