Thursday, November 30, 2000

Victor is right. This Backstreet Boy parody is hilarious.

My dear sweet friend Esther wrote her way cute friend Ericson and asked him to check out my site. Next thing I know I've received an incredibly nice email saying how he loved my site, its interface, and how he disassembled my HTML and loved that I practice clean coding. He then gives me lots of wonderful suggestions on fixing the problems. Very sweet. If only I had a clue as to what he was saying or anything else he was talking about for that matter. My friend Jessie put my site together, and I gather practices clean coding; I don't even know what that means. I wish I wasn't so dumb when it came to this kind of stuff. I'm trying to learn, but I feel as if I'm 10 years behind and everybody just smiles at me and enjoys the fact that they know and I don't. I've got to take some time off from work or something and just sit down and learn all this computer stuff so that I can be a part of society. I feel so dumb sometimes (and then I try and remind myself that I do have a master's degree, so I can't be that dumb.) Oh well, I'm rambling. The point of this whole post today is that Esther's friend Ericson is way cute. ;-)

Wednesday, November 29, 2000

I'm missing my dear friend Corby. He left for Tucson this morning. Who knows if he will be back? He just moved here to SF area a month or so ago. He's always been like that: moving around or changing jobs or whatever at a moment's notice. He's an artist, what can I say. He's been my best friend since high school (some 13-14 years) and I'm just not surprised by it anymore. Just the way he is. I hope he's back soon. We were having so much fun here together. I love you Corby wherever you are.

Tuesday, November 28, 2000

"Lessons learned from a trip to LA": 1) I love Nissan Altimas; 2) I love driving late at night; 3) My "friend" McKenny is not much of a friend when you need help; 4) My friend Alfredo is always very sweet to me; 5) I have a feeling my sister and Alfredo will get along amazingly; 6) Madonna has her own hotel located on Madonna Road; 7) There are a lot of very hot latino guys in cowboy hats in the small town of Gonzalez, CA (Of course, it was kinda dark and I was feeling very, um, full of life); 8) Sheryl Crow really does make amazing albums; 9) My family is wonderful, even when they aren't happy with each other; 10) Wendy & Wayne = Worry (inside family joke); 11) I'm old enough to be my 7-year-old niece's father (Of course, that is obvious, but it becomes strangely clear when a child she is playing with comes up to me and asks if it is ok to give "my daughter" a piece of gum (!) ); 12) There really is no parking in SF. The rental agency asked me to keep my car an extra day for free because they had no more parking available; 13) Circumstances often work out wonderfully. (It was fortuitous that I still had my car as it was very necessary for me to pick up my friend Corby in Oakland last night); 14) San Francisco/Bay Area is really its own little universe, with its politics, lifestyle, dotcoms, etc.; 15) It is much warmer in Southern California and one really should take appropriate clothes for that climate; 16) I still don't know enough about computers and it's insipid that I still can't figure out my handheld; 17) I like California.

Monday, November 27, 2000

I'm sorry guys; I'm so very sorry. But "Lessons learned from a trip to LA" will have to wait until tomorrow to post. I'm simply too tired tonight after a very long weekend of traveling and family issues. I will get it up tomorrow; I promise.

"Lessons learned from a trip to LA": Coming later today........

I just got back from LA a little while. I'm very tired and I have to wake up extra early tomorrow in order to move my rental car before 7am. I'll have much posting tomorrow once I get things in order. See ya soon.

Friday, November 24, 2000

Well, guys, it's been a wild day so far. And I haven't even left SF yet. I'm soooo late for my trip to L.A. Anyway, I'm off and I'll check back in with you guys on Monday. Have a great weekend while I'm gone. I'm looking forward to seeing my family.

I couldn't agree with you more, Matthew. I happened to catch an episode of "Normal, Ohio" the other day and couldn't believe just how bad it was. What happened to what could have been a great idea?

My sweet and sexy friend Brian from NYC just emailed me and said he would be in SF tomorrow. But I'm going to L.A. How very depressing that we will miss each other. ;-(

Slept late today. I think I needed it. I was supposed to head down to L.A. early this morning, but I just couldn't get up. So tired. Anyway, I'm off to eat breakfast with Jessie and Corby and then I'll head out to L.A. asap.

Thursday, November 23, 2000

Just got home from Thanksgiving dinner at Nathan and Victor's home. I'm stuffed and exhausted.

WOMEN! Women rule! I love women! Welcome to the U.S. Senate Hillary (NY), Debbie (MI), Jean (MO), and Maria (WA)! And they're all Democrats; how awesome is that! They'll be joining the current Democratic Senators Dianne (CA), two Barbaras (CA & MD), Patty (WA), Blanche (AR), and Mary (LA); as well as the Republican Senators Kay (TX), Olympia (ME), Susan (ME). Thirteen women in the U.S. Senate, and going on 50. Yeah!

