I'm sure to win the prize for celebrating the most during National Sleep Awareness Week. They do give out awards, don't they?
Reese's World
Reese's World of Thoughts and Ideas
Saturday, March 31, 2001
Friday, March 30, 2001
People, WAKE UP!
I think we're about to lose abortion rights.-- Molly Ivins. It's time to volunteer, donate, help out, fight, speak out, like never before. Contact Planned Parenthood or NARAL (the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League). Find out what you can do to stop this sentence from becoming true.
Our rights are being trashed and thrown away every day. Our lives are but playthings for the new presidential administration to destroy, dehumanize, and devalue.
I think we're about to lose abortion rights.-- Molly Ivins. Wake up! People, wake up!
Excerpt from daily Simpsons' calendar:
Attorney Lionel Hutz: Now, don't you worry, Mrs. Simpson. I.... uh-oh. We've drawn Judge Snyder.
Marge: Is that bad?
Mr. Hutz: Well, he's had it in for me ever since I kinda ran over his dog.
Marge: You did?
Mr. Hutz: Well, replace the word "kinda" with the word "repeatedly" and the word "dog" with "son."
I think we're about to lose abortion rights.-- Molly Ivins. It's time to volunteer, donate, help out, fight, speak out, like never before. Contact Planned Parenthood or NARAL (the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League). Find out what you can do to stop this sentence from becoming true.
I think we're about to lose abortion rights.-- Molly Ivins. Reading this sentence makes me want to cry and scream.
I think we're about to lose abortion rights. The Supreme Court, in an appointment or two, will turn the matter back to the states, with 50 different results, mostly affecting poor women.-- Molly Ivins. People, wake up! This is Molly Ivins talking. She's a liberal columnist. She thinks the cause is lost. We can't let these fundamental rights be lost! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!
Thursday, March 29, 2001
Tonight I had some soup and a really good smoothie from one of the hangouts in my 'hood, Quetzal on Polk Street. It did help me to feel better. Smoothies are really good for juice and echinacea intake.
Anyway, the weird thing is that in looking over Quetzal's website I ran across a page where you can send your favorite waiterman a message on his PCS phone. How bizarre, and stalking-promotional, is that? As for the female staff, maybe they were smart enough to steer clear of any kind of stalking-promotional concept.
Wednesday, March 28, 2001
Apparently, I've been celebrating this special week more than enough. Maybe that's why I'm so incredibly tired.
Take a look at this! Remind yourself that the majority of Americans voted for Gore last November. Remind yourself that Bush did not get the popular vote. Remind yourself that Bush barely, and questionably, got the electoral vote (and by one only vote above the needed 270).
Now, why is it that Bush seems to be acting as if he has this huge mandate to do anything and everything he and his right-wing cronies want? Why is it that every day you read the paper another outlandish and out-of-the-mainstream assault has been inflicted upon us? Why is it that everyone seems to have just given up and is allowing our country to be pulled further and further to the right even though the majority of Americans voted against just that in the last election? Why is it that I seem to be having feelings of dread and giving up as well?
Take a look again at this election outcome and remind yourself of how Americans truly feel about where we want the country to go. Remind yourself that Bush does not have a mandate and was supposedly going to bring the country back together again. Remind yourself that we must be ever more vigilant in reminding everyone that Bush has no mandate to do anything. Remind yourself that the majority of the country and the voters is behind you!
Tuesday, March 27, 2001
I am short and kind of scrawny and I believe that if I were taller, i would probably be different. I might play basketball more often and I could dunk the ball without a ladder. If I were a different race, I'd have a much different life. I would have a different background, different food, or maybe different friends. Out in the year I see kids dividing into their own ethnic groups. If were Chinese, I might hang out with Chinese kids. If I were black, I might hang out with the black kids. I'm Filipino, but I have a very diverse group of friends. So if I looked different, I'd probably be different.-- Daniel Rodis, age 12.
A group of young students were asked "If you chould change your looks, would it change your life?" Amazing answers.
You'd think that after sleeping the entire day, and night before, I wouldn't be tired anymore. But somehow I'm exhausted again. I'm so tired of being sick.
Monday, March 26, 2001
Russell Crowe: I've liked him for years.... before he was popular here in America. He was in a little Australian movie back in 1994 that I saw called The Sum of Us which was about an openly gay man, played by Crowe, and his father. The movie's a lot of fun to watch, especially now that Crowe is so famous, because he's playing this gay role and kissing and having sex with guys throughout the movie. Very cool of Mr. Crowe.
