Saturday, June 30, 2007

Always on the phone...

Always on the phone..., originally uploaded by Reeses World.


Rainbows in sonoma

Rainbows in sonoma, originally uploaded by Reeses World.



Sonoma, originally uploaded by Reeses World.


My citycarshare and I heading up to sonoma


Friday, June 29, 2007

Pride 2007! Mark Leno contingent

i came up with the t-shirt design, as per the front and back looks below:

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Brian and the leftovers...

Brian and the leftovers..., originally uploaded by Reeses World.


Olive garden

Olive garden, originally uploaded by Reeses World.


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

from the latest newsletter of the san francisco aids foundation

My own girlie man

My own girlie man, originally uploaded by Reeses World.


Monday, June 25, 2007

from the PFLAG contingent in yesterday's parade:
Shirley Olivo said her son came out as gay when he was 23. He is now 37. "When he told me, we cried, we hugged. I didn't know what to do. But I told him I didn't want to see him on any floats in San Francisco. Now here I am."

Sunday, June 24, 2007

great day for pride, and great turnout for Team Leno with 100+ people in our fashionable blue shirts. more pictures to come. i was actually way too busy to take any flickr photos

Line dancing for pride

Line dancing for pride, originally uploaded by Reeses World.


Saturday, June 23, 2007

Lime pride

Lime pride, originally uploaded by Reeses World.


my little club which i serve on the board and as newsletter editor is having a big week here in san francisco. the alice b. toklas lgbt democratic club is hosting its annual pride breakfast tomorrow morning as it does every year with local elected officials. last year we had a first in hosting a gubernatorial candidate at our breakfast. this year, we have a major national first as Elizabeth Edwards, wife of presidential candidate John Edwards, joins us for breakfast. there's a good article here about the significance of this. for most years in the past, even our friendly presidential candidates distanced themselves from actual gay pride events, but the times-they-are-a-changin' and shows that we are becoming more accepted and sought after. and shows a great deal of courage and strength from the Edwards campaign.

as an aside, i'm actually going to miss it. as i am in charge of putting together my boss's pride parade contingent and want to make sure everything goes smoothly, i'm going to be preparing that all morning and won't have time to stop by the breakfast as i usually do. but, it's ok, i'm excited for the club, and our community, as a whole.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

How many Reeses?

How many Reeses?, originally uploaded by Reeses World.



Pride, originally uploaded by Reeses World.


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

City Hall displaying pieces of the aids memorial quilt and the pride flag


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Dog park

Dog park, originally uploaded by Reeses World.


What's in your office?

What's in your office?, originally uploaded by Reeses World.

really freaky bear attack in a national park in utah. fyi

Monday, June 18, 2007

documentary fever:

had a terrific time last week. got tickets to see the new documentary film by michael moore, sicko, at a special screening with the mayor, his staff, other local politicos, and michael moore himself. and then afterwards mr. moore did a q&a with the audience. it was fun and incredibly informative. jessie and justin came along and we had a really great time.

then last night i finally got around to rewatching the times of harvey milk. now i had seen this movie before, but actually seen it before i moved here to san francisco years ago. so while watching it back then was interesting from a gay perspective, it was all the more interesting now from a san francisco perspective. i knew many of the people in the movie from a personal frame now, understood the issues a lot more involved in city politics, and felt a stronger connection to the people involved. additionally, everybody i know now looked so young then! of course.

anyway, been a really useful week of documentary productions. i hope 'sicko' goes on to be as important and wide-spread as al gore's environmental movie, inconvenient truth, did, because it clearly shows the terrible state of affairs we have in this country with utilizing health 'insurance' rather than 'health care'

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Mekong thai on o'farrel

Mekong thai on o'farrel, originally uploaded by Reeses World.

Beautiful setting


Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Ananda, originally uploaded by Reeses World.


Sunday, June 10, 2007

Roxie in waiting

Roxie in waiting, originally uploaded by Reeses World.


Waiting for amoeba to open!

Waiting for amoeba to open!, originally uploaded by Reeses World.


No clement

No clement, originally uploaded by Reeses World.


Don't arguello with me

Don't arguello with me, originally uploaded by Reeses World.


Saturday, June 09, 2007

Don't be haight'n

Don't be haight'n, originally uploaded by Reeses World.


Sunday, June 03, 2007

new newsletter's up

My kitty's looking cute

My kitty's looking cute, originally uploaded by Reeses World.


My kitty's looking cute

My kitty's looking cute, originally uploaded by Reeses World.


Kitty's curled up

Kitty's curled up, originally uploaded by Reeses World.


Kitty's curled up

Kitty's curled up, originally uploaded by Reeses World.


Me in jessie's jacket

Me in jessie's jacket, originally uploaded by Reeses World.

Next up, underwear... ha, just kidding. Or am I?


Friday, June 01, 2007

New suit

New suit, originally uploaded by Reeses World.


New suit

New suit, originally uploaded by Reeses World.
