Tuesday, October 31, 2000

Corby and I went to the Castro for Halloween tonight. It was a lot of fun just watching every one in costume. For the first time in about a billion years, I actually dressed up for the occassion. Nothing major, mind you, but a little something.

One more week before election day. Don't forget to VOTE! (And vote Democratic, thank you)

My good friend Esther wrote me yesterday and said that my Starbuck's coffee boy episode (below) made her laugh. Glad that someone is finding my tragic life so funny. (Hi Esther)

Monday, October 30, 2000

Jessie and I rented a DVD of old Charlie's Angels TV episode last night. Way fun in concept, but they are a little more boring than I remember as a child. Anyway, the coolest part of it was a 20-minute documentary with a whole slew of gay men talking about how much they loved the show. It was so campy and made me proud of my people.

What happened to fall and/or Indian Summer? Actually, I'm kinda enjoying the cooler weather a little, just because it's so much fun to cuddle up under the covers.

Sunday, October 29, 2000

So I ran into that cute guy at Starbuck's again yesterday. He is sooooooooooooooooo cute. Anyway, we talked for a while, his name is Lucky, he told me I should come and see him there every Saturday, he kept smiling and looking directly into my eyes, we chatted and chatted and it was looking really good. I put my hand in my pocket to give him my card and ask him out, and then................................................ Reese: "So you got any fun plans for Halloween?" Starbuck's guy: "Oh, not sure yet, probably hang out with my girlfriend." YYYYYYUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!

The incredibly weird thing about this article is that three days ago I bought a fireman's hat to wear for Halloween. Coincidence? You decide.

Friday, October 27, 2000

I'm feeling a little down tonight because I keep thinking all these Nader supporters are going to give Bush the presidency...... and then we all lose.

Don't kid yourselves people, the Republican stealth revolution is real and close to occuring in a few weeks. Vote Democratic!

Thursday, October 26, 2000

One week until the new "Charlie's Angels" movie! ;-) Get Some Action already.

For all of those who are very confused about the Missouri Senate race, of which I have been intricately involved and horribly saddened when Governor Carnahan was killed in a plane crash, this should give you an idea of what is going on. The gist is: if you live in Missouri or know people who do, we must all still vote Carnahan for Senate.

For all you Nader people, see my post below. And vote Gore.

"You never saw anything like this in Provincetown," he says while watching can-can girls on stage. Probably the most amusing line in the classic horror movie "House of Wax" playing at the Castro Theater this week in 3-D. Catch it if you can-can.

Wednesday, October 25, 2000

They really have made this park much better. However, I hate the fact that directly across the street from this children's park are very large pictures of women crawling on their hands and knees. I don't mind the adult theater, but I hate the idea that those kids are playing across the street and looking at such large dehumanizing pictures of women.

Tuesday, October 24, 2000

I don't mean to offend anyone out there, so please forgive me. But I have to say this. Ralph Nader would make a horrible president! And he has absolutely no chance of winning. I'm so sick of all of these people out there who seem to think that somehow Nader is like this perfect saint who is somehow better than everyone else and that we should all "vote our conscience" and vote for him. Well, my conscience isn't telling me to vote for him. My conscience knows that he will not win, period. My conscience knows that in order for America to move in the progressive direction (that so many Nader supporters supposedly want) we must strongly vote for Gore, or else we lose big time. We lose the Supreme Court for the rest of our generation to vehement right-wing nuts who want nothing more than to hurt our chances at having personal lives. We will lose government programs that actually help people on a day-to-day basis, including Medicare, Social Security, Head Start, WIC, and (let me say this loudly for all of those college-age Nader supporters) any semblance of college-tuition assistance for the poor. Poor people and others dependent upon these programs don't have time for Nader's college course to help them. They need these programs now. They need a Supreme Court that protects them now. Nader is not going to win. Gore has a chance. If we don't work together to help Gore win, we will all LOSE. Thank you.

