Think about it. Seriously think about it. I am sitting in class and the professor is telling us all to think about it. Seriously think about it. Think about the situation that he has put forward and deliberate on its merits and its causes and concerns and come up with a scenario that will answer the question, fix the problem, and save the world, because, yes, of course, that is what we do in college is save the world for the world is always in need of saving and need of help and we are the students who are to come up with the answers and the ideas that will change the world and make things different and better and fix everything because even though we are learning and we are thinking and we are being taught to think in the right way and the most educated way we are still the ones who will have all the answers and fix all the problems and save the world this time because it really needs to be saved this time because we have never had a situation as bad as the one we are in right now and there are so many problems and yeah people had difficult times in the past but now the world is falling apart and we can fix everything if we can change the present by knowing the answers by coming up with the solutions and by thinking, thinking of the right things at the right times to make everything better because it needs to be better, way better, than it is now because we are going to make it better by having the right thought to answer all the questions and everything will be alright.
So I think and I thought and I concentrate, I do concentrate. But I do not have the answer. I do not have the answers today. I keep thinking about the wrong things. My mind is somewhere else. My thoughts are elsewhere in some other time and place and I cannot think of the proper and correct answers to the questions that are before us in this classroom where we are supposed to know the answers and the answers are to be forthcoming because we can change and save the world if we can think, if we can think.
But I cannot think today. I am trying to think. I want to think. But it is all so much to think today because the world needs saving today, and I have to save the world today, and the thought of trying to save the world and come up with the answers and figure out everything that needs to be figured out is so much to think about and so even though he has asked us in the classroom a simple easy question and we should have a simple easy answer I cannot think of anything but the overwhelming responsibility of saving the world that needs me to save it because the world is going to go to hell in a handbasket if I do not come up with the right solution to the problems in the world. And no, I am just a human, a simple human, I am no more different than you or you or you or anyone and yet here I am in the midst of class and a simple question is before us all and I cannot think because thinking of the answer inevitably involves thinking of all of the answers to all the of the question to save the world and fix the problems and worry about my family and worry about my friends and think about my life and their lives and the love in the world that will not be around anymore if I cannot think of the answer that needs to be found. But I am just a simple human and I cannot think of all the answers and all the problems needing to be fixed because my mind will explode trying to think of all of them and think of all the answers when I don’t know which one to start with when they are all so many in front of us and all so many in need of answers and how do I know that if I start with one that I should not think of the answer to another because the other one is more important than the one that I am currently thinking about right now even though it may not seem to be as important, but it really is, in the grander scheme of things and conversely what if the question before me is the one that I really do need to answer which will lead to the answers to the questions that need to be answered and it will all flow in due time but, but, but, the answer before me alludes me and escapes my mind and will not allow itself to be found no matter how much I may think and concentrate and no matter how much thought I give the matter.
And then, and then, if I do answer the question before me but in the time that it is before me and in the time in which I thought of the answers and the thoughts I have wasted the necessary time before me to answer the larger question that I had forgotten to consider and neglected to think and therefore the world will not be saved today, will not be saved at all, because I did not think of the answer to the question that needed answered even though I had not thought of it but that’s the point is that I had not thought of it and I should have, I should have, I really really should have thought of it because if I am to be a good person and be fully constructed and live up to my full potential and remember that I am given only one chance in the world and in this world that needs saving I need to save it and my one chance was lost because I thought of the wrong question and therefore came up with the wrong answer and therefore wasted my time and wasted the world’s time and frankly wasted the world because I should have spent my time thinking about the world and thinking of the question and coming up with the answer that would inevitably save the world and help us all in this great time of need and all would be well with the world because I would have done what I needed to do but I am too selfish and stupid and lame and messed up and overwhelmed to really know what the right thing to do when I really should have know, I simply should have known, it’s very simple I should have known what the right thing was and I did not know and I did not consider and I did not think and I left it all a mess when I should have thought of the right things and done the right things and saved the world and saved the world because somehow even though I am simply a simple human being I can save the world if I simply supply it with the right answer to the right question if I can simply come up with these right things but I am always overthinking and wasting time when I should be doing these things but I cannot I cannot I cannot because I have not the will to save the world because I am not good enough to save the world and I want to lie down, lie prone, lie still and breathe and try to breathe, but I know that if I waste time doing any of these things I will be wasting more time and wasting more energy and wasting more effort and simply wasting more of my life when I should be fulfilling everything I need to do and fulfilling all the goals that I should be striving to fulfill and fix all the problems of the world so that I can fix the world and save the world and everything, then, everything will be alright. Everything will be alright.
But here we are, I am back, in the class, with my professor, and he asks us to think, he asks us to come up with a scenario to answer his question and solve the riddle and it is all I can do to breathe and think about all the things that I have to do, that I should be doing, that I need to think about, that I want to answer, and he asks each of us one more time, what is the answer to two plus two equals…
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