So cute! All the cute guys always hang out together I suppose....
Reese's World
Reese's World of Thoughts and Ideas
Wednesday, February 28, 2001
I'm really sick and tired of total Republican control, and it's only been a short few months. I've got to get back into activism work again soon to stop this insanity.
Try not to wake up to the sounds of Dionne Warwick singing "Walk on By" in the morning; it just makes for the beginning of a depressing day.
Tuesday, February 27, 2001
What an amazing Buffy tonight! It was incredible how they did the direction and camera angles during the episode. They really put a lot of thought and commitment into each and every scene to get just the right mood. I was floored by how well the episode was crafted, directed, and executed. Really one of the best directed episodes ever.
Racism and other discrimination hurts everyone. Reading this story about a brilliant mind disempowered and wasted should sadden each and every one of us. I couldn't help reading this article and feeling so devastated. Just think of what all he and others underutilized could have accomplished for the world had they been given the chance to flourish fully. And just think of what talents, knowledge, cures, technology, or philosophical temperances are wasted today by the various types of discrimination that exist in society. Such a waste.
Where's Jaime? Where's Jaime? My friend Jaime just had her last day at my office and I miss her terribly. Jaime, where are you?
Monday, February 26, 2001
Back at the office now. Long day of trying to catch up on all the millions of things I need to do, and that doesn't even include the catching up on my class I need to do. I'm kinda avoiding my homework.
More importantly, a week away from the Simpsons daily calendar means that I have a few quotes I must share:
Mr. Burns: Well, if it's a crime to love one's country, then I'm guilty. And if it's a crime to steal a trillion dollars from our government and hand it over to communist Cuba, then I'm guilty of that, too. And if it's a crime to bribe a jury, then so help me, I'll soon be guilty of that!
Mayor Quimby: Can't we have one meeting that doesn't end with us digging up a corpse?
Bart: I'm starving! Mom, can we go Catholic, so we can get communion wafers and booze?
Marge: No, no one's going Catholic! Three children is enough, thank you.
NYC report #7, final: Spent a great deal of time chatting with Nathan on Saturday. It's so good to be able to talk with him in person again. Saturday evening the four of us (Nathan, Julia, Riana, and I) met up in the city and had dinner at the Dr. Jekell & Mr. Hyde-themed restaurant. Cute and cheezy. Then they took me to see the new Broadway show Seussical which was fun and entertaining. The great thing was watching all the hundreds of kids in the audience really enjoy the show. Great set design and colors too. Anyway, it was my first Broadway experience, so I can now say I've been.
We then went to pick up Nathan's other sister Sasha from the train station and we all hung out very late at the apartment relaxing and having fun. It was so nice of Nathan's sisters to come visit me while I was in town. Riana and Sasha live in Boston and Amenia, NY respectively and so it was really cool that they took the time to come over to NYC just to see me while I was there. Riana actually gave me a way cool Natalie doll from Charlie's Angels. Very cool.
Spent the long day on Sunday traveling back home. Long and tiring. But it was wonderful getting home to the loving arms of my baby, having dinner, and catching the Simpsons before crashing into bed.
I'm back home in San Francisco now. Very tired from a long day of traveling yesterday and a busy weekend, but have to get ready for work now. I wanted to have today off, but there's so much to do back at work that I told them I'd come in anyway.
Saturday, February 24, 2001
NYC report #6: Hanging out at my friend Nathan's apartment in Jersey City. I love him so much. He's a great friend. It's hard to be close to him sometimes but he's a cool guy. For some reason he seems to like me.
Yesterday I rested much of the afternoon at his place with his girlfriend Julia and then we went to meet him in Manhattan to see the movie Before Night Falls. Nice movie about a very interesting guy I wish I'd heard of before.
We then picked up Nathan's sister Riana at the bus station and had a late night dinner. Today Nathan and I had a good conversation over breakfast and we're all just hanging out right now. Thankfully, I'm also getting laundry done at his place. Uh-oh, I actually better go right now and put it in the dryer. Keep you posted.
P.S. I'm heading back to SF tomorrow.
