Thursday, May 31, 2001

Rosie's baby step out of the closet?

School should not be a place where kids have to do battle. It should be a place to learn.

The beginning of a nightmare: A mysterious outbreak of a sometimes fatal pneumonia among gay men has occurred in San Francisco and several other major cities, it was revealed yesterday.


Wednesday, May 30, 2001

Our rights are never secure. We must fight for them everyday. They sent me a letter of apology. That meant nothing to me. I felt like I was cheated.

First Lady Laura Bush is a big advocate of the Reading Is Fundamental program which gives books to low-income students across the country, but the Bush Administration is slashing their funding by 70%. Sounds awfully similar to the Bush way of thinking: say one thing publicly, do the opposite in the budget.

Anne Heche is getting married to a man?

Completed Jews?: "In a sense, it's a compliment," he said of the "completed Jews" reference. "They're not a Christian, they're still a Jew. They've just found another part of themselves. I thought I was being kind."

Again, I say, the Bush Administration should simply be called the "Burns Administration" after Mr. Burns from the Simpsons: If you set aside Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, the safety record of nuclear power is really very good. -- Bush Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill.

Tuesday, May 29, 2001

You want fries with that? is now answered with a magic wand....

Anyone who knows me knows of my love for my United States Senator Jean Carnahan. Unfortunately, the other Senator from Missouri is Republican Christopher "Kit" Bond. He's always been a conservative Republican wrapped in moderate clothing, sorta like what Bush tries to do. He has in the past fashioned himself as a fighter for equal rights and women's rights and even used to proudly support the ERA in the 1970's while governor of Missouri. Well, those days seem to be waning, especially as the Republican party moves further and further and further and further to the right. I just received a response letter from his office which had the following paragraph amidst other such wordy crap: In 1973, the Supreme Court chose to duck on the important issues surrounding abortion, and gave us the judicial quagmire known as Roe v. Wade. As Mother Teresa said, Rose v. Wade has deformed a great nation. It has sown violence and discort at the heart of the most intimate human relationshipos. It has portrayed the greatest gifts- a child- as a competitor, an intrusion, and an inconvenience.

A couple of great excerpts from my Daily Simpsons' Calendar that were from last week:

Troy McClure: Hi, I'm Troy McClure! You may remember me from such medical films as "Alice Doesn't Live Anymore" and "Mommy, What's Wrong with That Man's Face?"

An ode to not being a gymrat:
Milhouse's mother: You know, Milhouse, you are getting a little doughy.
Milhouse: Aw, can't I just have the surgery?

An ode to my current dilemma about asking guys out:
Renee: Really? You think I'm gorgeous?
Moe: Yeah, well, the part that's showin'. Guess you could have a lotta weird scars or a fake ass or somethin'.
Renee: You don't talk to a lot of women, do you?

Sorry I haven't been posting. Been out of town visiting my brother, sister, and niece in Los Angeles. Picked up a great new slogan from my 7 year old niece Mariah: There's no stopping in Candyland.

Thursday, May 24, 2001

Sorry guys, I haven't been posting because I've had my great friend Jasa in town this week and haven't had time to keep up with my posting duties. I'm heading to L.A. tomorrow for the weekend, so I may not have anything posted until next week. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, May 22, 2001

What a great letter to the editor on that important privacy rights issue I've been mentioning.

Look how pink this page is. Queerific!

Monday, May 21, 2001

BTW (which mean "by the way" for those new to internet lingo), did I mention that I'm happily on vacation this week? Yay!

It's a return to the days of the scarlet letter.

Hindu Americans and vegetarians are angry at McDonald's.

How barbaric: Woman stoned to death for acting in Iranian sex film. Do our beloved American porn stars know about this?

Egregious and dishonorable practices by the business community: Under existing law, consumers must respond to the written privacy policy notifications they receive from banks and other financial companies completely in order to keep companies from sharing their confidential data with other firms. That means that between now and July 1, the deadline set by law, every mailing a consumer receives from a bank, insurance company or security brokerage must be reviewed carefully for a privacy statement and a response form to sign and send back.

Sunday, May 20, 2001

Somebody needs to find the real Reese. Reese's body was taken over today by some cleaning fanatic who spent the whole day cleaning like never ever ever before. Mopping, sweeping, dusting, reorganization, things that Reese would never ever ever do. Let's see if the real Reese shows up tomorrow.

