Wednesday, February 09, 2005

when grandmas take on congress.

below is a letter my grandma is sending congress to let them know what's what:

"I am a 78yo grandmother and great grandmother and I am very upset at what President Bush is doing to our country. He is supposed to be a Christian; I have my doubts but that is between God and him. What he wants to do with tax cuts is terrible. It seems to me that when they cut taxes the only thing they do is take good programs away from poor, young, and old people.

"They stopped the Head Start program which I know was very good for my great granddaughter. I’m so glad she was able to be in it. Now the little nieces I have can’t get it. Also, my mother got very good care in Truman East Nursing Home. Now I hear about cuts in health and other cuts, so Bush can cut taxes. No one likes paying for taxes, but when you can see the good that taxes are doing it makes it easier to pay.

"I am old enough to remember before Social Security. My great grandmother had no money of her own. My grandmother had her live with them and once in a while one of her sons would stop by and give her five or ten dollars to make ends meet. Everyone was poor. Whatever your politics are, Social Security was one of the best government programs ever. If only they had made it so no one could use its surplus for other things. I think Congress should force all who have taken from its surplus over the years, or will take from it in the future, and pay back what they took back, with interest. Privatizing a wonderful government program like Social Security is a terrible idea.

"Please use your vote to stop President Bush and others on these types of plans that are hurting so many."-- Independence, Missouri

props to grandma for taking action and doing something. she's also obviously been thinking large and showing some emotion, as i mentioned in my column in my newly released newsletter


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