a bird lands on the window ledge.... Amaya attacks..... the window screen and a candle fall four floors to the ground.... I wake from the noise.... Amaya is standing on the edge looking down.... I scream for her.... she comes inside.... I close the window.... another day, another worry
Reese's World
Reese's World of Thoughts and Ideas
Saturday, March 29, 2003
Friday, March 28, 2003
This excerpt has actually little to do with the article it's from, but I liked the sound of it: Despite this Orwellian moment, some of us still seek the truth.
Who has been organizing those pro-war rallies? The answer, it turns out, is that they are being promoted by key players in the radio industry -- with close links to the Bush administration.
So where's Reese? And where's all his political excerpts, quotes, and rants?
Well, ladies and gents, I've been out of it for a couple of reasons. As you know, I've been sick with a cold or something for about 2 weeks now. It keeps getting worse rather than better. But more than that, I've been out of it because of the war.
The war just makes me emotionally sick and saddenned to where I don't want to pick up the paper anymore. It hurts to look at all that is happening. And I'm especially angry at the media for so obviously enjoying and profiteering off of such a terrible situation. Every time I turn on the TV, I just watch in awe as the TV news seems like little kids excited over new toys to play with and then they do the same ole hackneyed stories about everyday people and how they know someone in the war. And I think to myself, the media is loving this. This is something for the media to wrap themselves around, just like a flag, and promote/sensationalize/exaggerate/and highlight good vs. bad. It disgusts me. And I can't watch. And I can't read to well either, because it's the same kind of thing in the papers. And then I read something like this article "For Broadcast Media, Patriotism Pays; Consultants Tell Radio, TV Clients That Protest Coverage Drives Off Viewers" where the propoganda campaign is just intensified. If you're not with us, you'll lose ratings, let alone show your lack of patriotism. Disgusting and stupid. I hate all of this. But I'll get back to you soon.
Wednesday, March 26, 2003
I bought a shredder. It is so cool. Yes, a shredder. To shred papers. I had this drawer completely full of stupid old, unneeded records and credit card mail with those annoying extra checks the credit card people always send you that you don't want to use but don't feel comfortable throwing away since it has all your information on it so you stick it in a drawer. Now I have a shredder. And I've been shredding in the morning. And I've been shredding in the daytime. And I've been shredding in the eveningtime. And it's causing all-kinds-a mess in my house. But I have a drawer again. And I got tons and tons of little pieces of paper. Sweet.
Amaya, my cat (yes, the psycho one that attacks people), did the cutest thing today. I layed down to take a nap cuz I'm constantly sleepy with this cold, and she got up on the bed with me. But instead of sleeping down at my feet like normal, she came up and layed right next to me and put one of her paws on my chest. Then she let me lay my arm around her without fussing, and just purred. And we fell asleep that way.
Tuesday, March 25, 2003
So this Issue of the Month has been hard. (Is it April yet?) It's been hard because for a while I tried to avoid it and then lately I've been soaking in it. And now I have all my friends worried about me.
Well, jolt yourselves to reality, because this is a lot of the real me and this is the kind of thoughts I'm always thinking. I'm not good with my own feelings or my own sense of pride. I'm bad at it. I struggle daily. I didn't survive depression and then get passed it-- I made it passed the worst days but I still have it in me everyday. So I'm a great actor that smiles and laughs and tells funny jokes and thinks the world of people. And all of that is true and is me, some part of me, and yet deep down it's also not me. All of that and none of that is the problem. I am a confluence of positive and negative ideas trying to figure out which is the real me and which is the real real me.
This doesn't have to make sense. And it probably won't to many. You know, I have so many people who wish for me to lay out more of myself and my life on this blog rather than just political things, and then when I do people get upset that I'm upset. Well, this is me. I just bring a whole part of my personhood out here on the blog, just like I do with politics, that I don't really live in my life with friends and such. And I'm sorry if everyone thinks I'm now a basketcase or thinks I'm suicidal. I am the former, but not the latter, and that's the way things have been with me ever since I can remember. It's no ones fault or drama other than my own and my own psyche. I deal; I heal; I move on; and sometimes I dwell. It's hard. All the time.
