Monday, June 30, 2008

below is another letter my club received (i just got word of it after i posted the one from Obama) and i'm very pleased to add it below too, although i just have the text and not on the letterhead:

Letter from Hillary Rodham Clinton to Alice

Dear Fellow Democrats,

I am delighted to send my greetings to each of you gathered with the Alice B. Toklas Democratic Club of San Francisco. Please know how much I wish I could join you today for your wonderful breakfast.

As I travelled across America during the course of my campaign, I met individuals and families who were accepting and embracing the gay and lesbian men and women in their lives as never before. This country is changing, and it is individuals like you who are making that change possible and helping to ensure that this country fulfills its promises to every American.

I am so grateful for the work that you do every day, as well as for the work you did on my behalf over the course of my campaign. I have been truly touched by the outpouring of friendship and encouragement from the LGBT community, and going forward I will continue to cherish my relationship with you. I see the courage with which you live your lives, the devotion with which you persevere in the name of change, and the necessity that this country recognizes real equality for all, both in our hearts and in our laws.

You have my very best wishes for an enjoyable breakfast. Working together, I know that we still can bring about change and restore the promise of our country.

Sincerely yours,

Hillary Rodham Clinton

a letter from the next president of the united states to my club for pride: (click on it to enlarge)

Sunday, June 29, 2008

a successful pride contingent again this year with my boss with around 150 people marching with us this year:

here i am giving some sort of direction to the front of our group:

and here's the baby!

Pride day

Pride day, originally uploaded by Reeses World.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

The pride festival the day before the parade

Friday, June 27, 2008

on Bush:
Before a recent showing of "West Side Story" at a Berkeley Rep donor appreciation night - attended by spy Steve Finacom - Rita Moreno described being invited to the White House in 2004 to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The ceremony was in the Gold Room, where she had performed during the Clinton administration. "When I came in knowing that that man was going to put a medal on me, it felt sad," said Moreno.

[Bush] approached, and "he said to me, 'Hey, Reets!' " He reminded her they'd seen each other only a few months before. She said she didn't remember, and he said her memory must be bad.

"I know I'm absent-minded," she thought, "but I never forget (donkey apertures, more or less). How could I have forgotten meeting this man?"

Bush pressed her, saying they'd met at the Kennedy Honors, and then she realized, "Oh, the Kennedy Honors! He thinks I'm Chita Rivera." She let it go. "I said to myself, 'Let him live in his dreams.' "

Thursday, June 19, 2008

i have a new bag

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

so very very much going on at city hall and around the state today with all the marriages. the first full day of marriage equality rights in california. my desk overlooks the city hall entrance and it was overflowing all day with regular, every 5 minutes, loud cheers resonating throughout the civic center area (loud enough to be heard by me in the building nearby on a high floor), everytime a newly wed couple walked out of the city hall with a new legal certificate.

it's rather quite overwhelming, all of it, so much of it, such a big big deal. there are a lot of news items, pictures, and even videos here on the chronicle's special webpage for the issue this week. i had a chance to be a deputized marriage commissioner this week to help marry all the many couples coming through the door, but i declined. i was, and still am, rather nervous about the idea of me marrying a couple. i'm afraid that i wouldn't be able to handle all the emotion. best i watch it all unfold from up in my office overlooking it all...

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Isabella in the park!

Isabella in the park!, originally uploaded by Reeses World.

Fort Baker

Isabella in the park!

Isabella in the park!, originally uploaded by Reeses World.

Fort Baker

Isabella in the park!

Isabella in the park!, originally uploaded by Reeses World.

Fort Baker

Isabella in the park!

Isabella in the park!, originally uploaded by Reeses World.

Fort Baker

Isabella in the park!

Isabella in the park!, originally uploaded by Reeses World.

Fort Baker

Isabella in the park!

Isabella in the park!, originally uploaded by Reeses World.

Fort Baker

Isabella in the park!

Isabella in the park!, originally uploaded by Reeses World.

Fort Baker

Isabella in the park!

Isabella in the park!, originally uploaded by Reeses World.

Fort Baker

Fort Baker has arrived

Fort Baker has arrived, originally uploaded by Reeses World.


Horses, originally uploaded by Reeses World.


Ribbon-cutting of new national park at Fort Baker

With Speaker Pelosi and the great Golden Gate Parks people

Ribbon-cutting of new national park at Fort Baker

With Speaker Pelosi and the great Golden Gate Parks people

Ribbon-cutting of new national park at Fort Baker

With Speaker Pelosi and the great Golden Gate Parks people

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Day, originally uploaded by Reeses World.


Monday, June 09, 2008

Alice tabling at the center

Alice tabling at the center, originally uploaded by Reeses World.


Sunday, June 08, 2008

Haight street fair

Haight street fair, originally uploaded by Reeses World.

Guess the election may still be going on in the haight

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Assemblymember Mark Leno walloped his opponents with 43% of the vote for the Democratic nomination to the California State Senate to former Assemblymember Joe Nation’s 29.3% and incumbent Carole Migden’s 27.7%--a much larger than expected margin....

A profile in courage, Leno has been rewarded with the Democratic nomination for the Senate, where he can serve for 8 years. As a Senator he will not fear to take on powerful interests and to fight for the causes that he and this district support.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Election day gotv

Election day gotv, originally uploaded by Reeses World.


Sunday, June 01, 2008

look! it's me with the speaker of the house nancy pelosi and our next state senator mark leno as she endorses him for senate!