Anyway, spent the day at home sick today and watch the very long and boring Gladiator tonight. I suppose that people into macho crapfests would love it, and I suppose there is a place for stories that have their drama supplied only through various forms of fighting, but it's just not for me. I will say that I was quite impressed with Joaquin Phoenix in the movie. I was not expecting much from him or the film, but I walked away happy to have seen his performance in the film. Quite good.
Sunday, March 25, 2001
Sorry, people. I know I haven't had much to say this weekend, but I've caught cold and have been pretty tired. I'll write more as I feel up to it.
Saturday, March 24, 2001
Dismal pretty much fits my mood today anyway, as I am overwhelmed by all of the evil and horrible policies Bush and the Republicans are inflicting upon the nation and the world. We must put an end to their reign of terror. We must mobilize and fight and vote like never before.
San Francisco looks pretty dismal right now.
Friday, March 23, 2001
Apparently, "compassionate conservatism" doesn't include children. But, really, who cares about training pediatricians and early learning programs for kids?
---The budget documents show that Bush intends to eliminate all the money, $20 million, that Congress provided for an "early learning fund" to improve the quality of child care and education for children under 5.
---In December, Congress also provided $235 million for a new program to train pediatricians and other doctors at children's hospitals across the country. Bush administration officials said the White House Office of Management and Budget had made a preliminary decision to seek large cuts in this program.
Who cares if our federal judges are competent and know the law? Be prepared for lots of right-wing nuts with their own interpretation of the law, regardless of history, precedent, or reality.
Thursday, March 22, 2001
Is this simply too much to ask for in my life?
The White House turned down a request from the Federal Election Commission (FEC) for $5.5 million over two years to beef up its Office of Election Administration. So much for election reform.
The ongoing trend of putting everyone away is working. Let's find more ways to get people we don't want to see or hear from out of our lives. That was sarcasm. In reality, I must say I do find it incredibly disturbing to see this trend in our society.
Excerpt from daily Simpsons' Calendar: Hi, I'm Troy McClure. You may remember me from such educational films as "Two Minus Three Equals Negative Fun!" and "Firecrackers: The Silent Killer."
I still really miss Phil Hartman.
Signing our rights away. It's not like one is given much of a choice when beginning a job. If you don't sign whatever they want, they hire someone else.
Wednesday, March 21, 2001
My parents apparently love the new gay sitcom Some of My Best Friends. And they just think that the flaming gay Asian-American character is hilarious. They also really like Will & Grace. Will someone please explain to me what that is all about? My parents and flamy gay sitcoms? How odd is that?
Had a good time at the youth center tonight. It's beginning to feel a bit more comfortable as the youth get to know me and I get to know them and the whole center more. The center invited to go on their next group bowling excursion in a few weeks at Yerba Buena; that will be really fun. It's good to be hanging out with youth again. Plus I get to act like a kid again and everyone thinks it's funny.
This website advocating Ahhhnold for Governor of California would be hilarious if it weren't so serious.
Reasons to begin an entertainment career.
Tuesday, March 20, 2001
I had thought after reading this article that this would mean that I would have to be a part of the "rolling blackout" phenomenon at my home. But luckily, after reviewing my just-received bill today and rechecking this article, I am happy to report that I am a lottery winner and my home will not be blacked out. This is due to the fact that I conveniently live across the street from a hospital emergency room.
How lucky for me and Jessie who lives downstairs from me in the same building. Yes, people, the party's still goin' on over at our apartment building. Of course, I really don't use that much energy anyway, as validated by the fact that my monthly bill was less than $10.
Some reasons to remember why I moved here to San Francisco in 1999: Some Days, It's Almost Heaven. Let me also add how great it is to be openly gay here. It's difficult to express in words, but it's simply so much better to be gay here than anywhere else I've been. (Of course I've never been to Paris, see my post below.) In relation to the other places I've lived and visited, it simply does not compare. Whenever I contemplate a possible move elsewhere, that is a huge factor in my thoughts.
Monday, March 19, 2001
Ah, good ol' Gay Paree....