Victor's right. As he said in the last post's comment, I do need to make a drastic change. And I know what that change is. But I'm scared. And everyone I know keeps telling me not to do it because they fear for me. And I understand that. But I know I need this change. I recently had two dreams burst in front of me making my decisions that much harder. But I will come out of this soon and make my changes and get better (my own sense of better) and move on. Cuz I always do. And I have to, because I am a survivor. But I never said that I wasn't a struggling survivor. Nor did I say I didn't have my low moments. I do. I definitely do. I just hide it all well. You've been on the ride with me for a couple years now, but now you can say you've really visited Reese's World.
Monday, March 24, 2003
You ever have that feeling that the day is out to get you? You wake up ready to enjoy the world. You joyously sing or hum a tune. You go out of your way to say hi and "good day" to many a person on the street. You express love to everyone. And smile, smile, smile.
And then the day tramples on you and pushes you and pulls you and hurts you and treads on you and trods on you and bullies you into submission. And by the end of the day you wonder why oh why you were thinking it would be a good day.
Ever worry that that day would last a week, a month, a year or more?
Honestly, very honestly, I feel ever since the year 2002 began (2002, not 2003; yes, 2002) my life has been on a bumpy rollercoaster with very few highs but many a low and many a tumble with screeching and screaming all the way. I was hoping that 2003 would end my funk, but so far it's more of the same.
So why do I continue to try to smile and sing and laugh in the morningtime?
Sunday, March 23, 2003
I get lost often in a sea of discontent of my own making and will. Fighting yourself is possibly the hardest opponent because you know your weaknesses from within and you can convince yourself of so many things. These days I lose track of time when I'm alone as I lose track of myself and my hopes and dreams and plans jump out the window waiting for me to snap out of my daze. When I rise from my daymare I'm so exhausted by it all that I lull myself into my bed and sleep away my troubles, only to find them haunting me again and again each time I wake. When I try to better my existence I inundate myself with so many thoughts and dreams and hopes that their numbers and size overwhelm me to exhaustion once again. It isn't fair; it isn't right; but how can I properly win against myself in a fight. So alone I sit wishing and hoping for some possible escape from my current existence, but knowing that my inner demons cannot be quelled so easily. It's not a simple matter of sadness or depression or shame. It's a constant and reverberating numbness that knows no boundaries. It's a lack of willpower. It's an inner confusion and misdirection. It's a realization that this is life, my life. And my life is not what I want it to be and I am unsure and unclear on how to make it what I do want it to be. I am unwhole; I am broken; I am hurt and damaged and bitter and fearful. Lest you think otherwise, this is not a suicidal or hate-filled diatribe. This is a statement of un-pride, low self-esteem, and of a recognition of my faults. This is a writing in which I must say what is real and underneath all the smiles and laughs-- for it is not what can be seen. And it is necessary to learn from and understand the underlying depths of each of us as we struggle to be whole and full of the pride we hope to have. I have had difficulty writing lately as we've gone to war and so much writing and reading and thinking has seemed trivial. But I know that as individuals we must go on in life in order to make ourselves, and by extension, the world better. Global peace begins with inner peace. At this time global peace has a long way to go based upon my own circumstances. But I hope and pray that I can slay my own internal demons and get passed these difficult wars within myself. Until that time, wish me luck and pray for the world-- mine, yours, and ours.
Friday, March 21, 2003
it's crazy days and it's hard to concentrate on putting anything here when everything in the world seems so crazy
Thursday, March 20, 2003
Stark differences in opinion
In San Francisco: Waves of anti-war protesters made good on their promise to disrupt downtown San Francisco this morning, as they occupied intersections throughout the Financial District, South of Market and Civic Center, preventing buses and cars from navigating the streets.
In Kansas City area: In a billiard room at Fox and Hound English Pub & Grille in Overland Park, Bush's face filled a wall, and his voice held the rapt attention of dozens. When he finished, the room was filled with whistles and cheers, and with the sound of pool cues clunking the floor in approval. Before the bombs hit, a buzz filled the Other Place bar and grill in Overland Park as revelers watched the NIT basketball tournament. Then CBS' Dan Rather broke in to announce Bush's speech. The tavern fell silent. After the speech, the crowd broke into chants of "U.S.A."
Wednesday, March 19, 2003
We've been in yellow and orange, so has anyone considered what red might look like?
Victory in Iraq won't end the world's distrust of the United States because the Bush administration has made it clear, over and over again, that it doesn't play by the rules. Remember: this administration told Europe to take a hike on global warming, told Russia to take a hike on missile defense, told developing countries to take a hike on trade in lifesaving pharmaceuticals, told Mexico to take a hike on immigration, mortally insulted the Turks and pulled out of the International Criminal Court — all in just two years.
