The beginning of the end for civil rights and anti-discrimination cases:
It's outrageous that lawmakers are seriously considering a job training bill that would permit publicly funded religious discrimination in hiring. Bias has no place in any government-funded program.
Ignoring calls to respect civil liberties, the U.S. House of Representatives today passed a major job-training bill with a provision that would permit employment discrimination based on religious beliefs in federally funded programs.
This takes us down a very dangerous road -- a road of religious bigotry and intolerance ... using federal tax dollars.
The president in fact has put the power of the federal government and our tax dollars behind discrimination.
This, my friends, is how they will come after us in the future. It's the end of civil rights protections. Soon it won't just be about the hiring of Christians-only, but it will be about race issues, sex (male/female) issues, sexual orientation issues, and the like. No matter how hard the Gay movement fights for adding sexual orientation into civil rights legislation, the end of civil rights itself may end up destroying all that work and all of us, all minority groups, will suffer this wrath of the religious right. Because you see, once the idea of religious discrimination supercedes civil rights (i.e. my religion doesn't allow me to hire you, sell you a home, offer you a loan, because your group is not holy) then there's no stopping that from winning everytime. Unless we do something to stop this. Now.
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