In the great tradition of disaster movies, there was a race in 1997 to create the first of the volcanic eruption movies with Dante's Peak coming out in theaters first, but probably ending up less recognizable than the simplistically named Volcano. Volcano had the odd plot of a volcano erupting below the streets of Los Angeles, where of course anything of substance, and therefore movie-making, occurs. But Dante's Peak has the distinction of being my favorite sexist movie. "Sexist?" you say? Well, let me explain.
Dante's Peak does offer the pro-woman role of a female Mayor of the local town. She's a leader, supposedly strong and decisive, played well by the underrated actress Linda Hamilton. An expert on volcanoes comes into town, played by that forever-in-my-eyes-Remington Steele Pierce Brosnan and they join forces to help the town avert disaster.
So where's the sexism you say? Well, throughout the movie everytime they would get into the car to drive through town, he would drive. Now, why would he be driving? It's her car. She's the Mayor of the town. She knows the town like the back of her hand. He's an outsider who doesn't know the town from Adam. She just keeps telling him where to go from the passenger seat.
And then, during the final parts of the movie when the volcano's erupted and they are trying to get away, he is again driving. And of course he figures out that they can go to a safe cave in the mountain, whereas she's clueless as to what to do. May I remind you that she's supposedly the Mayor of the town? And yet, she takes second seat to this visitor who not only drives her around town, but also packs up her kids and tells her what to do. Now, how bizarre, and sexist, is that?!? I'm sure the men behind the making of movie just couldn't fathom the idea of having the female lead be seen driving the man around the town. And they say that Hollywood is liberal.
Sunday, March 18, 2001
In an age where we live to believe we can be anyone we desire, what most eludes us is our ability to be ourselves. -- The Outer Limits. Wow.
Night of the Truly Bad Living Horror Sequels: You know those days where you feel like watching stupid movies. So tonight I rented two of the worst sequels ever made of horror movies.
First up was Book of Shadows, Blair Witch 2. I'm not sure what to say about this movie since I'm really not clear what it was about. I think the biggest problem with it is that it tried too too too hard to be hip and cool and ended up lacking the coolness it desired. There just seemed to be too too too many scenes where they were trying to make "a classic moment," or something to that effect and ended up with some kind of bland stupidity. It reminded me of that Simpsons episode where they try to improve on the "Itchy and Scratchy" cartoon by bringing in the hip hip hip dog Poochie who was so overwritten and overdone that he turned out to be the opposite of what they were hoping for. Sad waste of time. More sad is that I'm just not clear what it was supposed to be.
Second Bad Living Horror Sequel was Urban Legend 2, Final Cut. This movie seemed to be splicing together various movies, concepts, and ideas without any focus on the whole. It got to be so bad that at one point there a night scene with a snow storm and then the next day it's warm and sunny out with no signs of snow. Various players in the movie seemed to have no relation to the others, but just thrown in to find someone else to kill. And the story, what there was, simply made no sense whatsoever. This movie truly was thrown together in really a pathetic, sloppy way that it should be used for film students as an example of bad "movie-making" in every sense of the word. I will say that it kept my attention throughout, but mostly just because I kept wondering what was going on and just kinda tried to finish the ride. It was not, by the way, a traditional sequel in that it had little to do with the first movie, but a few characters came cropping up for some kind of nostalgia effect. The sad sad sad part of this is that it could have been made interesting if they had simply focused on what they were doing. They seemed to be trying to fulfill several different movie ideas into one film and it was all just splotched together in an attempt to make a full movie.
Oh well, this is what I get for renting two movies I knew would be bad. But one good thing about watching bad movies occasionally is that I often end up thinking a lot about movies in general; how they are made; plots, direction, and acting; and it helps to appreciate better made movies.
Saturday, March 17, 2001
On behalf of St. Patrick's Day today, and since I am Irish, I will continue to have my webpage the color green.
Let's not forget the important phrases and words I've brought into the English language: "Wassup" (before the whole fad), "randy" (before Austin Powers), "jazzed" (new definition), "rockin" (new definition), and the all important phrase "Don't drop your apples!" But, alas, no one noticed.......
East Coast Time: My friend Gerry is visiting from Washington DC this weekend and is still on East Coast Time. It's 8:30am here in San Francisco; I'm sleeping; he's up and wanting to go out out out. So now I'm up up up and heading into the shower. Coffee please.
Friday, March 16, 2001
Acupuncture: What is acupuncture? Hmmm.... the dictionary defines it as Chinese practice of puncturing the body (as with needles) at specific points to cure disease or relieve pain. Interesting....
