Sunday, September 30, 2001

In the 19 days since the terrorist attacks, which of the following has the U.S. airline industry not done?

A. Asked the U.S. government for $24 billion.
B. Laid off more than 86,000 workers.
C. Grounded planes.
D. Threatened bankruptcies.
E. Slashed fares to lure back passengers.

I know it's crazy, but it was actually hot in San Francisco today.

Friday, September 28, 2001

I remember her from when I was doing legislative work back in Kansas City. She was as crazy then as she is now.

The New York Times discusses the current state of political correctness/freedom of speech/dissenting voices in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks. (via Kevin)

...the only time "gay" was mentioned these past weeks was by Jerry Falwell, whose obscene thinking blamed much of the mayhem on what he called God's revenge against us...
Gay people were killed on the planes that crashed in the Pennsylvania field, in the World Trade Center, and at the Pentagon....
Mark Bingham, a gay passenger has been credited by Sen. Barbara Boxer with helping to divert flight 93 away from Washington.
David Charlebois, a gay man, was the co-pilot on American Flight 77 that crashed into the Pentagon.
Graham Berkeley and Joe Ferguson, two gay men, lost their lives on Fight 175 and Flight 77.
On the scene, countless firefighters, police and rescue workers were and are members of our community.
Now more than ever, it is important to tell stories about gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered victims and heroes.

What a jerk!

Wow, the difference a change in representation makes! My mother just sent me a response letter from my new Missouri Senator Jean Carnahan regarding the issue of choice. After years of always getting horrible anti-choice rhetoric from both of my United States Senators (Kit Bond and previously John Ashcroft) it is great to hear a response such a this: I strongly support a woman's right to make reproductive choices, including appropriate use of Mifepristone [RU-486] ...I am troubled by any federal action that would undermine a woman's access to this safe, effective drug. What a dramatic change from the crap I've always been used to.

Thursday, September 27, 2001

You're not the only one Aaron. Although I must say that the commercials on the new network totally suck. Regardless, I can't wait for Tuesday night!

Mainstream Hollywood leaves much to be desired. As you know, I usually end up watching mostly independent movies playing at the local movies houses because they're pretty much the most interesting and realistic type movies out there. Of course, on the flip side, people like my Mother and Uncle and other religious midwesterners find Hollywood's mainstream movies lacking too and they go to see movies like this about the end of the world with the Devil and the President of the United States doing battle. In this case, I'm glad mainstream Hollywood stays where it is.

[Sen. Jeff Sessions, Republican of Alabama] reluctantly spoke of his views on homosexuality. “There are a lot of things that are not good. It’s not good to be selfish with your wealth or mean to your mama. I believe orthodox Christians oppose infidelity with men or women. I don’t think that is a healthy lifestyle." Huh?

Add Garry Trudeau to the growing list of left-wing reliables and Bush-bashers who are holding their tongues in the aftermath of this month's terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, D.C. I'm all for rallying around the flagpole and having solidarity against America's enemies, but I am hoping we can start hating Bush again soon.

Finally, a small breakthrough in D.C. Now if only the Congress would allow D.C. residents to obtain their full citizenship rights through proper and equal representation in Congress and regular control over their own local issues.

Tuesday, September 25, 2001

Look! A new blog and he considers me an inspiration. How cool is that?! You're going on my links page right now.

As you can see, I'm finally getting back to regular posting. After the September 11th stuff and then the strep throat, I just wasn't in the mood to read, write, or anything. But now I'm back.

We want to present ourselves to the world as a united populace. But we should also want to present ourselves as an informed populace, one whose indomitable strength is derived not from blind loyalty to our president but from a true understanding, and belief in, our mission.

Regardless of how anyone feels about him, and lately I was quite impressed by him too, this is so clearly wrong, unpatriotic, and undemocratic of him to do this. Especially at this time, an election is the most democratic and American way of life that should not be trivialized or circumvented. He is doing a disservice to New York, the country, to freedom, and to his own stature.

