let me say a few things about iowa:
i like john kerry
last year i was a closet supporter of his for most of the year, although i truly struggled among several including dean
i left kerry's campaign because his campaign was crap, he wasn't saying anything, he had nothing going for him, he was bland, and most importantly he didn't seem to know how to fight against bush
dean was saying everything that needed to be said and that i wanted to hear and more
i like dean
i still like dean
i also like many of the dems in the race
i'll support lieberman over bush, and i hate lieberman
i'm still planning on voting for dean, today
but, i've always liked kerry better on policy than dean
and we'll see what happens over the next few weeks
no matter what, i want a dem who WILL beat bush this november
and that dem better have a strong message and not be afraid to fight
no more wimping around from the dems
maybe the other democrats have learned a thing or two from dean's strong, 'take-no-prisoners' fighting stances
and that's good for the party and our ultimate fight against bush and the republicans throughout the country
thoughts for now, more to come....
and back to reasons why we need the democrat to win and get rid of bush: Bush to Address Same-Sex Marriage in his State of the Union speech. Ugh.
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