Friday, February 23, 2001
The ironic thing about this rerouted/canceled flight I had yesterday is that it is actually reminiscent of another flight I had a few years ago up the East Coast. It was Thanksgiving weekend of 1996 and I was flying from DC to New Hampshire to meet up with my then boyfriend, where he went to school at Dartmouth, to spend the holiday weekend. They flew me from DC to NYC and then couldn't fly me to NH because of a winter storm. It was so depressing and complicated because I was so looking forward to seeing my boyfriend that weekend after months of inability due to our long distance relationship, and here I was stuck in the middle of NYC for the night. I did manage the fly the next morning to NH and spend the weekend with him. I guess it's ironic that on my current return to the East Coast I would have a similar experience trying to fly up the coast.
DC/Baltimore/NYC report #5: Yesterday was quite a day. I left in the morning to the train station and went to Baltimore to meet up with my ex-coworker Stacey who now works for the ACLU of Maryland. Good4her! She's a great woman and it was great getting the chance to have lunch with her and catch up. Also got to meet in person an old contact of mine, Suzanne, who works at the same office as Stacey and who I used to work with via phone while I was in DC. Nice to be able to meet her in person and reconnect. Then, Stacey drove me to the airport. However, the weather was really really lousy and we weren't sure about my flight.
My flight was delayed for about an hour or so before taking off, which I was a little unsure it would actually take off because of the horrible weather. But we did, after waiting on the runway for an hour or so. We then flew to NYC and, unfortunately, were in a holding pattern over the airport for another hour while they tried to get us through the snowstorm and the air traffic. Finally, they decided that we couldn't land there and we flew another hour to Syracuse, NY where the airlines put us up for the night at a motel. Didn't get to the motel room until around 9pm, some 7 hours after leaving Baltimore for a supposedly short, 45 minute flight to NYC. Syracuse, NY is not close to NYC for those who are not familiar with NY. It's about a 4-5 hour drive to NYC. So I settled in, after finally having dinner, and went to sleep.
This morning I flew out of Syracuse to NYC after another hour delay at the airport. Finally, I arrive in NYC and met up my friend Nathan's girlfriend Julia. She was kind enough to guide me back to their home in Jersey City after traveling around NYC for a time via bus/subway/etc. to try and get tickets to a broadway show which we were unsuccessful in obtaining. We just got back here to their home in Jersey City and ordered pizza. I'm tired and a bit cranky after a long, crazy trip up the east coast, but it'll be a lot better now that I'm settled into their home. I'll keep you posted.
Thursday, February 22, 2001
DC report #4: Forgot to mention that I did go by my new U.S. Senator's office, Senator Jean Carnahan on Tuesday for a brief visit with her staff. Unfortunately it was a week of congressional recess and Senator Carnahan was back in Missouri this week. The office was kinda a mess because they were in the process of moving to another office that week, so it lacked a lot of grandeur and beauty that a normal senatorial office would hold. I gave her staff member, who I had met last year over the phone several times during the campaign, a copy of the two articles I had printed in the B.A.R. regarding Governor Mel Carnahan's death and my letter to Senator Feinstein in opposition to John Ashcroft's nomination. I can't tell you how amazing it feels to actually have Senator Carnahan as my Senator. You Californians may be used to having a Democratic, let alone a female, Senator, but I'm not. It's a terrific feeling.
Wednesday, February 21, 2001
DC report #3: Went by the old office yesterday where I worked for four years from 1995-1999. It was really great seeing everyone again. So many people there that I really do love, admire, and miss.
Went to a club last night-- the one I used to go to a lot when I lived here. Quite different. It also turns out it was a special "18 and over" night so I really felt old. On a separate note, why is it that when you're away from home you meet cute and cool guys who are totally into you and want to date? And why weren't they here when I was here for four years? Oh well.....
Having a great time with my old friends Jasa and Gerry the last couple of days. Got to have lunch with another ex-coworker today and had a blast. He's a really great guy and I'm glad to be able to call him a friend. Today's my last full day here in DC. I'm off to Baltimore and NYC tomorrow. I'll keep you posted.
DC report sidenote: The people of Washington, DC have no voting power. They pay federal taxes and yet have no formal, representative vote in Congress. There is a Delegate to Congress, but she does not have equal voting power as any other representative to Congress. THIS IS A TRAVESTY!!! And it must end now. It's unfortunately an historically racist and unfair policy from America's founding and needs to come to an end. There's a new group here in DC fighting for equal voting rights and you can check out their website at for all kinds of great information and parting gifts. I lived in DC myself for four years and can easily comprehend the travesty that continues on without proper representation. It is demoralizing, disenfranchizing, and destructive to democracy. Please learn more about this issue and help build the momentum for ending taxation without representation.