The United States funded, trained and armed the mujahedeen fighting the Soviets in the '80s under the Cold War logic that what was bad for the Kremlin was good for Washington. Among the weapons it provided are the shoulder- mounted anti-aircraft missiles known as Stingers, which now figure to be used against American helicopters. turns out some people have taken to sneaking around Alameda in the dead of night, stealing other peoples' flags in an attempt to get patriotic on the cheap.

Monday, September 24, 2001

When America stops being America, the bad guys have won. If we are indeed the land of the free and the home of the brave, we should bravely continue our freedoms, not give them up.

So I'm rummaging through old scraps of paper and I run across the number of the guy who stood me up about a month and a half ago. You know, the guy I never, ever heard from again. I decide to call before throwing it out for good. He's there! He tells me he's been in Asia for a "holiday" for the last month or so. Just a whim. No apology, no thought of me, no discussion of our "date," just tells me he has to get going. WAZZUPWITHAT?

We are in the middle of something I have never, ever seen before, and something I never expected to see: a period of intense bipartisanship.

My sweet, sweet friend Eduardo got me out of my house and my usual rut and took me to the famous EndUp for the Sunday t-dance. The EndUp is that classic bar/club/hangout that was talked about in the "Tales of the City" novels, at least I've been told as such since I've actually never read them. Anyway, it was a great place, especially since it's a great mixture of venues: club, garden, patio, fireplace, hangout, bar, etc. For someone who doesn't really go out anymore, why not go in the middle of a Sunday afternoon?

Saturday, September 22, 2001

It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to, cry if I want to, cry if I want to....

Seriously, Jessie's showing me a nice day. And now even Sparky's joined the fun, all the way from New York City. Who knows what will happen next?!?

(The crying can/will happen later, I'm sure.)

HB2ME-- I'm gonna have to update my bio page now.

Friday, September 21, 2001

WHAT?!?! I am listed, along with the photograph I used to have on my webpage, on an anti-abortion webpage, as an enemy of theirs from Missouri. Click on this page, go to the "Missouri" section, and then go to the third set of pictures.

They list my full name and state that I must be squinting in the picture because the "light was dim in THE CLOSET." My old boss at the Planned Parenthood affiliate in Kansas City is listed on the second page, but they say they need a picture of her to display. I am simply astounded by this!

Be prepared to be inundated by these three songs in the coming months.

You know you're in Berkeley when....

1. They remove American flags for fear of inciting peace activists to violence.
2. The Boy Scouts are gay-friendly.
3. No one can understand how their congresswoman is the only congressperson to vote against war against the terrorists after the World Trade Center destruction.
4. Your boss is happy to see that you've finally joined the rest of the office in wearing casual clothes to work.

These are only the latest headlines, more will follow.

Thursday, September 20, 2001

Well, I'm beginning to feel better from the strep throat and get back out into the world. I've begun reading the news again and noticed that we're going to war.... something called "operation infinite justice".... what the hell does that mean? Anyhoo, being gay, I've noted quite a number of gay takes related to the terrorist attacks:

1. I could not have donated blood even as it was desperately needed.
2. Apparently, I, because I am a gay man, caused the attacks.
3. In a crisis, the military doesn't seem to care about gays in its ranks, but don't even think of having equal treatment, rights, or benefits once the crisis is over.
4. Gay people are heroes.
5. Gay life is hard.

Wednesday, September 19, 2001

So last night I rented the original movie Buffy the Vampire Slayer which sucked as everyone knows. But it was good to see the beginning. Anyway, what was most interesting was seeing hot stars of today before they were even known: Hilary Swank and David Arquette were sidekicks, and Ben Affleck had this really small bit-part for one line. How funny.

Well, staying home and watching bad movie rentals is fun and all, but I think I'm growing tired of it. Any suggestions on a movie rental?

Tuesday, September 18, 2001

Great. I have strep throat.