Check it out: a presidential candidate has started up his own blog. That's gotta be a first, right? The great thing is that it's from one of the best Democratic candidates for president right now, Gov. Howard Dean. Maybe they'll make it more of an exciting blogpage someday soon.
Tuesday, March 18, 2003
Government searches with government attitude.
Funny how they didn't infiltrate, demonize, and round up white Christian fundamentalists after the Oklahoma City bombing.
P.S. Is there now going to be a roundup and interrogation of all white tobacco farmers throughout the South just because one decided to go bezerk? Just thinking through these ideas and taking them through their rational conclusions.
I liked this commentary a lot. Here's a good excerpt:
Bush wasn't strong enough to sustain the resolve necessary to hammer out alternatives to the crude solution of war. He wasn't strong enough to persuade others to his point of view. His diplomatic skills and his political instincts have been so weak that he managed to squander with breathtaking speed the global goodwill toward the United States after the attacks of Sept. 11. He managed even to fracture a patriotic American population that had set aside its differences to pull together after Sept. 11. We had rallied to him, even those of us who disagreed with his politics. But he didn't have the leadership to marshal that patriotism into a thoughtful, unified plan of action.
Monday, March 17, 2003
Been outta touch over the weekend and today due to fun niece activity and insane work actions. Anything going on in the world?
Saturday, March 15, 2003
So my niece, Mariah, is terrified of my cat, with good reason after what happened the last time. So I've been keeping my cat, Amaya, in the kitchen with the door closed. That's worked ok except that Amaya doesn't like being cooped up in there. And Mariah is unconvinced that Amaya can't open the kitchen door on her own and get out. It took me a while to convince Mariah last night that we could sleep in my house without Amaya getting out of the kitchen.
It's beginning to work out and we're having a great time-- even with the crazy rainstorms. It's taken away our ability to do the zoo and parks, but we've got plans for Japantown mall, other malls, movies, movies, and movies. Indoor stuff. Plus I'm starting to feel better, on the after-side of the cold.
P.S. Now as I'm writing this it would seem that Mariah has decided to fix my hair for our webcam shot we're about to take. How slumberparty-esque can you get?
The purpose of journalism is to monitor the centers of power – to challenge officialdom. By and large, the media in the United States has totally failed in its obligation to do that. Instead of challenging officialdom, it's become a conduit, a funnel down which officialdom can talk to us
Friday, March 14, 2003
My fabulous niece, Mariah, is here visiting now. Webcam pictures to come soon! (I just wish she and the cat could be in the same room. Very difficult and depressing.)
"I cannot accept that there's a legal black hole in Guantanamo," Vieira de Mello [U.N. human rights chief] said. "How can we even conceive that on this planet there exist square kilometers of land where no law applies?"
Thursday, March 13, 2003
Well, my hopes for a problem-free weekend with my niece have quickly evaporated. While I'm still very excited and looking forward to it, there are now TWO major problems: 1) It looks as if we're headed for a major storm in the Bay Area this weekend, so our plans for much outdoor activity-- i.e. the zoo, playgrounds, Golden Gate Park, and such will have to be curtailed. ;-( and 2) I seem to have come down with a nasty cold all of the sudden and feel miserable. I'm still hoping she enjoys the napping game I made up years ago. Regardless, we can rent movies and we've already talked about going to see Agent Cody Banks. So it will be a funfilled weekend nonetheless.
P.S. Oh, and I'll have to keep my psychotic cat and her in separate rooms the whole time. Should be a funfilled weekend all around. ;-)
Wednesday, March 12, 2003
What utter nonsense! Of all the priorities in Washington these days, they're wasting their time on this? Besides, I say, go France!
Unbelievable and thoroughly depressing. So our country is now kidnapping and imprisoning people from around the world without access to lawyers, trials, timelines, or international protocols available to "prisoners of war." What happens when other countries start doing this to Americans?
Tuesday, March 11, 2003
So my dear friend Woodja was in town this weekend with his boyfriend Ed. Woodja's a great friend of mine from my days in Washington, DC. He now lives in Gainesville, Florida for his graduate schooling. He's someone I do truly try to emulate sometimes because he's so comfortable with himself and he doesn't shy away from being himself around whomever and whenever.
