Sunday, May 11, 2003

This is my Mother. Back in late March, after reading my regular posts about being depressed and sad and wishing for better, my Mother sent me a card with a poem that read:

I believe in you--
in the things that are important to you and the way you have chosen to live your life...

I believe that you can accomplish anything you set out to do, that you have many talents and the wisdom to use them well....

I believe that you have what it takes to overcome obstacles and to grow from every experience life brings your way...

I believe that you will always be faithful to friends and family and to the values that have shaped your philosophy...

I believe in your courage, compassion, and strength of character. I believe in your goodness....

I believe in you.

Then my Mother wrote: "The next time you feel sad or depressed just pull out this card and remember how special you are to me and all your family and friends. Love, Mama"

That's my Mother. And this is one of the reasons I love her and value her more than my own words can say. Happy Mother's Day.


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