Wednesday, November 22, 2000

I am so jazzed today. Yesterday, we were told that the office would be closed today. A day off! A day off! And then the rest of the week off for Thanksgiving. Too cool.

When did the 80's become retro? I graduated from high school in 1988. It doesn't seem that long ago. I'm old.

Monday, November 20, 2000

sade is a piece of heaven............

I wish I wasn't so dumb about computer stuff. I really want to put up some pictures onto my pic page, but I just can't seem to figure out how to do it. In fact, I wouldn't even be able to have a webpage at all if it wasn't for my helpful friend Jessie. Why can't I figure this stuff out on my own? When will I actually join the 21st century? This is so frustrating!

I WANT A DOG! I want a dog so badly. Everytime I see one on the street, I think about how much I want to have one at my home. To walk, to play with, to cuddle, to love, to feed, to take care of, to LOVE! When I moved to San Francisco over a year ago, my plan was to get a dog, but it's just so impossible to have an apartment in this city, let alone one with a dog. I'm seriously thinking of relocating to another city or town just so that I can finally have a dog. I want a dog so bad. ;-(

Wow! I'm getting a lot of hits from this friend of Ernie's who I don't even know, just because I called him cute and interesting. Maybe I should start calling lots of blogger guys cute and interesting to get more and more hits on my site. How funny.

This guy is way cute!

Sunday, November 19, 2000

Jessie and I finally had some time together tonight. Not seeing my neighbor for nearly a week is just too weird. I'm glad we got to hang out.

What a great episode of "The Simpsons" tonight! I love when they make fun of liberals. It's not good enough to be a vegetarian, or even a vegan, you have to be a vegan at level 6 in order to fit in. So funny.

Speaking of my ex. His name was Jack. I used to have this saying, "Replace the "ac" with an "er" and you get Jerk." How true it was. I wonder if it's still true. I wouldn't know as we never talk anymore.

Horoscopes. I'm a Virgo. There was a time, a few years ago, when I would religiously read my horoscope everyday. And I would also read the Leo message everyday too. My boyfriend at the time was a Leo (as he would always make sure everyone knew) and I was always trying to get some idea of what was going on in his world. Happily, I don't waste my time with horoscopes anymore.

Some people may find this odd, but I am huge John Mellencamp fan. I haven't listened to his music in a while and I just put in a cd now and I'm jamming to "Pink Houses" (appropriate, hah) and "Crumblin' Down" from his very underrated album "Uh-huh". He's so great.

I miss my family. Thankfully, I get to see some of them this holiday weekend. It's been too long.

Saturday, November 18, 2000

In accordance with the prophecy.

Wish I had a better idea of what to do with my life. I wish I wasn't so incredibly dumb. Everyone thinks I'm smart and gifted and all. When will the curtain be lifted to expose me for the idiot that I am. All this and more can be brought out in the latest edition of my therapy session.

Ok, so this friend of Ernie's, who is a friend of my friend Jessie, seems to be really cute and interesting, but alas, also seems to be straight; how sadly boring.

Friday, November 17, 2000

Keep your sanity. I plan on using #4 & #10 as often as possible. In accordance with the prophecy.

I feel so proud. I helped my friend Corby vote absentee in this Sacramento election. Right now, they are counting the absentees to see who won. Every vote counts.

Thursday, November 16, 2000

Hey Victor, you should chat with my friend Alicia. She works for the Film Arts Foundation here in SF. That goes for you too, Jessie.

Alanis Morissette's music is a welcome addition to anyone's bad night or bitter emotion. This website helps you to write your own bitter lyrics, just like Alanis. (via Jonno)

Wednesday, November 15, 2000

I love the sound of Don Henley's voice.

Day two at the gym: good beginning.

I've been thinking lately about going back for a visit to DC. I miss my friends there. When I left DC, it was happily. I did not like living there. And I was thrilled with the move here to SF. I'm happy here in SF, although I'm still not sure I've found what it is I'm looking for. Back to DC: I haven't seen many of my friends or old coworkers there in such a long time and I do miss them. I did live there for 4 years afterall and it's reasonable to have a longing to see everything and everyone again. I think I'll go back sometime soon for a short visit.

sade is just perfect. had a wonderful night of listening to the new cd and feeling all ;-)

Tuesday, November 14, 2000

the new sade cd... lovely.

