Tuesday, August 26, 2003


With all the stupidity going on down in Alabama regarding the issue of a having a large stone tablet of the religious Ten Commandments in the state government's judicial courthouse, one may wonder what is the big deal. Many of my readers most likely will already see it as an intrusion of the separation of church and state, but for argument sake, let's say you're wondering about it. Well, here's the best answer to that question: Just which commandments are the 10 Commandments? and the answer to that question depends on your religious beliefs and backgrounds. And that, my friends, is the reason why we have separation of church and state in the first place, because we don't want to cause religious wars among our peoples over religious texts in the state sphere. To single out one version is to make that version and that version's religion higher and more appropriate than other religions and therefore putting the state in the place of choosing sides. Additionally, for those religions that don't have a 10 Commandments or don't believe they are sacred, the whole concept smacks of religious intolerance. Hence, the need for the big tablet to come out of the state hall in Alabama, the need for them not to be displayed in public state buildings, and the need for stronger separation of church and state in the country.


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