ok, posting seems to be working again right now, so i'm going to try to post a number of photos from yesterday's adventure to Ta Prohm, which is probably one of the most interesting because it's literally been taken over by the jungle with trees and flora everywhere over the ruins. look at how the roots of the trees stretch out over the bricks everywhere. look at the green, green moss on the bricks as they lay about in ruin. it's so cool!
some of the roots of the trees are so large that they've since built bridges over them for people
here are a few more pics from Angkor Thom with my favorite location, Bayon, which i went to a second time yesterday as a final farewell to siem reap. Bayon is amazing and i just kept staring into the faces over and over. the second time was actually more interesting because it was pouring down rain and no one was around (less tourists in the rain) and the whole place had a quiet ethereal feel as i was up there mostly alone, in my raincoat, soaking it all in. less picture taking this second time because of the rain (and these photos below are from my first visit) since the lighting was not so good for picture taking and i had already taken so many. but Bayon is by far my favorite, with Ta Prohm and the trees above a close second:
and not to be missed, but more bugs and such!
i also saw monkeys on the side of the road, but i never got a picture as i was passing by very quickly in the tuktuk. more pics to come soon, promise!
Cool photos, that temple with huge tree growing on it was in the first Tomb Raider movie. 8)
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