Thursday, October 27, 2005

man, i just can't believe how much i've gotten done today. today has got to be one of the most productive days i've ever had in my life.

all week i've been laying around the apartment feeling terrible. and then last night i had just had it. had it with laying around. i told myself i was going to get up and go to work today regardless of how i felt. because i was just so incredibly bored laying around at home. and restless. well, today, once i got started, it was slow at first, but eventually by mid-day i had already begun getting more and more done and then i was energetically moving from one work-item to another-- work, volunteer, chores at home, cleaning, everything. it was like i was on fire with productivity.

it's 11:15pm and i'm still reeling with energy and wanting to get more things done. it's unstoppable. and frankly, i've got to slow down because i got to get some sleep. i need to keep resting. but i must say, it's such a rush feeling this productive and useful after a week of wastefully laying around doing nothing and feeling terrible all the time.


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