Wednesday, July 20, 2005

all the best news and commentary these days is coming from the regular people in the letters to the editor section:

Editor -- Your front-page headline, "Bush alters standard for firing in leak case" (July 19), says it all about this corrupt administration. It shows President Bush's total complicity in this entire affair and his absolute willingness to do anything to cover his nether parts for starting an illegal war.

Because that's what this coverup is all about -- Bush lied to get us into his illegal war. He is even willing to cover up for the possible crime his closest political adviser, Karl Rove, committed by exposing covert CIA agent Valerie Plame to the press.

Why is the president not being impeached? What is it about the American people and the American press that allows this egregious behavior to continue without any accountability by the perpetrators?

GAIL HENIGMAN, San Francisco


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