Monday, February 19, 2001
DC report #2: Much happier day today. Had dim sum with Jasa this morning in DC's Chinatown (affectionally known as Chinablock because it's so small and empty).
Then I happily got together with a former co-worker (name omitted to protect the "innocent"). It was good seeing him in person outside of the office so that we could talk. He's so smart and witty and we've been through a lot together (work stuff, personal stuff, political stuff, etc.) He and I also went through bad relationships and hurtful breakups at the same time a few years ago and were able to see each other through. Always good to see him and chat.
Spent the afternoon biking around, remembering my old haunts again. Tonight, I'm going over to my friend Gerry's house and we're doing a sleep-over. Yay! I'll keep you posted.
Sunday, February 18, 2001
DC report #1: Yesterday, I spent the whole long day traveling to get to DC-- my home for four years from 1995-1999. I haven't been back since I left during the summer of 1999. I didn't enjoy living here in DC and was happy to leave. But I have missed my friends and former co-workers and such.
Staying at my wonderful friend Jasa's home during my visit. He's the greatest guy. Very down to earth and calm. Sometimes I wish I could be more like him; he doesn't seem to let anything get to him. He's always just mellow.
Was able to spend some time yesterday with the always sweet and incredibly intelligent Martin; he picked me up from the airport.
I was also able to have brunch with gorgeous Frank today and briefly saw my dear friend Gerry. I'll be seeing much more of him later.
The weird thing about being here is that I feel sad. I can't tell if it's because of nostalgia or loneliness or age or because I miss my DC friends or just pure sadness. I think DC also has this way of bringing back up old sadness and emotional pain. I also keep feeling like I'm gonna turn the corner and run in my ex. He doesn't live here anymore, but I keep feeling that.
Well, I'll keep you updated and I'll let you know how things go. I've got a lot more people to reconnect with over the next few days and can't wait to see them all.
Friday, February 16, 2001
For those of you who are not in San Francisco and don't have the ability to catch the daily news stories about the fatal dog attack, here's a good idea of why the story keeps going on and on.... the dog owners are absolutely crazy, insane, and aren't even sorry. What a world we live in.
...until fairly recently equal benefits for lesbian and gay people were considered "just a wacky San Francisco idea …Interesting commentary regarding the issue of transgender rights mentioned in my earlier post.
Reminder: if you want to comment on any of my posts, you can now post your own comment by clicking on the "talk" link following the individual post. Let me know what you have to say.
Wanna check on the latest count from Florida? Very cool website.
The mayor's railings against the 1999 "Sensation" exhibit prompted the largest turnout for any show ever at the Brooklyn Museum. Looks like the museum can expect another large crowd.
San Francisco is about to embark on another first in the nation.
Thursday, February 15, 2001
Wanna buy some honest-to-goodness bleu cheese? Somehow I feel like gagging.
Oh good, just in time for Valentine's Day, my latest issue of the Abercrombie and Fitch catalogue has arrived. You see, that catalogue has a bit of personal history for me. Let me explain.
I haven't told many people this, but during the year that my ex and I were dating...... well,... he never gave me anything, like a gift or a card or anything. Not for my birthday. Not for Valentine's Day. Not for Christmas or holidays or "just because." Nothing. Nada. I never said anything to him or to anyone, even though it bothered me. Then, on our one-year anniversary, we had a horrendous, disgusting, heart-renching breakup.
Later that year, at Christmastime, a package from Abercrombie and Fitch arrived at my door. He had sent me an all-wool sweater. No note, no letter, no call; we hadn't spoken in months. Just a sweater. A sweater that was not my size. A sweater that all-wool and I don't like all-wool. A gift. A gift without any meaning. If I had received it at anytime during our relationship it would have meant the world. But, now, it had no meaning.
So, now, the Abercrombie and Fitch catalogue haunts me. I've never purchased anything from them. I've never given them my address or many changes of address. Yet, somehow, they always track me down and send me their catalogue. And, now, I've received it yet again, just in time for Valentine's Day. Lucky, lucky me.
Ahhh, Jessie is the greatest. He set up my new blogvoices system so that anyone, including you, can post a little comment about something I've written. How cool is that?! So, if you want to say something to me and the world about one of my comments, just click on the word "talk" after the comment. I look forward to hearing what you have to say.
