Friday, November 30, 2001

"[Tom Cruise] is not, and never has been, homosexual and has never had a homosexual affair." Ok, whatever. Wouldn't want anyone to think otherwise I gather. No one would obviously think that. Never would cross anyone's mind. Never.

Oh, no.... not to Spike & Mike!

What is wrong with my people? Why can't we get it together? I mean, why aren't my people listening anymore to basic health advice? Ugh, frustration....

A leading AIDS expert in San Francisco said in an interview this week that he is so frustrated by the careless attitude gay and bisexual men have about safe sex that "maybe we should just stop" prevention efforts.

This is exactly what our own country's fundamentalist Christians don't understand and why we must cherish and continue to fight for and strengthen the separation of church and state:

All faiths that come out of the biblical tradition -- Judaism, Christianity and Islam -- have the tendency to believe that they have the exclusive truth. When the Taliban wiped out the Buddhist statues, that's what they were saying. But others have said it too. The opposite of religious totalitarianism is an ideology of pluralism -- an ideology that embraces religious diversity and the idea that my faith can be nurtured without claiming exclusive truth. America is the Mecca of that ideology, and that is what bin Laden hates and that is why America had to be destroyed.

Government is prepared to spend millions to beef up security at post offices and yet people have more reason to worry about a stranger's sniffles than they do about their mail.

Thursday, November 29, 2001

Ever since September 11th my office (being a state government building) has increased its security, including having round-the-clock daily presence by a uniformed California Highway Patrol Officer. May I just say what a wonderful asset it is having these CHP's guard our building. They are all so big and hunky (exactly my type) and beautiful! Is there some type of requirement for good looks in the CHP and why haven't I heard of this before? Anyone want to join me in a deeper investigation into the Highway Patrol?

Four years ago at this time I was clinically diagnosed with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) as I've mentioned before. At that time I began taking medication (Prozac, which was originally for OCD patients before becoming so widely used for depression) to help me deal with the disease. The medication was terrific and really helped me through.

Over the last four years I've gone from small doses to really large doses and back down to smaller doses in the last two years or so. My doctor has pretty much allowed me to determine my need, and as I have wanted to begin the process of ending the medication over the last year I have slowly lowered my dosage. Last week, I lowered it to zero.

I'm ready to live life again without the medication. My progress over the years has been great. I also now know what life can be like without all of the insanity of living in constant fear and obsession-- so I have that strength and knowledge to guide me through. It's not a perfect world and I'm not a perfect person, but I'm gonna keep pushing ahead.

The terror of Ashcroft continues. "What we have here is a classic example of crisis leading to leviathan."

It's the People's White House.

Wednesday, November 28, 2001

i'm tired of trying

Let's hope it goes.

More troubles for Pee Wee...

Laugh riot. It's funny because it's true.

When religion and politics mix it creates incredibly stupid public policy. And people wonder why we must continue to fight for the separation of church and state.

"deeply troubled"... to say the least.

Tuesday, November 27, 2001

Who wants to volunteer? What if I said it was "patriotic"?

OK, let's get this straight: California has just experienced a severe energy crisis. The nation is at war in a part of the world that provides much of our oil supply. We're not winning any friends over there, to boot. And sales of gas-slurping sport utility vehicles are expected to hit a record 3.5 million this year, surpassing sales of passenger cars for the first time ever. Man, what's wrong with that picture?

Monday, November 26, 2001

I know this is wrong and unhealthy, but I just somehow know that my future dog will probably end up looking like this. How can I say "no" to my future dog if it wants a treat or some left-overs or some extra food or......?

Here here! If we expect our children to become adult participants in the political system, we need to build democratic values into their lives as they grow up, not when they grow up...Democracies are much more fragile methods of government than authoritarian systems where people simply do what they are told. Thriving democracies exist only with continuous infusions of ideas, respect of shared values, and understood responsibilities of citizenship. We can't expect our children to continue this tradition without becoming part of it. Making politics a continuing part of the school curriculum will be the first step toward thwarting apathy.

Uh oh, Babycakes, they're ripping on your man.


Sunday, November 25, 2001

I've been away, down in Burbank visiting my siblings and my wonderful 8-year-old niece Mariah. She is so much fun.
Now, to satiate your desire for my return, here's a couple of excerpts from the Simpsons' Daily Calendar:

Lisa: Bart! You cast the wrong spell-- Zombies!
Bart: Please, Lis. They prefer to be called the living-impaired.

Principal Skinner: Attention! All honor students will be rewarded with a trip to an archeological dig! Conversely, all detention students will be punished with a trip to an archeological dig.

And finally, the wisdom of Marge: There's no shame in being a pariah.

Tuesday, November 20, 2001

The Bush Administration is pushing forward with more and more authoritarian powers... what do we expect from an administration that felt it had a God-given right to win last year and pushed that to happen too.

Congress has run out of flags to send out to constituents. Ok.