So I'm at my chiropractor's the other day and we're chatting about my new health insurance. They tell me that I also get a discount on acupuncture treatments at their clinic. So I said, "Ok, I'll give it a whirl." The old college try, so to speak.
So, today I went and had my first session. Very relaxing. Not sure how I feel right now, other than I feel very quiet, relaxed, and calm. I also keep humming the Sesame Street theme song. That seems odd.
Hey! I think I've found the savior to our current nation's political woes. This guy sounds like the real deal. And his platforms and ideals will help us move forward in the nation. Platforms and ideals such as:
I will cure the national hangover, and usher in Happy Hour in America!
On health care: With enough will, we can end crabs in our lifetime.
On gun control: Limiting each American to 25 bullets a year (or 20 for convicted felons)
On taxes: Americans will stop paying taxes altogether. We will simply send the military across our northern border every morning, and beat up the Canadians for their lunch money.
On youth issues: Rolling back the voting age to 16 and the statutory age to 15 - no, let's say 14.
I say, let's work hard to put Joseph Fitzpatrick Fitzgerald Fitzhenry Quimby in the White House.
I had my mid-term in my Statistics class yesterday. Either I'm doing well and the test was fine, or I'm an idiot and misunderstood everything, or it could be a combination of both. We'll have to wait and see what my grade is when it's returned.
Speaking of my Statistics class, a word from the Daily Simpsons' calendar from Principal Skinner:
Ah, there's nothing more exciting than science. You get all the fun of sitting still, being quiet, writing down numbers, paying attention. Science has it all.
That's exactly what my class is like; no wonder I love it so.
I hate the right wing. We're losing our rights more and more everyday and it's only going to get worse.
Do we still have the right to vote?
Thursday, March 15, 2001
Daily Simpsons' Calendar: Moe: Aw, there's nobody for Moe. I'm just gonna die lonely and ugly and dead.
Life tends to get really hard on everyone. I'm thinking specifically of discrimination and demoralization. The other night I went to see "The Chinatown Files" which was basically about how the FBI targeted, victimized, and spied on Chinese-Americans during the McCarthy era, due to the country of China changing over to communism. Very interesting story in history that I had not heard before.
Watching made me feel so overwhelmed with sadness and horror. I kept thinking about how these are often all the same types of issues of discrimination against other minorities and people out of power; these thoughts made me feel as if there was simply no hope against hatred, bigotry, and evil because it seems to continue on and on and in a variety of ways and causes and never seems to be put out.
I walked home sad, dispirited, worrying about the state of the world. Then, some strange things happened...... First, I passed two lesbians of color kissing each other on the street. I thought about how individuals can personally fight back against oppression. Then, something rather remarkable occured. As I walked up a busy street looking down at the sidewalk in contemplation, I noticed words painted onto the sidewalk. They said Never Give Up. How odd for this to be written on the sidewalk and for me to see this on this evening, when I was feeling this way.
Maybe there is hope in the struggle against oppression, discrimination, hatred, and evil. Sometimes it's hard to keep up the struggle. That's what the hand of oppression wants, however, and that's exactly why we must never give up.
Wednesday, March 14, 2001
I had my first night of volunteering at the YMCA's Youth Center tonight. When I lived in DC, I volunteered intensively for three years at a youth center and really enjoyed that part of my life. I've missed working with youth since then and finally, after nearly two years of living in San Francisco, have begun working with youth again.
This time should be a bit different since it's not a queer youth agency, but it's still about youth issues and being there during formative and often difficult years. I gotta get to know the youth better at this center and feel a bit more comfortable, but I think it could really be a great experience. Wish me luck.
La la la la la la la......... I have a website again! La la la la la.... yay! woohoo! my voice will be silenced no more!
My website is finally working again! I have so much to say, so very much to say. I just don't know where to begin. What do I do now?
HELP! It's been over a week now and my voice is still silenced..... My page will not update. Stupid dreamhost. They are taking forever to move my stuff around. My page isn't that big. What's the problem? Sorry everyone for not having any posts up, but I haven't been able to in over a week now. Very frustrating.
Friday, March 09, 2001
My voice has been silenced! It's taking a few days for my website to get back up to regular service. I have a lot I've wanted to post but haven't been able to do it. It's very frustrating.