So, I walked to the bus-stop yesterday to catch the 19 bus and the station was missing. How odd, I thought. I see from the MUNI website that they've re-routed the lines. Actually, it works out better for me, so in the end it's a good thing. Also, I found this nifty website to help me around the City.
Keeping with the oceanic theme, this should make everyone feel comfortable at dinner tonight.
Yikes! Beware Free Willy.
Wednesday, February 14, 2001
Great movies to rent on Valentine's Day for when you want to remember why you're happy to be single and for when you want to enjoy someone else's pathetic obsessions. (P.S. The latter movie is hard to find, but incredibly worth seeing. Great movie!)
Awwww...... how sweet.
Well, Jessie, looks like we should have had that downloading session we've been talking about sooner.
Well, I guess I'm not the only one. The cute guy got some flowers today from another admirer of his. He thought they were from me because they were unsigned and I had already sent that email. So I guess I'm just another one of several. Oh well. Now what?
Feeling bold and romantic today for some reason. Sent the cute guy an email today saying "You're adorable" and got a nice response. Eeeek!
Excerpt from daily Simpsons calendar, from Lisa: Mom, romance is dead. It was acquired in a hostile takeover by Hallmark and Disney, homogenized, then sold off piece by piece.
Tuesday, February 13, 2001
If you're ever in the Castro and want to talk to one of the cutest and sweetest guys around, stop in to "In Jean Ious" and have a chat with Patrick. Tell him Reese sent you.
Oy, what a day I had today! I'm just now sitting down and I'm exhausted.
First I woke up and studied, studied, studied for my exam today. Then I ran out of time to have breakfast or lunch (Sorry, Jessie) and had to whisk away to class. I, of course, was late and only had time to grad a snickers bar. Then, of course, I had to take a 2 hour test in my Statistics class.
On top of that, here's this: Normally every day in class it is freezing; freezing! and so everyone wears big clothes; today, out of nowhere, huge heaters must have been turned on because the classroom was stifling; here I was with layers and layers of clothing and I was dying. People, it's been freezing in San Francisco lately, so that may be why they decided to turn on the heat finally; but it was on incredibly high in that classroom.
Then, it's run to the bank, run to the office, run around doing errands for work, run off to the doctor's appointment I forgot I had, and then rest, supposedly.
But, since I'm in the Castro at the time, I might as well do some needed shopping for the millions of birthdays, holidays, and other events I need to shop for right now. So, add on another 3 hours of shopping with a light dinner and finally, gratefully, happily, I'm in the taxi home.
But wait! The taxi driver is one of those ones who likes to talk to you. Sometimes that can be fine, depending, but not tonight. I'm so tired and just want to collapse. Oh, well, a long day has finally come to closure. I'm home now and I can watch this week's new Buffy. That will at least help me wind down.
I've got my first major test in my class today and I'm spending the morning studying, studying, studying. I'm so nervous. Eeek!
Oh, I'm so excited! My friend Gerry called me this morning from DC. I haven't seen him since I left DC and I so miss him. He and I were stuck like glue the four years I was in DC. It's hard to believe I haven't seen him since the summer of '99. We were often mistaken for boyfriends because we were always together. We had to develop a plan to try and stay 3 feet away from each other while hanging out so that people would realize we were single and were open to date. We would often yell out "3 feet!" to each other as we were walking around Dupont Circle if we saw a cute guy. Oh, my DC days. I can't wait to get together with Gerry again. Yay!
Monday, February 12, 2001
Went to see the wonderful, marvelous, terrific All About Eve tonight at the Castro Theater. The great thing about seeing old movies like that is that they have amazing characters and sparkling dialogue that just isn't in today's movies. I mean, when was the last time you watched a movie and actually soaked up every bit of the dialogue with fervor? Ahhh.... dialogue. What a concept.
Talk about social engineering! So much for the Republican party being the party that limits government.
Sunday, February 11, 2001
People, it's freezing here in San Francisco these days! I've been wearing a sweatshirt and a heavy coat lately. What's up with all this crazy cold weather? Well, I suppose it's getting me prepared for my trip back east this weekend.
To celebrate my newfound knowledge of pictures on the web, I'll put up a picture of myself from last year's Gay & Lesbian Pride in San Francisco:
![]() |
But wait? What's that being edited out? I wouldn't have been crazy enough to wear my phone number around Pride last year, would I?