Sunday, November 18, 2001

I understand and appreciate the difficulties of "coming out" and how everyone has their own individual issues, but Luther Vandross really should just finally do it. I mean, come on, everyone knows already. Here's an excerpt of a Q&A from him and a magazine:

"Q: Should someone make a movie about your life?
A: You know what? Yeah. Especially if I told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Q: What are you hiding?
A: Whatever I choose to hide. And I don't call it hiding. I call it "some things are OK to share and some things are none of your business."
Q: You have such a clean-cut image. I wonder what we don't know.
A: There's a lot that you don't know.
Q: I'll get it out of you when the next album comes out.
A: Oh, please.
Q: I know there's a lot more to Luther Vandross than the diets and music.
A: Absolutely."

I've been warning the world about the evils of this right-wing crazy person for years. At least the hearings at the beginning of the year brought out much of his extremism, but unfortunately Sept. 11th has made it seem less important to the media. He's still crazy and I fear for the future of our civil liberties and freedoms.

An update from that great Woman of the World Leslie from her standpoint of an American Peace Corps volunteer currently stationed in Jordan:

"It has been a a while since I sent a group email so I thought I would up date all of you on what's going on here in Jordan. I can not complain. Life is pretty good, though I have days when I question everything and wonder what life is really about because let me tell you here in Jordan they think in such a different way. There are hardly any women on the street walking around. The young men seem to think that they control everything, well I guess they do. There was an article in the paper the other day about how all the women traffic officers in Amman were pulled off the street to reevaluate their "qualifications". The women were assigned their jobs in Feb. I guess 9 months of women traffic officers was to overwhelming for Jordanian men. I can't really complain about the womens issues because the fact is that I live in Aqaba and feel slightly more lucky than other volunteers because I actually get to walk around after dark. It is crazy here. I guess thats why I like it. Jordan is challenging me in so many ways and I am learning so much everyday.

On a lighter note, my job is going well. I am working on a new project to help create income generating projects for women. My home is settled and today I went to Petra! It was by far one of the most amazing and beautiful places I have ever been. I flip flop everyday on whether we will be evacted or not, today I think we will serve the whole two years. I hope I get to stay, I still have so much more to learn. I hope all of you are doing well."

Saturday, November 17, 2001

YES, it matters

Evil right-wing Bush Administration.

And now a word from crazy right-wingers on Harry Potter, including an additional Twelve Reasons Not to See the Harry Potter Movie.

Friday, November 16, 2001

This latest move, combined with the Justice Department's announced intentions to eavesdrop on attorney conversations with inmates and to begin interviewing foreign visitors to the United States, demonstrates the government's [i.e. Bush and Ashcroft] increasing willingness to circumvent the requirements of the Bill of Rights.

The blot on the red shield endures.

Watch out, they're coming.

Wednesday, November 14, 2001

Gotta love this quote: Agnes Ortiz said her son is not a terrorist. "No way, he's Navajo -- Native American -- from this country. We were here before all you people," she said.

Tuesday, November 13, 2001

Anytime by Brian McKnight: one of the saddest songs ever.

Don't believe the media hype! Regardless of what the media and the Republicans want everyone to believe, Gore won the presidential election last year. The counting of the votes in Florida was never done properly, and furthermore, can never count the great numbers of African-Americans who were turned away from the polls because they were "accidentally" listed as felons in a statewide purge of legitimate voters. Fight for the truth! Fight for democracy! Fight the media hype! Fight the power!

Monday, November 12, 2001

I'm back from Orange County everyone. Sorry I didn't get to write from there, but had no access to computers and was completely swamped with work and then my niece. My work conference went terrifically well and I had a wonderful time with my niece. She and I went to Disneyland on Saturday and it was so much fun. She loves the rollercoasters and, luckily for me, they weren't too crazy or steep or anything (I hate heights) and so we rode them all day long. I must also say that I love Disney-- so multicultural and progressive in its own sugary way. Today I just slept in, finally catching up on some much needed sleep. I've also been reading the paper a lot today so I'm sure I'll have much to say on the news shortly. As I usually do. Thanks for keeping tuned.

Wednesday, November 07, 2001

I'm off to Orange County, California for my organization's biannual conference for the rest of the week. After all that work, I get to take my soon-to-be 8-year-old niece to Disneyland on Saturday for her birthday. It will be so great to get to see her and shower her with a million presents I've collected. She needs more toys, I figure. Of course I always figure that and she ends up being spoiled. Oh well, what's an uncle to do? I must buy her love. I'll try and write in over the week, but more likely won't be back on here until next week. See ya guys later.

How sad: "I was hoping that everyone who had a flag out would come and vote. That didn't happen." But thanks to everyone who took the time.

I really enjoyed tonight's special musical Buffy, however it ended up making me really sad in the long run. Emotions are hard.

Tuesday, November 06, 2001

News of the Bizarre: Egyptians pray for former President Carter's butt. I kid you not.