Thursday, March 08, 2001
And the conspiracy and disenfranchisement continues.......
It's interesting to me that although Bush's faith-based system "charitable choice" is supposed to bring people together seems to actually be starting a religious war in America.
Republicans have wasted no time in attempting to repeal worker safety standards, said California Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Los Angeles.... So much for "compassionate" conservativism; apparently workers' rights matter none.
Celebrate International Women's Day today, March 8.
All the Women, Independent, throw your hands up at me!
I really want to re-learn mi espanol and pratice it as much as possible. And it's more and more important and useful that I do.
Wednesday, March 07, 2001
The public memory is very short, said Representative Thomas Davis, Republican from Virginia, who chairs the Republican National Congressional Committee. You saw how quickly impeachment faded from people's minds. Oh really? Meanwhile.... "House Democrat Carrie Meek of Florida, who is African-American, brought the committee back to her home state when she said that what happened to blacks in her state on November 7 was nothing short of "outrageous." She said she did not want to see legislation; she wanted action. I have a pin on today that says, 'Remember Florida,' Meek said. Members of my race died because of this issue. They died because they deserved the right to vote, and there were many who tried to stop them.
Something is up with my website. I keep having difficulty with it keeping up to date. I'll check into it (or more like have Jessie look into it) and keep you posted.
There was a recent well-done editorial cartoon that had the Republicans saying to the "urban poor": 1) "Your vote doesn't count" (as in Florida); 2) "You don't count" (as in the census); 3) "You can't count" (as in low math scores); and finally, the GOP asks "Why can't we count on them to vote for us?"
Tuesday, March 06, 2001
Ok, so when I first heard the concept of a live-action major motion picture version of Scooby Doo I was into it. Then I saw this picture with Freddie Prinze Jr. as Fred:
![]() |
Then I started reading others' opinions on the poor production values in this version. And, then, finally I knew it was going to be horrible after seeing this small clip on TV. Well, it could have been a great idea I suppose.... (Via Kevin)
Response to my letter to the Nestle Corporation re the Juicy Juice conspiracy:
Dear Consumer,
Thank you for your e-mail to us about LIBBY'S JUICY JUICE. We welcome questions and comments from our customers regarding our products.
This product is sold by most major grocery chains. We suggest that you ask your favorite retailer to order the product for you. Occasionally, retailers will make special orders when customers request them.
As an alternative, you may also check with large grocery stores such as Albertson's, Food 4 Less, Holiday, Lunardi's, Ralphs and Raley's. As another alternative you can purchase some of the different flavors online. The web site you can purchase this from is the Nestle Beverage Store. You can access this site by going to www.nestlebeveragestore.com.
We appreciate your interest in our products.
Amanda Stancavage
Consumer Response Representative
I can order Juicy Juice ONLINE!?! Who knew?
Keep yourself clear of any and all mind control. I especially like the look created in step 7.
Monday, March 05, 2001
When I was born Ain't No Mountain High Enough by Diana Ross was the #1 song in America. Pretty much sums up a lot of my life I think. (Well, sorta). Anyway, what's your birth song.
Check out the Gay-O-Meter and test yourself. I got a 54% (happy and well adjusted homo). I didn't realize that I was a "happy and well adjusted homo." And if I'm considered a "happy and well adjusted homo" then I wonder what it's like being a depressed and maladjusted homo.
It's time to bring back trains as a convenient and comfortable way to travel in California.
Indoctrination? I'm a liberal activist myself, but I fear any type of forced rallying. Rallies are about people coming together in support of a cause, not because they have to be there. Similarly, I would fear a similar forced rally for a right-wing cause or a religious ceremony or other activity. I'm afraid the School Board is not seeing the forest for the trees.
Sunday, March 04, 2001
I'm not really sure how to comment on this religious fundamentalist site other than to keep on laughing. (Via Sparky)
Ahhh..... the sweet taste of a long-desired, and chilled glass of Juicy Juice. I can rest now.
Went to see the amazing You Can Count on Me this weekend with Jessie. It's great to finally see a movie that has true-to-life characters, terrific acting, and interesting storylines.
An interesting read on how Oscar nominations are more about money, momentum, and marketing than any true artistic achievements.
As you can see from below, I've been practicing with my newfound ability to post pictures on my webpage. I'll be trying to do more in the near future.