My good friend Nathan is a very smart guy. Often, too smart. He wrote me an email today which began as such: "In the spirit of self-aggrandizement I am forwarding along some photos of our trip to Peru." "Self-aggrandizement"? I realize that he's in law school at the haughty NYU, but still, who uses such words ever, let alone in conversations with their friends?!?

Does this seem safe to anyone?

Monday, October 23, 2000

For you extreme political wonks, have fun with the Electoral College Calculator. It's actually really cool because you can play with the map and the electoral numbers and come up with various situations. It also have a map for each of the last 5 presidential elections.

I've decided that TV really sucks. On occasion over the last several weeks, I've flipped the channels at night and caught a few of the new shows on television. The one thing they all have in common is that they are cliche-filled, over-sexed, over-hyped, holier-than-thou, stereotypical drivel. Why does everything have to be so mass-produced?

Sunday, October 22, 2000

Uh-oh. Somebody alert my parents.

Saturday, October 21, 2000

I've had to work the past month or so on Saturdays because of the upcoming election. Today turned out to be really good though because in the morning I went to Starbucks and the cutest guy was working there and got my coffee. Later on in the day I went again and he gave me a free frappacino! He was soooooooo cute and I totally want to try and talk with him more. Will try doing that next week.

Chris! I went through much the same thing. Throughout my life I was always this skinny little kid (around 125 lbs or so). Then about 4 years ago (at age 26) I started working out, eating more and more, and trying to gain some weight. It worked! And then it kept working... and working...... and working..... Over the course of a few years, I went from 125 to 170 and couldn't seem to stop. Eventually I seemed to plateau and now I'm just fat! Be careful........... (By the by, I see my dream has come true and you've listed me on your website. Swoon)

Friday, October 20, 2000

I'm sorry, my friends. I've been a bit depressed this week and haven't been able to post any humorous anecdotes or other thoughts. I'm starting to feel better now. My friend Corby moved to town this week and he and I had a great, jovial time last night. He always has a way of making me laugh.

Thank you all for your thoughts and understanding this week relating to my governor's death. I was pretty much in shock all this week, with a little of the ups and downs thrown in for good measure. I don't know exactly how to explain it other than I think I understand how people felt after JFK and his brother were assassinated. For Missouri, Gov. Carnahan was our democratic savior. Democratic trainings in the state were called "Camp Carnahan." He saved us from years of Republican statewide rule. He saved us from the possibility of having William Webster (of the infamous Webster v. Reproductive Health Services decision by the U.S. Supreme Court turning back the clock on women's lives) win as our governor by defeating him solidly in 1992. Even if he had lost to Senator Ashcroft this November, he still saved us by simply standing up to Ashcroft and opposing him. By opposing him, the race was suddenly a real one, Ashcroft wasn't just going to walk, and we had hope. By simply opposing him, Ashcroft had to stop all of his thoughts of running for president, as he was planning on doing before Carnahan announced his run. On a personal level, Carnahan was an incredibly likable guy who even turned conservatives around and helped make liberal issues not seem so frightening to many regular Missouri folks. He was progressive without seeming like a "crazy liberal". It's not that I just wanted a Democrat in the Senate from Missouri. I was really fighting to have Carnahan as our Senator because he would have been a tremendous bridge between the political divide. Again, thank you for your understanding. I just thought you may want to know a little more about who he was and who he was to Democrats in Missouri. I can only imagine what it must be like for his family, friends, and for those back in the state who were actually working on his campaign day to day.

Tuesday, October 17, 2000

I wish I could be there.

Monday, October 16, 2000

I've heard the stories about the personal devastation people felt after JFK or Robert Kennedy were suddenly killed, but I never understood the shock and anguish for myself, until now. I don't know what to say.

Curious: Jessie says he loved "The Broken Hearts Club" and yet his link to the movie is an analysis that tears the movie apart. I'll have to go see it for myself soon. Besides, anything that has Dean Cain in it is at least eye-candy.

Sunday, October 15, 2000

Take a dose of zen each day, and relax..............................