As you can see from below, I've finally learned how to put up pictures on my webpage. Hooray! Jessie graciously spent a few hours at my computer today with me, putting up with my ignorance and humor, and taught me the ways of the computer master. I now know the secrets to the universe and will dispense with tidings of great joy in greater numbers throughout my days. All hail Jessie!
Saturday, February 10, 2001
What did you think I would do at this moment?
When I’m faced with the knowledge that you just don’t love me
Did you think I would curse you?
Or say things to hurt you?
Cause you just don’t love me no more.
Why is it so hard to get a guy to like me? So I'm at this Gay & Lesbian Expo today and I walk past this booth with this incredibly beautiful man. I walk up to him because I recognize him as an actor in this play I saw a few months ago and introduce myself. His name is Alfredo. Beautiful, sweet, gorgeous Alfredo. He smiles an incredibly beautiful smile and talks to me in general, but just doesn't seem at all interested in knowing anything more about me. I felt like he just wanted me to go away. When I see someone that beautiful and a smile that seems to so resonate within my body, it just feels like there should be some kind of connection. But, alas, there isn't and I walk away depressed. Why is it so hard to get a guy to like me?
How sick! What else will people do for ratings?
This actually reminds me of another subject I've been thinking about lately. I was watching "The Cell" the other day and it had your standard anti-woman, torture of women fair that is usual in horror movies about psychotic guys and I got to where I was sick of seeing this type of torture and psychosis on screen. It seems as if it's more a fascination of Hollywood and movie men who want to exploit these types of tragedies or who are simply attracted to this type of psychosis themselves and they want to make movies where they get to live out some psychotic fantasy of anti-women destruction. I'm just tired of all this anti-woman tortune, rape, and destruction. It just seems to feed itself.
Yesterday's blast of cold air shot out of Alaska and rolled across the state, dumping rain, hail and snow on everything in its path. And yeah, bub, even I turned on my heater. The state better figure out something.
Friday, February 09, 2001
Oh Frederick, what are you thinking? Let's not blame all dogs for some crazy owners and their insane dogs. Mandating muzzles would only exacerbate any fears that are out there.
Thursday, February 08, 2001
I just love Supervisor Mark Leno. And, by the way, isn't he a major cutie?
You know your days gonna be weird when the first thing you see as you're coming into the office is a scruffy homeless guy wearing a Lillith Fair jacket with the words Power, Spirit, and Music written in a circle on the back.
Wednesday, February 07, 2001
Several years ago I carried a wallet. Inside the wallet I had photos of my then boyfriend. I loved opening my wallet back then and looking at his face, his eyes, his smile. Everytime I went shopping, bought items at the grocery store, ordered food at a restaurant, needed a subway ticket, I would remind myself of the love that I had.
He probably will never know or understand the deep love I had for him. He probably will never fully comprehend how much hurt and pain I went through during and after our breakup.
Today, I was cleaning out an old bag of stuff in my closet and came across the tossed-aside photo set that once was in my wallet. I stared at those pictures and thought of some other world from where they came. It's been many years now. It was a different time, a different place, a different world. So why do I feel a pang in my body upon seeing those photos from my wallet?
It was years ago that I carred a wallet.
A Sundered Heart
Hurt and lonely
Blackened by despair
Bleeding tears
Of bygone years
For an answer
--Eric S. Isbell
My brother, Eric, is an amazing artist. He draws these intricate designs and writes matching poetry. My mother also does beautiful scenic paintings. I actually have various aspects of Eric's artwork ready to display on my webpage whenever I can figure out how to put pictures up. Why don't I have any artistic ability?
I just did my homework for class. I can't believe I have homework again. Math homework, no less. How bizarre is that? I feel like I'm in high school again.
Sometimes I think I feel a whole lot better and I don't really have a cold........ and then, I remember that I can't breathe.
For those of you who've never traveled outside a major city and know what it's like simply trying to find the gay area or a gay-friendly bar or a mildly friendly restaurant that much just have a gay waiter, you should love this guy's troubles in finding something gay in Moline. (Thanks Jaime)
There's something about trying to find gay people in another town that makes one feel a little bit more at home, a little bit more like you're not the only one, a little bit like we're everywhere, a little bit better about the possibilities of life, and sometimes, even a little bit randier.
Excerpt from the daily Simpsons calendar from Milhouse: "Remember the time he ate my goldfish? And you lied and said I never had any goldfish? Then why did I have the bowl, Bart? WHY DID I HAVE THE BOWL?"