They stayed with me a couple of nights while here but they were mostly out and about doing touristy stuff during the day and gay leather bars/locales at night. They did spend some time with me during eating times and to see Dame Edna on Sunday, so it was wonderful to have an old friend around to hang with and enjoy time. They also seemed to genuinely want to hang with me and catch up. That was nice. I need that more than I realize. It's funny how different people from your life see you in different ways and remember things about you that you've forgotten or don't highlight about yourself anymore. It helps to bring about a fuller you to learn how others view you.
On a side note, my cat is psychotic. She loved them when they first arrived, but by the next day she was going between hissing and wanting their attention. She eventually attacked Ed, luckily not too badly, and I had to keep her in the kitchen every night. Any ideas out there on what to do about a cat who hates people?
So-called partial birth is a political, not medical, term coined by anti- choice forces attempting to debate about freedom of choice with deceptive and inflammatory rhetoric.
Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA): Congress has no business intruding on a decision between a woman and her doctor. "We are senators here," she said. "We are not doctors."
Save Roe
Back in my college days I did a paper on the eugenics movement of around 100 years ago. It was a terrible movement and deserved its death after the fall of the Nazis. But it's important to remember the history and how strongly influential it was throughout this country as well. As you can see from this linked article, even California had its own terrible laws inflicting harm and detriment to individuals deemed unworthy, unhealthy, or unfit. And this wasn't that long ago.
Monday, March 10, 2003
Women are back to wearing corsets these days? What's up with that? We worry so much in our society about being and looking "perfect" for others. Sad.
I personally felt, and still do, that to cross the line with even one weapon could be a disaster for us.
We're trying to get them to relax. The community is in support of the principle that people are innocent until proven guilty.
"Questions about this policy," patrons are told, "should be directed to Attorney General John Ashcroft, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C. 20530."
Sunday, March 09, 2003
I haven't laughed this hard for so long in forever. I'm exhausted and my cheeks are sore from laughing, laughing, laughing so hard. Go see this show if you can! 'Dame Edna, The Show That Cares' was better, more witty, and more unbelievably entertaining throughout than I was hoping. Amazing. One of a kind.
So the following day with a new haircut is always a test of whether or not one wants to go back to the old or play with the new. I'll go back to the old soon, but I thought I'd play up the new today. I even got the attitude and dressed up like the young people do with the short-sleeve shirt over the long-sleeve shirt. Whatchathink?
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Saturday, March 08, 2003
I always think it's funny when your hair-stylist decides, on their own, to do something different with your hair. Witness my new Justin-Timberlake-wannabe-hip-hop haircut:
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New website up in response to Delta Airlines being the first test airline to use the new intrusive data-collecting CAPPS II (i.e. anti-privacy crap). It's a start.
...what I feel, above all, is shame
Friday, March 07, 2003
How much debt do banks and credit card companies want you to have? Just enough to keep you alive... Bankruptcy anyone? But they're trying to take that away now too. It's pure hypocrisy. The banks want everyone to run up credit card bills but want to take away your ability to overcome debt problems.
Thursday, March 06, 2003
The next week and a half is a whirlwind. I have my dear friend Woodja and his bf coming tomorrow through next week sometime for a vacation visit. Then my niece arrives next Friday for a weekend visit of just her and me. All the while, my friend is leaving me for a Florida vacation until late next week. I should probably clean my house and get the cat prepared.
"The gentlelady from California needs to become a little bit more familiar with firearms and their deadly characteristics," Craig admonished the freshman senator.
"I am quite familiar with firearms," Feinstein said. "I became mayor as a product of assassination. I found my assassinated colleague and put a finger through a bullet hole trying to get a pulse.
"Senator, I know something about what firearms can do," she ended and sat down.
Wednesday, March 05, 2003
Leslie, that great Woman of the World, writes a follow-up post:
"Hello again,
"I thought I would do a follow up email to my last one because so many of you wrote back with lots of concern for my well being. Thanks to all of you who offered support. I guess it just proves that I am human:)
"So for the record life here is not so bad, it is just a little off center at the moment. Besides the war thing and the theft, life is pretty great. I live on the coast of Kenya after all. It is currently 90 degrees out! My office over looks the aqua marine greens and blues of the Indian Ocean, white sand beaches and palm trees. I have meet some wonderful people and get to work on an Island with terrific women. The people on the coast are like the food, full of flavor and lots of spice. In the evenings I take walks on the beach and relax on the roof watching th e sun set. If life ever gets unbearable I can always take a safari and see some elephants. What I am trying to say is this life has many challenges but all in all it is pretty special.
