Wednesday, October 08, 2003

(Holding the ballot before the voter) There are 4 questions on the ballot. The first one is here. (pointing to the up-left corner) The second one is on both the front... (doing my Vanna White impression and waving to both sides of the ballot card) ...and the back. The third and fourth questions are on the back, down here (pointing to the lower right corner). You mark your ballot by connected the arrow next to your choice like this (marking how a connection is made with my pen on an arrow on my table). There's a marker in the booth. When you're done, bring the materials back up here and it goes in the machine. Please let us know if you have any questions.

And with that I moved on to the next voter. Such was my constant mantra yesterday with the tons of voters who came up to our precinct. I had the job, most of the day, of handing out the ballots. Of all the jobs for the four of us workers, I most wanted to do that one as I had my own specific agenda. I wanted to make gawddammnnedsure that everyone noticed the two propositions on the back of the ballot. We were instructed to make sure people noticed both sides and all four questions, but I wanted to be the one who was making sure it was definitely said-- I can just imagine some precincts just handing over the ballots without even saying anything about what was on there. And, when I was on break or doing other things, I noticed my coworkers picked up my same mantra, as they said it was a good explanation of the card.

There was no way my voters were going to leave without knowing that Propositions 54 and 53 were on the back of the card. My little agenda for the day.


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