Saturday, May 19, 2001

I love Rachel Griffiths and never realized who she was. I first saw her in the wonderful "Muriel's Wedding" many years ago and enjoyed her presence. I just saw her in "Blow" recently (mistaking her for Juliette Lewis) and was again amazed by her. I'm just now putting together her complete movie history in my mind now. Wow, I so love the Internet Movie Data Base. What did we do before it was around?

It's the little things:

Today is a gorgeous day with a soft breeze and I put a wind chime in my window. So peaceful.

As I've mentioned before, I really think we should start calling the Bush Administration the "Burns Administration" after Mr. Burns of the Simpsons.

Bush to order energy put on a par with environment / Directive tilts policy toward 'Why not drill?'

Thursday, May 17, 2001

I don't normally watch ER mostly because I just don't watch much television. But I caught the tail end of tonight's season finale and it was worth catching. I knew the show had a lesbian character, but I never realized that she was not openly gay. Tonight she made an impassioned coming out that was done out of frustration and anger over discrimination against a fellow lesbian employee. It was very moving.

Grand Old Petroleum . Com.... Clever.

Ellen's gonna play straight again?

A lot of great advice for anyone out there who's gotten laid off or wants to have more information on your legal rights.

If you happen to check out Jessie's site, be sure to wait and catch the cartoon eye winking at you. It's way cool.

Rented the movie Bedazzled last night. Just felt like watching something silly and mindless. It lived up to that. Regardless, the unexpected thing about the movie was that it was filmed here in San Francisco and there were a lot of sights I had fun recognizing, especially at the end when the scenes took place inside City Hall. I walk through City Hall all the time and it was fun seeing it up on the big screen.

Wednesday, May 16, 2001

Ok, this is probably one of the weirder pictures I've ever seen.

The U.S. attorney who coordinated the investigation into the assassination of abortion provider Dr. Barnett Slepian in upstate New York--culminating in three arrests--has been dismissed in the middle of her term by the avowedly anti-choice Bush administration. How outrageous.... and exactly the type of thing the media doesn't pick up on to show how right-wing and zealous the Bush administration is.

Ok, that's it! Can no one distinguish reality from television anymore? Now I will admit that I have in the past been a bit obsessed with shows like Buffy, the Simpsons, Cheers, Roseanne, and the X-Files. I also admit that I have never actually watched the West Wing so I can't say that I completely understand the phenomena. However, regardless of any obsession, one should always be able to distinguish reality from televised obsession. For a state leader to adjourn a working session in the state Capitol in honor of the death of a fictional character on TV, or for a leading editorial from a major newspaper to discuss the show as if it is reality, is just beyond acceptability and reason.

Tuesday, May 15, 2001

Deep thoughts: I'm good enough; I'm smart enough; and doggonit, people like me.

Fellow blogger Ernie has a great new look to his site. Love it! He's so funny. Read his hilarious post about interviewing for a job where they've seen his personal homepage.

I've been wanting to post this paraphrased quote from Sunday night's episode of the Simpsons, but haven't had a chance to do it til now:

Flanders: Well, sir, this just leaves me in a pickle.
Homer: Alright, I'll do it. And this pickle you mention only sweetens the deal.

This excerpt from the Simpsons' Daily Calendar seems to me to symbolize human existence in society:

Cadet Larsen: What's the matter? Don't girls like doing push-ups in the mud?
Lisa: Is there any answer I can give that won't result in more push-ups?
Cadet Platt: No.

Go Robert Redford!

Dick Cheney's top-10 energy saving tips! Very funny. Including:
---How to obtain your very own Home Drilling Starter Kit

---and important environmental philosophies such as: So-called renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power are, in fact, unreliable and even dangerous. During a typical 24-hour period, the sun is "off" 50 percent of the time, while oil, gas and coal still burn brightly.

Again, I'm sorry guys. Blogger was down all weekend and I wasn't able to post. I will post a lot later today, I promise. I know that you all are missing my insight into the world. ;-)

Monday, May 14, 2001

Sorry guys, Blogger's been down all weekend and I haven't been able to post anything.

Friday, May 11, 2001

I know it's been a while since I've had one of my all-important and well-liked Simpsons' Daily Calendar excerpt. But frankly, there haven't been any worthwhile putting up lately. Anyway, here's one to make everyone happy:

Lisa: An alternate ending to Casablanca! Bart, this could be priceless!
Bart: Priceless like a mother's love or the good kind of priceless?

Thursday, May 10, 2001

Got a much needed massage from my favorite masseur tonight. I've been a bit stressed lately. Lots of things going on.... oh, and did I mention that I quit my job on Monday? Yeah, quit the job, life change, moving on, stuff like that. I think I deserved a massage, don't you?