After many many many months (well, since July) I finally made it back to the gym today. I am so happy I went and I felt so ALIVE. It feels so good to work out. Can't wait to go again tomorrow. ;-)

Monday, November 13, 2000

About 6 or so years ago I became completely infatuated with Dean Cain after watching the new Superman show. It was such an overwhelming infatuation that I simply had to stop watching the show after a while because it was just too strong of a crush and it hurt to see him at all. Tonight, I went to go see his new movie, "The Broken Hearts Club," and I remember now why he is probably the most beautiful man alive.

Today is my niece Mariah's 7th birthday. Happy Birthday Little Kid!

I've been frustrated all week because my tape of Buffy was messed up for some reason and I couldn't watch last week's episode. This was a very important episode because we were finally going to find out more about Willow's lesbian lover Tara. Thankfully, magically, my tape fixed itself and I was able to watch it. It just proves my old theory: ignore the problem and it will go away.

Sunday, November 12, 2000

Had some dim sum this morning with my wonderful friend Johnny, of whom I never get to see enough. We then went to see the greatest movie of all time! Ok, so now I've seen it three times in one week, but it's worth it. The actual soundtrack in the movie is so awesome. I just wish that the packaged soundtrack in stores reflected it. The songs on the store version are simply not representative of the great score in the movie. Regardless, the movie rocks! Independent WOMEN!

I love her!

This whole post-presidential election scenario is simply too weird.

Saturday, November 11, 2000

Growing up, there was a group of six kids (3 boys and 3 girls) in my neighborhood who always played together. This was the 70's. I suppose you know your child will probably grow up to be a gay man when any time the six kids would play "Charlie's Angels," one little boy (me) would always make one of the girls be a bad guy, so he could be Sabrina. Nobody else in the neighborhood was allowed to be Sabrina. That's just how it was.

Friday, November 10, 2000

What day is it? What time is it? I think I've lost my car keys. Or did I ever have them? What is going on in the world? Why do I keep asking endless questions? Why am I whining so much tonight? Why am I so tired? What should I do? Blah Blah Blah......


So much news about the presidential election. I'm addicted to the news about it. People keep asking me what I think will happen, maybe because I'm involved in politics as a living. I don't have any answers. I have no idea what will happen. I wish I could give everyone, including myself, some kind of simple answer which will just let everyone get on with their lives. In the meantime, I just want to go see "Charlie's Angels" for the third time. Who's going with me?

Wednesday, November 08, 2000

Gov. Carnahan won! Now his widow, Jean Carnahan, will be appointed to the U.S. Senate (barring any possibly stupid legal challenges) and I will happily be no longer represented by the horribly right-wing John Ashcroft. I still can't believe it. Carnahan won! As they said at his funeral, don't let the fire go out. Keep hope alive.

WOMEN! Women rule!

Tuesday, November 07, 2000

Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote (Democrat) Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote

Monday, November 06, 2000

Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote (Democrat) Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote

Vote tomorrow people. Vote. It's more important than you may think. And Vote Democratic while you're at it. ;-)

Jessie and I went to see "Playing Mona Lisa" a week or two ago (time flies so fast). It was bad, yes. But it was kinda like seeing a movie at a festival, where you know they are not the best quality but you try and find things that are interesting. Anyway, those types of movies generally offer the best memories of bad lines and horrible plots. My favorite bad line from "Playing Mona Lisa" has stuck with me for a while and I keep finding myself using it everyday. The line: "I'm just not in an orgy mood."

Sunday, November 05, 2000

Oh, Matthew, I'm so glad to see you're talking political. It's turning me on.

Watched "Bram Stoker's Dracula." Had some good ideas and visuals, but by the end I just didn't care anymore about the story. Always curious to see it though since I've always been in love with the theme song "Love Song for a Vampire" by Annie Lennox. If you've never heard that song, you should check it out.

Kansas City, Missouri is often referred to as the "City of Fountains," because it has more fountains than any other city in the country, and in fact is only second to Rome in the world. I used to sit next to the fountains all of the time and contemplate. I miss that. I walked over to the park on top of Nob Hill today to do the same, but found the fountain there taken down for repairs. I sat next to a small one on the side of the park and contemplated for a spell. I miss the fountains of Kansas City.

For those of you who know me well and have visited my home, you know that I drink Juicy Juice like it's water. I love it, love it, love it. And Jessie was so sweet yesterday by giving me a coupon for more Juicy Juice. Love it, love it, love it.

Friday, November 03, 2000

My letter was printed in this week's B.A.R. Click down a few letters to the one entitled "Mourning a Governor."

Get Some Action! Absolutely Awesome! One of the best movies I've seen in a long time! Go see "Charlie's Angels"!

Wednesday, November 01, 2000

This list is funny, Victor.

Hear this rightwingers: Gay people provide a stronger economy. ;-)

Go Cher!