Today is your chance to be patriotic and defy terrorism: Vote

What the ....?!? It is so imperative that the federal government take over airline security, including making the security personnel federal employees!

Vote Vote Vote Vote Today!

I so hope my new VCR doesn't fail me tonight! Tonight! Tonight! I can't stop singing about tonight! "Buffy" fans should get their VCR cued up for this one, and those unfamiliar with the series or who have simply sat on the sidelines put off by the title or premise ought to take a peek. You might not get all the allusions within, but hey, it's a musical, and it's damn entertaining.

Monday, November 05, 2001

?em ees ti did ro ,thginot efiL gnikaW was I kniht I

Don't forget to VOTE tomorrow!

What is this picture about? Talk about WASPy. What alternative WASPy world are these guys from? And what are they standing in? Is that supposed to be a closet? It looks like a window, but why would they be leaning out of a window? Someone please explain these things to me.

Haven't we heard enough about guns and box-cutters passing undetected through airline security? Apparently not. On Thursday, House Republicans heeded President Bush's call and narrowly defeated legislation that would turn baggage and passenger screeners into federal workers....the president and House Republicans stubbornly cling to an anti- government ideology, even as they call for bipartisan unity.

Ellen DeGeneres joked in her opening monologue..."What would bug the Taliban more than seeing a gay woman in a suit surrounded by Jews?"

Sunday, November 04, 2001

I love old movies. Something about being transported to a completely different era. Went to see the revival of Marlene Dietrich's first big movie, the German movie The Blue Angel. It's similar to the American hit movie of the time, Of Human Bondage starring Bette Davis, in that they're both about people who totally destroy their lives over the love of someone they should never have been in love with from the beginning. Gosh that sounds familiar.......... Movies back then weren't always so worried about having happy endings, and neither of these did. Gosh that sounds familiar. Gosh that sounds familiar. Gosh that sounds familiar........

Just for a moment, let's act as if there's nothing unpatriotic about questioning the policies of a president most Americans didn't want in the White House in the first place.

...women can make all the difference. National standards of living improve -- family income, education, nutrition and life expectancy all rise, and birthrates fall -- as women move toward equality...

Signs you are not in San Francisco #33: You don't belong to a gay gym, but an ex-gay gym.

Just saw that they've moved the Simpsons Halloween Special to this Tuesday night, instead of appropriately having it last week. Don't know why. The worst part is that it is opposite Buffy and I just don't know what I'm going to do. Well, regardless, it's time now for another excerpt from the Simpsons' Daily Calendar:

Reverend Lovejoy: Wait a minute. This sounds like rock and/or roll.

Saturday, November 03, 2001

I haven't mentioned this on here before, but lately I've sorta been seeing someone. He's the sweetest, most wonderful person. He likes me for who I am, listens to my thoughts, is incredibly smart and sexy and just a totally great guy. Totally boyfriend/husband material. But..... for some reason it just hasn't been feeling right and I've been pushing him away. At first I thought I was pushing him away because I was scared, but now I think it just doesn't feel right. I don't know. Last night I broke it off with him and he was very sad. I was very sad. The stakes of love are just too high and too horrible and I'm going back to non-emotional meetings from now on. I'm just a horrible, horrible person for having hurt him and turned him away. I should never have tried to love; it just gets people hurt. I'm going to isolate myself now.

Friday, November 02, 2001

I'm a horrible, horrible, horrible person.

I let it get to me today. I was commuting home via BART and while under the Bay the train stopped..... for a long time. The driver announced that there was something in the "tube" in his way which would not let him get to the other side. We eventually rode the train back to the original side of the Bay. They closed down one of the "tubes" and had both directions' trains utilize one tube, causing massive delays and slow trips through the tunnels. On the second, extremely slow, trip through the tunnel under the Bay (full of freezing cold water and no air) I was pretending to be relaxed, but was anxious and overwhelmed. Finally we made it to the other side and I just left the BART, even though I wasn't at my stop yet. I took a longer bus ride home, but just didn't want to be in there anymore. I know, I panicked, but I was nervous. Stupid, stupid terrorism.

What do you get when you cross a boy-band, hard rock, and rap? Why Linkin Park of course. Yeah!

At night I like to listen to the "Quiet Storm" that usually plays on many African American radio stations in the evening hours to calm and relax you with the "mellow R&B sounds from the 70's, 80's and today." Last night I heard the greatest radio commercial during the program. Mayor Willie Brown was encouraging everyone to be patriotic and fight the terrorism threats by voting on Tuesday. The ad wasn't for any issue or candidate; it was just on the subject of voting. What a great non-partisan and patriotic message sent as a reminder of our most fundamental freedom-- the right to vote and have a say in our civic matters. Yes!

Thursday, November 01, 2001

Anthrax in my hometown? (And this picture so takes me back home to my people)

Stop keeping secrets.

How rude!

No more of the funny ads?