Being from the Midwest, I was always surrounded by country music and tried my best to distance myself from it as much as possible. However, I did go through a short phase of country music and came out of with one of my favorite musicians of all time: K.T. Oslin. If you've never heard of her or her music, you are really missing out on one of the best artists ever. Especially if you are a woman or gay, her music has strong diva-type lyrics of women who aren't sure about everything, but sure do try a whole hell of a lot. Personal favorite songs are "Hold me," "80's Ladies," "Come Next Monday," and "This Woman." Check the lyrics out from this list of her albums.

Now, now Jessie, don't be too mad with his analysis of "American Beauty." He has some interesting points.

Who knew that they did so many bad parodies of the movie. They left out the gay short I've seen though. I guess we'll all be seeing the official sequel in a few weeks.

Saturday, October 14, 2000

Obviously, I'm still in shock from last night. It's not just the check thing, mind you. He was just weird, but in a nice way. He was just a bit overzealous, over-complimentary, and over-reaching. He talked about the future with him introducing me to his friends, family, and his church. I wasn't even sure I wanted to be there for 5 more minutes, and he had weeks of dates planned out. What a waste of a night.

Person A asks person B out on a date. B accepts. A wants to impress B. A takes B out on the town to a nice restaurant. B is going through the date feeling unsure about everything, but giving A a try with an open mind. A tells B jokes and life stories. B continues with an open mind. Finally, A turns to B with the check for the dinner/drinks/tea and says, "With tip, your share is $25." B doesn't really want to be there in the first place and now has to pay $25 for the pleasure. A turns out to be a psycho. B never wants to see or hear from A again.


Friday, October 13, 2000

Buffy may be moving........ I hope the season improves, cuz it's kinda boring right now.

oh the horror

I miss my niece, Mariah. And it's hurting me and my family that she's in a tug-of-war between her divorcing parents. I hope everything works out right soon.

So I was at the doctor's office the other day.... The doctor introduced me to the patient before me and later told me that the patient thought I was really cute. I later got an email from the patient. He said that I was "very handsome and sexy" and wanted to take me out to dinner. Now, as much as I applaud his strident efforts, it's making me a little nervous. I also am not sure how to take his zealous compliments. We're having dinner tonight and I'm not sure I really want to go. I would rather go home alone and think about how I'm a mess, my ex-boyfriend treated me horribly, and that no one likes me.......... as is the traditional routine. That's the easy thing to do, which must therefore be the right thing to do. Right?

Thursday, October 12, 2000

Palm Pilots for Kids! (via Victor)

After the sequel was such a failure (even though it had the dreamy Maxwell Caulfield), you wouldn't think they'd want to make another one. But then, I suppose we should all just get 'n sync with the idea.

My Grandma's name is Rosie. This story is riveting. hahaha

Wednesday, October 11, 2000

I wish I had all the answers..... My sister and her husband are going through a divorce and have ceased to talk with each other. She now lives in L.A. and he's back in Kansas City. My 6-year old niece, Mariah, is caught in between. If her parents aren't talking or resolving what to do with their daughter, what can be done? :-(

Divorce is so sad....................


I'd love to have your brownie. ;-)

Tuesday, October 10, 2000

Today is the last day! If you haven't already done so, please go out and register to vote. If the link doesn't help you, you can always simply call your city/county board of elections (in the blue pages of your phone book) or check with your local library and find out where you can register nearest you. Just vote! It's more important than you may think. (My personal subliminal message: Vote Democrat)

Ooooh Hoooh, and nobody knows it, nobody knows it..... When I was down, you were my clown. Ohhhhhh Ohhhh Ohhh. Nobody knows it. And don't go breaking my heart. I won't go breaking your heart. No no no no no. No no no no no. I won't go breaking your heart. Ooooh Hoooh.......

Monday, October 09, 2000

I haven't seen "Snow Falling on Cedars" yet, but after seeing this pic, it is now a high priority.

I realize that this sounds incredibly hokey and all, but I find myself strangely attracted to the idea. I want to go and try it out. I'll let you know how it goes if I do.

Well, the logjam was finally broken. My internal labor force and my internal administration finally brokered an agreement to end the work stoppage. The end result: my dishes were finally cleaned after about a month of negotiations. Hooray!