Monday, September 17, 2001

I haven't wanted to post anything at all during the entire last week. It's been too sad and depressing, and everything seemed so trivial. It still does really, but we must get on with life. And as such, I must get on with posting items to my webpage. We can't let the terrorists keep us from living, for that is exactly what they want. So, in the spirit of moving on, rebuilding, becoming stronger, and living I am going to begin posting again. So below is my first non-related post, a humorous excerpt from the Simpsons Daily Calendar:

Marge: You know, Fox turned into a hard-core sex channel so gradually, I didn't even notice.

And the renewed posting has begun.

I have started a webpage devoted to my colleagues at Eagleton Institute of Politics at Rutgers in New Jersey. This is so we can all update each other on our classmates and friends. In case any of you are having trouble finding the page, click here.

Wednesday, September 12, 2001

Tuesday, September 11, 2001

There's nothing to say today. We must just take care, be safe, find out, and hope.

Monday, September 10, 2001

That James Taylor song, 'I've seen fire and I've seen rain,' has been running through my head all day.

Tying a yellow ribbon: Today again, I weep....literally.....for my country. I feel very strongly that we are the victims of a genuine and extremely dangerous coup d'état!! Hundreds of thousands of wonderful people, with the help of the corporate-controlled media and the ultra religious right, have bought the BIG LIE...

Stephen Breyer, one of the dissenters and a Clinton appointee, was angry and launched into an attack on the decision, right in front of his colleagues. It was “the most outrageous, indefensible thing” the Court had ever done, he told the visiting justices.

Sunday, September 09, 2001

Giant eyes have taken over Washington, DC.

Saturday, September 08, 2001

The great thing about belonging to the YMCA for my gym membership is that I'm not only benefiting myself in my physical workout needs, but I'm also helping support the community in all that the Y is doing. And they are doing so many great things, especially in the lower-income community of the Tenderloin. So good.

Horrible stories of brutal, violent, degrading prison rapes. It's hard to fathom.

A couple of pics I've finally gotten developed:

Jessie taking advantage of me, as usual:

Jessie drunk as usual:

And finally, during Woodja's visit he had jeans soaked to his precise measurements at the Levi's store:

I'm off to have brunch with the infamous dante woo... woo hoo!

Friday, September 07, 2001

Reading this article reminds me of the negative side of relationships. Good reasons never to date, marry, or get close to anyone.

Walking through the porn district, i.e. my neighborhood, on my way home I read the funniest sign today above a porn store:

"Safe Sex? We Sell Inflatable Sheep"

Oh, those wacky porn store entrepreneurs.

The only reason nursing homes aren't as "shockingly inadequate" as they had been is because of the stringent standards set. Now I guess the Bush Administration wants to go back to the bad ol' days of before of mistreating the elderly.

Came into work today and all the computers in the building are shut down due to mismanagement in the IT section. Can't work. Going home early. "Yay" on a personal note; "Oh no" on a business needs note. Oh well. It's a beautiful day in the Bay Area today to get out and enjoy. See ya!

Thursday, September 06, 2001

I had a wonderful date tonight. He is sweet and adorable and has the best smile. I like him a lot. He seems genuinely interested in me. We have things in common. We learned more about each other tonight. He is intelligent and funny and cute and sweet as pie.

I also learned he currently has a boyfriend of 5 years with whom he's very happy. He would like for us to be friends.

As I mentioned the other day, Funny Girl has been playing at the historic Castro Theatre this week in an amazing restored version. I must say it has been a tremendous and wonderful occasion! I've seen this movie a billion times, but never like this. The color is absolutely astonishing. And I'm also seeing it on the big screen for the first time. My video tape no longer does the movie justice. I've seen it twice this week and really wish I could see it again before it leaves. If you have the chance to check it out, DO!

Apparently depression leads to a hot body and ripped abs. Maybe I should get more depressed.

