Tuesday, November 09, 2004

well, it's been a week and i've been doing great because i haven't been reading the news at all. ignorance is rather blissful right now with the beginning of four new years of hell. regardless, i don't want to negate all the great work that people did around the country to try to oust that man and create a positive world again. and i definitely don't want to discount the great work done here in missouri at my little suburban democratic headquarters on old independence square, across the street from the statue of president truman. great work was done by so many wonderful and caring volunteers who gave their time and hearts and life to a joint cause. i'll have much more to say about this soon, but in the meantime i'll leave you with some pictures below of our office and the great people involved:

and these were from throughout election day itself, beginning with a very energetic morning crew at 5:30am:
many of these people worked all day on election day nonstop, and many also worked consistently day after day, hour after hour, at this little office, or out and about, for days, weeks, months, and years for our common goal for a better country. and did i mention everyone was volunteering! great people. great time. great work.


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