"I appreciate all your concern. A little homesickness is some times healthy, it makes you appreciate all the amazing people in your life. That would be all of you!"
I felt good. I was nervous and trying to decide whether I should be my funny self, my serious self, or my outgoing self. But I looked good. I wore an outfit I was most proud of, even fixing the coffee stain problem perfectly. My hair was right. My clothes were stylin. I was feeling good and excited. I was putting forward my best image. It was all good.
On time: perfect. Not my usual late self.
5 minutes after: that's cool, time enough for bathroom check.
10 minutes after: ah, he's a late one like me. no worries
15 minutes after: this ain't looking good anymore.
20 minutes after: called and got his voicemail.
25 minutes after: time to deal with reality.
30 minutes after: walked away, called and left a dignified but annoyed voicemail message.
1 hour later: my voicemail at home has a message.
I looked good and felt good at the perfect time. Too bad no one was there to appreciate it.
Tuesday, March 04, 2003
Eyes on What Prize?
Black History Month has become the perfect time to market blackness to America.... Oh, but there were positive commemorations, too. Starbucks gladly pimped Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy (which is becoming a common practice) with the slogan "Share the Dream . . . over a toffee nut latte.".... And McDonald's has committed itself to celebrating Black History Month 365 days a year. How clever.... At this rate, I'll be sipping Frederick Douglass Frappuccinos over George Washington Carver peanut butter cookies with my children in a few years.
Recent graduates are asking: "Where are the careers we were promised?"
Reflections from within the Asian American community on the anniversary of the Japanese American internment camps:
...the government has shown itself to be continuously willing to suspend the constitutional rights of the minority in the interests of national security, and it has learned nothing from the sacrifices and injuries done to the Japanese American community.
Five minutes before I'm heading off to a very important date and I spill coffee all over my tie. The tie makes the outfit. Without the tie, my outfit is over. Now what? Why does this stuff always happen to me?
The law requires the mother to publish her name and physical description; her child’s name and age; the names and physical descriptions, if known, of everyone with whom she had sexual relations during the year preceding the child’s birth; the cities in which conception may have occurred; and the dates on which it may have occurred. The ad must run once a week for four weeks in a newspaper in every city where conception may have occurred.
Democratic Senators are standing firm against Bush, mostly because of his arrogance. Good.
The airline industry is trying hard to stay alive: War or no war, Americans should keep flying.... During World War II, my mother left South Dakota to go to California to make airplanes; she was Rosie the Riveter. We're not asking people to make airplanes. We're just asking them to get on them.
And yet they don't seem to care that the federal government is about to make airline passengers automatic suspected terrorists and keeping files on everyone as if they're criminals. I certainly have no interest in flying ever again. Why would anyone?
Remember when we used to be the ones working to end cruel treatments of prisoners around the world? Now we're killing prisoners and treating them worse than animals in cages:
Jabar and Shah said they had been made to stand hooded, their arms raised and chained to the ceiling, their feet shackled, unable to move for hours at a time, day and night. Jabar said he endured this treatment for 13 days.....He said he was naked the entire time and allowed to dress only when he was taken for interrogation or to the bathroom. Shah said the cold kept him awake, as did the U.S. guards, who kicked and shouted at him to stop him falling asleep.
I so miss my friend Leslie, that great Woman of the World. Here's another report from her in her Kenya Peace Corps assignment, and as we can see, the impending war is effecting everyone around the globe:
"Ok so day in and day out I toil with the thought of going home. This time around for some reason is a lot more taxing then the last few trips. Up until a few weeks ago I felt as though I was stuck in a doldrum waiting to see which way the wind would blow. Over the last few weeks things have been a bit confusing. First off due to my unsettled situation when I arrived here I was advised to put my money belt in the Peace Corps "safe"... well the safe turned out not to be so safe. Some other volunteer stole all my cash $320 out of my money belt which was supposedly locked up in the "safe". I don't know who stole it... I would finger print my money belt but there is a lack of infrastructure for such issues. So now I just look at all volunteers with a sorta who done it look and seem to have lost all trust in them. Well except the few good ones who are my buddies. The worst part of it is that Peace Corps can not or will not do a thing about it nor will they replace any of the money..and I am suppose to trust them in an emergency? Oh well as we say here Keribu Kenya!
