Tuesday, September 16, 2008

temple day 2 in siem reap. so wondrous and magical. although today i was quite reminded i am in the middle of the jungle and there are all kinds of life around. as you can see from the trees and plant life overtaking the temple walls, you can also see the animal wildlife too. bulls, horses, lonely dogs, chickens, ducks, and oh, the insects, many many insects. they are so cool! first, there are a ton of termite mounds all around.

and if you get up close you can see the termites themselves. but the mounds are so impressive. then today i saw a millipede and lots and lots of geckos are everywhere and ants and spiders. and at one point two colleagues of mine and i were walking (a bit off the beaten path) and walked through a massive spider web and i ended up with the spider on my back. egad! i kept saying, there's something on my back, there's something on my back! and then it got flipped off and we saw it on the ground. there's a picture below. i put my book next to it so you could see its size.

and the locals here are saying that it's not even that big. but, um, i'm from far away and it's huge to me. anyway, what are you gonna do, you're in the jungle. and i'm having a wonderful time. not that i want insects crawling on me, but i like to look! and the temples are amazing of course. more pics coming.


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