I was walking on an overpass yesterday at City College and nearly got blown off; it was pretty wild.
Tuesday, February 06, 2001
Just what I need. On top of everything else, construction began on my apartment building roof this morning. Did I mention that I live on the top floor? Loud, Shaking, Overwhelming Booms. Gravel shoved and poured and seemingly dropping onto of you. I hope that my apartment is still around by the end of the day.
Man, I should have taken Nyquil last night. I kept waking up all night and now I can't sleep. As soon as I get to work, I'm sure I'll be ready to sleep. Plus I have a test today. Ugh, not the beginning of a good day.
How could I have missed this rolling potato cart?
How stupid can you be?
Monday, February 05, 2001
Well, it sucks getting yourself out of your house and making the trek to Rite Aid just so you can buy some Juicy Juice and they haven't got any stocked. First of all, it sucks because they stopped carrying several of the flavors months ago, but now they can't keep any in stock. Secondly, it sucks because it's my favorite drink, it's 100% juice, and I need it to get better. Third, I had to end up buying wanna-be-juices that suck because I need something to drink so that I can feel better. What's so hard about keeping the product stocked?
Well, so much for trying to stay at work the whole day. I'm so tired and energy-drained. I need to sleep and rest. And, fear of fears, I have a test tomorrow in my class that I have to study for. Oh, I need to sleep.
Good4U, Gabriel! Good4U!
Ah, let's go back in time for a minute. A few years ago while I was working in Washington, DC I worked on an issue titled "Charitable Choice" which is now the basis for Bush's "faith-based outreach." Here's some talking points I crafted at the time on the issue. You'll be happy to know that the original idea for all of this came from then-Senator Ashcroft. Now he's the Attorney General, so I suppose the Justice Department will deem it constitutional. It's the end of the world as we know it.
Well, after about 4 days of sleep and sleep and sleep and trying not to let this cold take over, I'm back at work. All I really seem to want to do today is go back to.... sleep. Plus, I'm really tired.
Sunday, February 04, 2001
This is, like, the coolest webpage ever! (Thanks Matthew) I've created my own superhero version of Chang Chen and let me tell you, he's hot! Oh yeah, and he's got super powers.
Well, it seems as if I've been fighting off a cold for several days. It hasn't yet taken over completely, but it has drained all my energy so that I'm just incredibly tired. And of course my sleep patterns off to where I'm up at 2am like this instead of being asleep. Hopefully I'll feel much better tomorrow.
Well, apparently my website has become the thing to check out by my officemates these days. That's cool. I like it, although I would think they'd have enough of me for over 8 hours a day. Unfortunately, their viewing my personal site does limit my ability to write about how much I hate all of them and the stinking job and how I wish I didn't have to pretend I was happy 24 hours a day. (Just kidding guys.... or am I? hehe)
Do you understand how great it is to have a dictionary online?
Saturday, February 03, 2001
Who is this guy and why haven't I heard of him before?
A machete?
Friday, February 02, 2001
After 130-140 years or so, I'm glad to see that the U.S. Civil War is back in the news. It's good that we redebate and re-understand the misunderstandings that the South and racists have been through. (That was sarcasm, just to be sure.)
What in the hell is going on with our country? Why are we going back in time, not just 10 or 20 years, but about 150 years to antebellum? I tried to warn you about a possible President Bush, but I never thought we'd go back to pre-Civil War mentalities. It's the end of the world as we know it.
I've discovered a great new cereal. It's my own creation. It involves mixing Kellogg's Frosted Mini-Wheats and Kellog's Raisin Bran. Yum.
This was a very small earthquake, but it scared the hell out of me because it came at such a inopportune time. I was in the middle of watch the just-ok movie The Cell and it was just at an extreme moment of tension and suddenly my room begins to move. I'm freaking out and petrified and have to stop the movie and remind myself that it's just a movie and just a small earthquake and that I have nothing to worry about. Freaky.
Sorry I haven't had many posts lately, but I've been under the weather, very tired, and haven't felt like looking at a computer screen lately.
Thursday, February 01, 2001
I left work early yesterday feeling very, very tired. And now, today, I'm just feeling half-alive. Not sure what it is exactly, but something's come over me.
This dog attack situation keeps getting weirder. Now the dog owners are trying to blame the victim in the fatal attack and claim that uses drugs. Are the owners completely crazy or is it just me?