my poor kitty... she had a very difficult day at the vet today. they spent about half an hour trying to draw blood. she was being agreeable, but her veins were not. don't know how many times they tried, but i'm sure it wasn't pleasant for her.
and then, apparently she has a bad tooth. they showed it to me and it was obviously all red and bloody and didn't look good at all. so they say they have to pull it. :-(
so, next tuesday morning, after fasting for a night with no food and no water, i have to bring her in. they'll anesthetize her, pull it, and do a full dental cleaning while they're at it. i'm to pick her up that afternoon and she'll be all groggy and in pain. and then for 5-7 days she has to eat soft food. poor kitty
it sorta makes sense though. she only nibbles at her food anymore, never seems to want to eat it fully. i thought she was just nibbly, but perhaps it was all due to her having pain while she chewed. poor Amaya
poor me too. after this is all done i'll probably have spent about $600 bucks. egad.
AWE... poor wittle kitty! :( And yes... poor YOU too! Oy vey!
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