Kudos to Ernie for helping me to reach a new record for hits on my webpage. His daily traffic must be astronomical! Now, if only I could obtain a regular place in his "Other Weblogs" section; ahh, but I dare to dream too high.....
I guess unplugging my microwave and water fountain has helped. Now, let's see, what else can I unplug.
Hallelujah! For all those following the Juicy Juice conspiracy you will not believe what happened today. Jessie and I walked into our corner grocery store to catch up on supplies. They've never carried Juicy Juice before, as part of the continued plot against me, and so I never look for it there anymore. However, because Rite Aid has stopped carrying it I have had to try and decide what other wannabe juices I will subject myself to until I find my elusive Juicy Juice.
So, today, as we were shopping at Cala, we went searching in the juice aisle for something to drink and.......... lo and behold...... my beloved Juicy Juice was there! Imagine my shock and surprise! If only Jessie had had his camera with him at the moment I laid my eyes upon the many pre-purchased bottles of my favorite drink.
There is still a conspiracy afloat however. First, they are only carrying two flavors of the four-possible varieties. And secondly, how long will they still be there in stock? Especially now that I will be there everyday purchasing the entire load? And finally, when will the Republicans realize that I've found another location for the one drink I need to revitalize and invigorate my mind?
Saturday, March 03, 2001
Letter to the Nestle Corporation:
I can't find your Juicy Juice brand in my local Rite Aids in San Francisco anymore. They say they've stopped stocking it. I also can't find it at the supermarket. Do you know of stores in San Francisco that are still stocking Juicy Juice?
I'm probably beginning to lose what's left of my mind....
I'm definitely glad I have already left the East Coast.
Government Conspiracies:
They've stopped stocking my Juicy Juice all together at the stores now. It's been missing from the shelves for quite some time now. Today I asked about it and they said they no longer stock it. They said it in an eerie way, leading me to instantly believe there's a conspiracy afloat. I blame the Republicans and the new presidential administration. They know that my one weak link to survival is a constant supply of the stuff. Now, although dispirited, distorted, and dehydrated, I will not bow to their will. My thirst only makes me work harder to bring the Republicans down. I will have my Juicy Juice at last. I will not be overtaken by this government conspiracy. I will survive!
Alright Secretary Albright! Albright called on George W. Bush yesterday to reconsider a "crazy" policy that she said could cost the lives of poor women and children in developing nations. "Still, (opponents of abortion) call their philosophy pro-life," she said. "That's not irony: that's tragedy."
Friday, March 02, 2001
Better hurry, baby.
These are, like, my favorite drinks. If you haven't had them, you're totally missing out!
Jessie's doing his thang with his phone. I am sincerely hoping that the ring on my phone can become "I Will Survive". Imagine hearing that sound everytime your phone rings..... I love it! (P.S. Did you know Gloria Gaynor has her own website? Tre cool.)
My good friend Nathan is about as big a fan of G.I.Joe as I am. Happily, while I was in NYC visiting him he gave me one of the greatest presents he could ever offer: a "Dusty" action figure. "Dusty" was my favorite G.I.Joe because he was just so misunderstood. There was this episode once where he was considered a traitor for going over to the enemy Cobra side and all of his compatriots hated him. But in reality, he was only doing espionage work and was on the good G.I.Joe side all along. He was my favorite character after that probably because he was misunderstood even though he was really a true hero underneath.
Fresh breath is an oral handshake. Yes, unfortunately, I did watch a part of the inane show "Just Shoot Me" last night, but I will say that this quote was hilarious.
Thursday, March 01, 2001
Jessie, you can catch the 27 at 5th and Harrison, just a block and a half away and it takes you all the way to Bush and Leavenworth.
Wow, I should blast Jessie's site more often..... Now I'm getting lots of hits from his site.
Gag. Republicans are Republicans are Republicans are Republicans are crap.
Existential Ruminations:
I think I've been very depressed lately, especially since my trip to the East Coast. I keep questioning where I am in life, career choices, life choices, and where I am phyically in life. Probably due to traveling around so much lately, I keep forgetting where I am. While in DC I kept referring to the East Bay when I meant Maryland or Virginia. I keep referring to the Metro instead of the Muni while here in SF. And then I keep wondering about choosing different life and career paths. Daydreams about another path taken, living in another town, wondering about who my friends are and which ones are nearby. So many existential ruminations of late. No wonder I'm depressed and confused.