one of the problems i had, as well as many democrats throughout california, in supporting propositions 57 and 58 during the election was the fact that the media played them up as arnold's propositions and they would make him or break him. no democrat throughout the state, or other arnold haters, wanted to support them, and just a few months ago that was why they were losing badly. then, we democrats, got together and one-by-one joined in supporting the propositions because (The measures were placed on the ballot by Democrats, who dominate the Legislature; the state Democratic Party, environmentalists and unions endorsed them) and our Democratic leaders, like Feinstein and Burton and Leno started telling us that they were in actuality Democratic language and that it was the right thing to do for California and we listened and we put aside our anger over the recall and having a governor named arnold and we said ok, fine, and voted for them.
but then the media does exactly what we democrats knew they would do and had headlines the next day saying 'big win for arnold' and 'arnold wins again' and other crap that made it look like we were supporting him. wrong, wrong, wrong. we were trying to work together and put aside differences on this one issue. here's a quote from Democratic Senate Leader John Burton that didn't make the headlines: It was a collaborative effort, and it wasn't the governor alone," Burton said. "If the Democrats opposed this thing, it would have gone in the (toilet).
and we find ourselves again angered by the media in this country..... what else is new?
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