yay! i can blog again! blogger has been down since i returned home and i haven't been able to say anything else about the trip, or post my many pictures.
so, without further a, well, um, hold that thought, new post coming asap
Reese's World of Thoughts and Ideas
yay! i can blog again! blogger has been down since i returned home and i haven't been able to say anything else about the trip, or post my many pictures.
so i'm sitting at my hotel on a balcony in san diego. it's so wonderful being here. they have wireless internet throughout the hotel, and even by the pool, so i can do this while here and catch you guys up on how the trip is so far.
new alice newsletter is up. i worked really hard to get this done before i left for my trip to san diego this weekend. i had some troubles but it came out pretty great i think. the sfyd newsletter is also done and i'll post it as soon as it's public.
new column:
this is a pretty hard-to-read article about the difficulties of dealing with your biggest secrets in public life. i feel for the guy immensely, the former governor of new jersey, and i just may pick up his book sometime. it really is hard to be openly gay for many, many people; most people in the world. it was hard for me until i came to terms. and frankly, there are still many, many issues with being gay in this society that aren't the most pleasant or happy in the world. there are limitations in life and they suck. there are limitations in my own life and they suck, suck, suck. it's not just 'will and grace' everyday. and even 'will and grace' pretty much sucks anyway too.
i'm really getting excited about my trip with jessie. i'm trying to get everything in my life done before i leave town so i don't need to worry about work or volunteer or other things while i'm away. it's going to be a real get-away. and i'm very excited about that concept. should be great fun and a needed sabbatical. now, sometime soon i should make it longer than just 5 days...
i'm going to kill my cat
keeping with my plan of taking more photos of jessie (which is made possible today by the letters 'j', 'r' and the number '8', and by the availability of a phone with a camera), here's some more:
statement from my boss's office:
this article gets it just right. here's a piece:
from rubberhose: see how three presidents answered the question "what was the best moment of your presidency?"
well, it's not perfect, but i've been working on a complete overhaul of my house. it's difficult because i have furniture that can only fit certain ways in my small studio, and certain things have to stay plugged near certain other things and i need more space and all that, but here's a good synopsis of my current arrangement.
yay! finally my new newsletters are both up today:
new column:
here's the insane topsy-turvy, up is down world of bush:
title of the article says it all: CUTBACKS SQUEEZE NATIONAL PARKS