Pedestrians waving flags to keep from being killed?

House GOP moderates are warning President Bush and other top White House officials that they risk alienating key suburban voters and endangering the party's majority on Capitol Hill if the administration doesn't soften its stance on environmental issues.

Local Kansas City commentators take on former Senator Bob Dole's recent foray into Pepsi commercials with Britney Spears:

Dole joked this week, when he visited Kansas City, that he'd received a "dirty-old-man letter" as a result of the commercial. Just one?

Wednesday, May 09, 2001

A vote is a voice. It's the expression of a free people. A single vote is just a whisper when it's counted, but when they all come together they blend together into a full chorus.-- Senator Jean Carnahan (D-Missouri).

Perfect. Very well-done cartoon.

It's black against white. What's that all about? is primitive and unconscionable for educators anywhere to cling to the right to beat a child in the name of learning. The practice is contrary to this nation's respect for individual rights and its legal traditions against punishments that are arbitrary and not administered under strict rules and limits. Corporal punishment in schools has been outlawed by most democratic nations. Yet Congress is considering a Teacher Liability Protection Act, supported by President Bush, that is likely to increase the number of paddlings in states and school districts where corporal punishment is still legal.

It just seems so obvious that Vice President Cheney and the administration simply want more money for their oil and energy producers. I mean, why would anyone be opposed to conservation? It's free, easy, and something everyone can do to help out during the energy crisis. Calling it a 70's-era-fad is just pathetic.

Tuesday, May 08, 2001

I would like to welcome back my husband to the blogging community. He's put together a fabu new web page design. And I do mean fabu!

...we're going to be talking about $6 per gallon, not $3. For gasoline? Does anyone see a problem with that?!?!

I can see how for dyslexics it might be different.

Monday, May 07, 2001

President George W. Bush says he "absolutely" wants the District of Columbia to get a baseball team. But not, he said in the same interview, representation in Congress. "I'm against the full voting rights," the president of the United States told The Washington Post.... BASEBALL, YES. Voting rights, no.

Environmentally-friendly bullets?

I cannot possibly be coming down with yet another cold, can I?

Saturday, May 05, 2001


Wait -- don't toss all that junk mail before looking at it, especially those annoying inserts tucked into your monthly bills. Oh, great, I already did. Who knew? What a egregious scam by the business community!

...raising fees for its speedy cable modem service by $6 to $46 per month starting June 1. Talk about price gouging.

Friday, May 04, 2001

This is NOT funny!

Thursday, May 03, 2001


Tuesday, May 01, 2001

So glad to see the Bush Administration seems to understand the dire needs of Californians during this energy crisis and wants to help us with our skyrocketing electricity bills. Bush stated: Seems to me that you guys ought to be paying the true cost of (electricity). In response, Democratic Congressman Bob Filner of San Diego said, seems to me what we are already paying is criminal.

It sort of feels like we've all been invited to a sock hop. This 1950s "Back-to-the-Future" Administration lacks only poodle skirts and duck tails. Let's solve our energy problems with nuclear power plants! It worked out so well the first time.

Why does Vice President Cheney sound so much like Mr. Burns from the Simpsons?
--To speak exclusively of conservation is to duck the tough issues. Conservation may be a sign of personal virtue, but it is not a sufficient basis -- all by itself -- for a sound, comprehensive energy policy.
--But the government has not granted a single new nuclear power permit in more than 20 years. If we're serious about environmental protection(emphasis added by me), then we must seriously question the wisdom of backing away from what is, as a matter of record, a safe, clean and very plentiful energy source.

And then you get responses like this that sound just like a Simpsons script: "Bless his heart," said Bill Raney, president of the West Virginia Coal Association. "We have been something of the whipping child for some time now. This is kind of like your dad when he compliments you when you were growing up. We've got people in Washington talking to us now."

As my friend Tom likes to say, coal and oil barons need love too.

Today they've re-released the very first installment of the original "Tales of the City" by Armistead Maupin that ran in 1976. I'd never read it before, but it's quite perfect for anyone who has ever been to San Francisco.

Today, out of fear and misunderstanding, transgender citizens are often despised and disrespected. Let's proclaim their dignity. Let's honor their human right to participate fully as citizens of this great City of St. Francis.--San Francisco Supervisor Mark Leno. San Francisco is now the only government in the nation that offers equal access to health care for transgender workers.