"This leads me to the second part of my troubles. I have once again resorted to living out of a bag. I wish the world... US govt. would make up their minds to whether they want WWIII or peace.. I of course would choose peace but who am I to govern world politics... to tell you the truth I think I could do a better job but thats not really the point of this email. So here I am once again waiting to go to war. If we go to war then there is a high chance I will be moved off the coast... maybe home. I think not knowing what will happen, living in a world of what ifs and maybe-s takes its toll on the human spirit. I know it has taken its toll on me. It is exhausting to live like this. Day in and day out you are not sure where you will end up tomarrow. Some say my calling is CIA others say Journalist, I like animals they at least make a move to kill or not to kill instantly. So I am again waiting for destiny to make its move while trying to control my daily life as much as possible because I certainly have no control on the future.
"The third part of my problem for a long time was that I was not active in my job nor really feeling like I was using my brain...they say that PC is the longest vacation you will ever take. I am beginning to think that it is true. The only problem is that on a normal vacation you spend money and I have none especially since my travel cash was stolen.. we already covered that.
"So enough morbidity, is that a word? Anyway things have picked up. My job has turned around and I actually have a project to focus on now. It has only been three months so I should not beat myself up to much. I am going to be spending the majority of my time on Wasini Island in the South off the coast from Shimoni. THe women are truly amazing and are so motivated to learn and develop community projects. I will be teaching basic business skills to them, helping to write grants and doing a little HIV/AIDS education. I am really looking forward to working with them. In addition we will be working with the fishermen down there to help organize them... it is quite like smack down on Jerry Springer at the moment, fishing grounds are very territorial in these here parts. Lots of work to say the least!! So I am doing much better. March seems to favor me. Well this is quite long enough. Happy birthday to all those b-days I missed. I miss all you very much... I may be home soon."
Monday, March 03, 2003
It's every day. Everyday I wake up and try to decide what to wear. We all do it. How much of that decision is based upon self-esteem and who we hope to impress today? We all say things in our heads like: I can't wear that anymore cuz it makes me look fat. That makes me look skinny. That one seems outdated, but I like it, but I can't "get away with it" anymore. That one is the latest fashion, but I personally don't really like it. I wish I had a better body and a better face so that I could look good in these clothes. I wish I looked better. Damn, why can't I be better? Those movie-stars sure do have it good.
The whole morning is devoted to it-- to making ourselves our "best" for the world. Does it take a nice dress, nice shoes, nice shirt to make us feel special or at least appreciated and liked by society? Who are we, as a species, that we must worry about these decisions so incessantly to where we don't feel good about ourselves unless we project the "best" image-- the image, not the individual, the image that we want the world to see?
I just ask these questions and note these thoughts. I don't have answers.
Lack of self esteem can lead to many dangerous choices:
Michelle said it wasn't about money, even in the beginning, when she was 11. She always turned the money over to her pimp. In return, he took care of her. "It was always about the guy... You do it for love, comfort, support," she said. "It's a man to say 'I love you' to and sometimes he says it back. If you feel you have a good man by your side, you going to sit by that man, no matter what."
Maybe animals' better olfactory sense is more evolved than we ever would have thought. Can you smell who your friends are?
This really gets me. If the federal government is all about tracking data and using it against civilians, then why on earth is this sensical use of a gun data base to track criminals and avoid shooting rampages and terrorist threats and such done by some of the states being vilified and threatened by the federal government for interfering with civilians? It doesn't make sense, unless you're a gun-nut. Why is U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft acting like an armed criminal's best friend? Because his views on gun ownership are undercutting law enforcement here in California.
I still am in complete awe that they are seriously talking about this type of intrusive data-collection of airline passengers. In these days of airlines going bankrupt left and right, this type of screening and mass blacklisting only creates more panic and less interest in everyday people to fly anywhere. So much for the future of the airline industry and the tourism industry.
This system threatens to create a permanent blacklisted underclass of Americans who cannot travel freely. Unfortunately, history suggests that the government will be capricious, unfair and politically biased in deciding who to stamp as suspect. Anyone could get caught up in this system, with no way to get out....
CAPPS II would not allow innocent Americans to see the information that such a designation was based on, would not permit them a meaningful way to appeal, and would not reveal the criteria on which such judgments were based so they could avoid suspicion in the future. In fact, individuals would not even have the right to confirm how they have been labeled....
...it won't be limited to air transportation for very long.
Sunday, March 02, 2003
I think that anybody who wants to prevent guns from getting into the hands of criminals ought to be getting a medal and not criminal charges.