Wednesday, September 05, 2001

I just realized that today (well, it's after midnight now, but...), September 4th, is exactly one year after my very first post on this weblog. I would like to thank you my readers, the Academy, and most of all my dear sweet husband Jessie without whom this weblog would never have begun.
I hope that my webpage has been of use and interest to you out there. I get a lot of joy out of it, posting my thoughts, linking articles and quotes, and feeling a part of the larger community. I also feel great about having an outlet for my political interests, thoughts, news, and ideas. I really appreciate having that capability and I thank you for listening.
I've recently installed this new Comment system and I look forward to hearing from you out there with your comments, thoughts, and ideas. So thank you for being out there. And always feel free to drop me a line.

Kids could say things like "Noodles are gross"...but adults can never just have a preference. They've got to have a world view.

Tuesday, September 04, 2001

Great rallying cry for the future and the present!

Anybody who knows me knows that I'm a big advocate for napping during the day. I firmly believe it is a biological need and would help improve productivity in the workplace. If only more of the business world would take this up we'd all be better off.

Well said: The contested nature of the election argued for a kind of conciliation and creation of a grand bipartisan coalition that was never even considered when the Republican right wing took what it considered to be its God-given mandate to rule.

Anyone who ventured to Washington, D.C., during the winter of 2001 could feel the angst emanating among Democrats and moderate Republicans, as the true, extremist and isolationist nature of the Bush administration revealed itself.

The defection of Vermont's James Jeffords from the ranks of the Republicans that gave Democrats control of the U.S. Senate was only the most visible sign of the growing consternation.

The infamous Dante Woo is in town this upcoming weekend. Woo-hoo!

Who's he kidding?

The unfinished business is to redeem America's democracy - to expose the fraud and the failures, to remedy the abuses and to expand the opportunity to vote. Count every vote - every vote counts.-- Jesse Jackson

Well, I guess I won't get to have a vacation this week, since I was going to take the week off if they did strike. But I suppose mass hysteria would be a problem.

And Victor will be happy to learn his concerns were looked after:
"The impending Madonna concert is what drove me," state Sen. Don Perata, D- Oakland, joked after the agreement was reached.

Ok, the local movie house is playing A Matter of Taste, All Over the Guy, and Come Undone. The placard above the movie house reads:

"Come Undone All Over the Guy A Matter of Taste"

Anyone else find that funny?

Woo-hoo! Another one down. And another one's gone, and another one's gone, and another one bites the dust. Huuuhhh! Another one bites the dust!

Monday, September 03, 2001

Dance music is never given enough credence as a genre and art form. It was only just a few years ago that there was even a "Dance" category at the Grammy's. While bloated, older white male musicians were "sweeping" the Grammy's year after year, it was undoubtably because the awards were tailored to their style of music.
So it's been a problem for white, male, left-leaning rock critics. It's that whole macho way of defining good music. Guys who play guitars are musicians, but people who do dance music are frivolous throwaways. They love those hierarchies.

What a quote: [Madonna's] been a defining presence for me as a gay person. In that sense, she's a political figure -- but you can also do aerobics to her.

Sunday, September 02, 2001

Labor-- the people who brought you weekends.

Dangit! There was this hilarious article in the paper today about fatal cow poop, but I can't find it online anywhere. I so wanted to post that.

The great thing about working out again is that I can begin wearing all my small shirts in the back of my closet again.

In our national survey of 30,000, we found eight Wiccans -- six of which live in the Bay Area.

Many Americans would rather watch 'Friends' than have friends.

Saturday, September 01, 2001

We must remember our herstory:

Assemblywoman Sarah Reyes, D-Fresno, recalled the brass bell [California's first female state senator Rose Ann] Vuich kept on her desk and rang every time the Senate's presiding officer addressed the body as "Gentlemen."
"Rose Ann picked up that bell and she rang it loudly every time they said 'Gentlemen of the Senate.' She tried to break them of that habit and she did," Reyes said.

My friend Woodja is back in Florida and we're chatting online again. I miss him in person though.