Sunday, October 08, 2000

Register to Vote! The last day to register is Tuesday in order to vote in the presidential election. If the link doesn't help you, you can always simply call your city/county board of elections (in the blue pages of your phone book) or check with your local library and find out where you can register nearest you. Just vote! It's more important than you may think. (My personal subliminal message: Vote Democrat)

I wonder how they'd feel about gay interracial marriage? Probably a no.

Saturday, October 07, 2000

Let's take a look at this website again. It's actually really cool. I absolutely loved the first movie, but didn't much care for the stupidity of the following ones. Until H20, which was a lot of fun.

Actually, I have another funny story about David. One night when we were working very very late (say 1am or so) as we were prone to do in those days of fun and frivolity, we decided to go over to his apartment and watch a movie and sleep-over (by the way, he's straight). We go over and hang out for a little while. All of the sudden his girlfriend shows up (she was supposed to be out of town). He goes out to meet her while I'm just hanging out in the back bedroom of the apartment. She hears me in the background and screams "Who the hell is that?!?" I come out to the living room and that time and say hi and then she realizes its me and not another woman. But that only begins the fun and suspicion. She then takes David into the backroom and begins to question him up and down whether he and I were having an affair. Now why would she think that? Could it be that my clothes were lying all over the living room floor and I was wearing his pajamas? Could it be that she knows I'm gay and has always suspected he might be? Could it be that it was around 2am and I was hanging out with David in his bedroom? David took me home shortly after that and we had a good laugh....

Old co-workers week: A few nights ago I spoke with my friend Nathan. He and I worked together a few years ago in DC at Americans United. We've been very good friends ever since, and in fact I've become close with his whole family. His replacement at Americans United after he left was my good friend David who is coming to San Francisco this weekend for work/visit. David is funny; he used to walk around Georgetown late at night wearing a Michael Myers' mask to scare the locals and tourists.

Friday, October 06, 2000

Just realized lots of sailors are in town....... fun.

This makes me feel all religious and stuff. (it makes me teary-eyed)

How's this for a campaign issue: James Leo Dunn's plan to pay 14,000 homeless people $49 an hour to dig (by hand!) a tunnel under Nob Hill. Dunn has a cardboard model of the tunnel, which would have car lanes on the top level and a homeless shelter beneath. The project would put people to work, shelter the remaining homeless and help traffic flow. $49 an hour!

Thursday, October 05, 2000

Junk mail apparently has its fans.

Wednesday, October 04, 2000

It's the beginning of something wonderful. Good4u!

Living in the memory of a love that never was................

A true artist. I've listened to her sing "Long Long Time" more times than I can count. If you've never heard it, you're missing out on the truest song ever by the truest artist.

Tuesday, October 03, 2000

Jessie, could this mean that our dreams will soon come true?!?

It's so great that we can meet people on the internet. have you hugged your internet today?

This is a totally cool site.

Vote Gore2000. One week left to register to vote!

Monday, October 02, 2000

A Matt Groening interview. And now to resolve one of the world's largest quesitons: it's pronounced "Gray-ning."

My trial of food.com was just ok. There wasn't much pasta sauce and there was no salad, as ordered, but I think that's more the fault of the restaurant ordered from. Still, I didn't have to get dressed.

Good strong points Chris, but Nader is simply a lot of talk and would not make a good president. He does not have the ability to bring people together and form coalitions-- the only real way you get things done in a practical sense. Gore does have that ability. The election is very, very close and if we care about the future of the country, gay issues, women's issues, the Supreme Court, and so on, then the answer is a vote for Gore. It's that simple.

Well, I'm feeling extremely lazy, so I decided to try and see what kind of food I could order online. I first went to kozmo.com which I've heard so much about, but I didn't really like any of the food options. I just tried out Food.com where I can order from various local restaurants and I ordered spaghetti. I'll let you know how it goes.

Look ma, hands; click on pic for larger version

I thought the sword was the weapon of choice for true Christians.

Sunday, October 01, 2000

Can I blame everything wrong with me on my ex?

Chris at Boylog is so cute!