Tuesday, July 24, 2001

Ok, so I'm only gonna say this once so listen up.

I'm ready.

I'm ready to date again-- date seriously I mean. It's been four years now since my last boyfriend (bf, as we like to say in the trade) and I'm ready to try again. After such a horrible relationship and an even-worse breakup, my interest in dating any man for more than 15 seconds has been nil. But after four years of healing, thinking, progressing, traveling around, changing locations and jobs, playing around, and playing the field, I've decided I'm ready. This decision has not been a quick and easy decision to make; a lot of time and thinking has gone into it. However, I'm ready. And now I can go on singing my favorite Tevin Campbell song "I'm Ready" for the next few weeks. Anyone wanna sing with me? Anyone ready as well?


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