Thursday, November 30, 2006


For those of us who were teens in the 1980s, the barometer for video-sharing saturation is the heavy metal video... We can learn the most from the disciples of Stryper, a band so obscure that I've spent the past decade convinced that I may have imagined them entirely. Because they played Christian heavy metal, they had to paint their instruments with yellow and black stripes and rock about 30 percent harder than the Bon Jovis and the Whitesnakes just to get noticed. (Thirty percent more hairspray. Thirty percent louder amps. Thirty percent longer guitar solos ...)

jessie's gonna love this.
It's going to smell like cookies and bums

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Boondocks is no more

Monday, November 27, 2006

my family: Sister-in-Law Carol, Brother Eric, Daddy, Mama, Sister Wendy, Niece Mariah (aka 'The Little Kid') and me.

Hi Mick: My husband and I watched a couple of horror movies this weekend. While watching one I expressed frustration at the cuts and commercials. My husband said, "We have this on DVD, you know," but I didn't want to watch the DVD because then we'd be wasting time, while watching it on TV felt like we were doing something. I thought I was a fairly sane person. Any thoughts on what's going on here?-- Viv Pearson, Larkspur

Hi Viv: That makes sense to me. Putting on a DVD means you're making a conscious decision to waste your time, while watching it on commercial TV means you're not responsible. You just happen to be in the room, so you're absolved. Plus, putting on a DVD implies a commitment, while watching TV gives you the freedom to stop watching at any time. There's another thing: Watching it on TV conveys a feeling that other people are watching, too. And even though you'll never meet these people, there comes a vague communal feeling that can be cozy, especially after midnight.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Animals everywhere

Animals everywhere

Family part 2

Friday, November 24, 2006

A girl and her nail polish

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Little kid just wants to beat on the drums all day

Wednesday, November 22, 2006



Jade cove part 2

Millions of elephant seals, and one bird


Mama's scouting the view

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Monday, November 20, 2006

Sunday, November 19, 2006

my parents are arriving in just a few hours and i still have to clean the house. ugh, what happens when procrastination runs into times-up? lunch anyone?

Friday, November 17, 2006

jessie's always taking photos of me which is nice of him to do. usually they're photos of me in casual, melancholy mode as my times with him are my let-my-hair-down times. but last weekend he went with me to a work event and snapped a couple of photos of me in dressed-up mode for an art event (although i did tend to get a bit funky for his camera). anyway, here's a few examples:
1, 2, and 3
(i was trying to upload them here but for some reason blogger was acting up and not letting me do so. so i've just linked to his flickr account.)

Thursday, November 16, 2006

J and J

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Elections can make a big difference.
"In five minutes, (former Defense Secretary) Donald Rumsfeld resigned, and in 10 minutes we got a call on global warming, so change is in the air," [Democratic Senator Barbara] Boxer said. Among the Senate's severest critics of Bush, Boxer said the administration had already extended an olive branch, with a top aide from the President's Council on Environmental Quality contacting her staff indicating a willingness to work together.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

i feel like everything in my life right now is completely insane! my parents are planning to move away from my family home after 30 some years there. my sister and niece are moving back home to kansas city after living in los angeles for the last many years. my brother got married and is traveling the world climbing pyramids. the election just happened and now suddenly everyone is talking christmas and holidays. i'm traveling during thanksgiving next week and christmas next month and planning on a big dc trip in march.

and and and...

there's just so much happening at once and i keep saying to my family (who are going through the most changes) to 'stay the course!' the course has served us well for 30 some years and we don't need to change all at once. but then, well, i know, we do need change at many times and my family needs and desires change. it's just all so much to take in and understand. and it makes me want to harken back to nostalgic moments of supposedly simpler days of childhood...

i know i haven't written this week but it's been such a whirlwind of a week since the election and i'm still finding myself trying to fully recuperate. not that it hasn't been wonderful and exciting, just crazy busy lately. and it's hard to write on here about all the things i'm seeing and reading right now because there's just so much good news to report from the election. everything has really changed overnight and we have the right to vote and make ourselves heard to thank. thank you to all of you who participated and voted because you truly made an historic difference. of course, who knows what will happen next, but the important thing is that we set about changing things and things have changed and will continue to change and get better. i'm very excited. and i'll have more to say shortly...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

As my mother wrote this morning:

"VICTORY!!! WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

what a glorious morning it is

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

today's the day to go VOTE. don't let it slip by without making your voice heard.

Monday, November 06, 2006

in the midst of all the election stuff and republican scandals and evangelical priests being shown to be hypocritical, something amazing happened:

neal patrick harris finally did it and came out.
so sweet

Saturday, November 04, 2006

sorry, very busy with election activities. but i just had to post this. another new ad from the republicans that wink and nod at homophobia among americans. this one is entitled 'brokebank democrats' and has a lot of references that sound eerily like 'brokeback mountain' with the obvious implication that you can't trust the democrats running and that all democrats are homosexuals or something to that effect.

so far this election cycle we've seen republicans put forward out and out racist advertisements, out and out homophobic calls that the homosexual agenda will take over dc if democrats win, out and out calls by bush that the 'terrorists will win' if democrats take over (that's the most egregious of them all and got little reporting by anyone because i suppose everyone just kind of expects it these days from him and his crew), out and out attacks against those with disabilities (i.e. michael j. fox) and how he was supposedly making his infirmities up, and all kinds of other slanderous, dubious, despicable ads. yes, this is par for the course in election season, but the republicans this cycle have taken things to a new low. it's pretty disgusting.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006
