Where's the latest fab location for the ultimate rave party?
Reese's World
Reese's World of Thoughts and Ideas
Tuesday, July 31, 2001
I want my dog's health care plan. I want a vet.
Dig, Drill, Destroy. The Bush D's.
And look, a way cool energy map which shows how the country is about to be taken over by "safe" and "clean" nuclear power plants. Is it any wonder why I call this the Burns Administration?
Monday, July 30, 2001
Uh oh. But Hoppe soon learned that when he installed KaZaa he also unknowingly installed a bundled program called TOPtext, part of a new online advertising technology.... "It was like graffiti."
So today I'm talking with my niece. She's upset because she's had a fight with her neighborhood friend. Seems he called her a "faggot." She asks me what that means. Well, dear, that would be your uncle.
No, I didn't say that. I told her, "That's a bad word for a gay person." And she then lists all of the other bad words her friend has used-- the f-word, the b-word, the a-word. I agree with her that those are bad words and that "we don't say bad words like that. They're mean to people and not nice."
I must say hearing my niece use the word "faggot" threw me for a loop. Did I mention that she's 7? She is growing up in this obscene society, for sure. How delightful...
I didn't know escorts took credit cards. How interesting....
Never mind that Bush's opponent received 540,000 more votes, or that his electoral victory rested on a controversial vote count in Florida that provided him a scant 537-vote margin. Bush made it clear that he would reject calls for a coalition government.... Six months after Bush charged into office as if he had won by a landslide, reality is setting in. The Electoral College awarded Bush the presidency, but it could not provide him a mandate.
Ways To Have An Incredibly Bizarre Day At Work #35:
Break the zipper in your dress pants leaving them wide open. Walk around in your nice button-down shirt, tie, and dress shoes, but now with wrinkled gym shorts on. Try to act like nothing's odd whilst walking around downtown. (Remember to be thankful you have the wrinkled gym shorts at your office.)
How did I miss this?
[Bush] also dubbed Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham the nation's "Vampire Slayer"...
Yuck, ew, ugh, I'm so disgusted. How could they do that? I want to know what Joss Whedon thinks of this.
Over the past five years there have been an average of 400 spills annually on the North Slope oil fields. There's been more attention to it lately because of [Arctic National Wildlife Refuge], but its a regular part of operations.
Sunday, July 29, 2001
Happiness is.....
Talking to the guy you met the night before on the phone, getting to know each other, laughing, enjoying each other's company, and planning a date. Yeah.
That they are singling out the drug issue so much is ridiculous. It seems like if you get caught with a joint, you are screwed, whereas you could have murdered someone and still get money.
Reasons I never go out clubbing or to bars anymore:
1. Boring.
2. Over it.
3. Attitude.
4. Smoky (even without cigarettes).
5. Superficial.
6. Lonely.
7. Bad Music.
8. Running into people you don't want to see.
9. Definitely Lonely.
10. Past Bedtime.
Reasons to go:
1. Meeting a really cute and very interesting guy.
2. Exchanging phone numbers with him.
3. Kissing.
Saturday, July 28, 2001
Friday, July 27, 2001
Let me repeat myself: "Ugh, another cloudy, cloudy day." It's been horribly cloudy and cold here in San Francisco almost the whole month of July. We continually joke that it's actually November. While the rest of the country wipes away sweat, we're putting on coats and wishing for sun. As such, here's the next four-day forecast (with "morning fog" translated as "all day fog"):
Today: "Areas of morning fog, then mostly sunny"
Tomorrow: "Mostly sunny after areas of morning fog"
Sunday: "Areas of morning fog, then mostly sunny"
Monday: "Mostly sunny after areas of morning fog"
I kid you not.
Thursday, July 26, 2001
Wednesday, July 25, 2001
Zeeyah! I've had way too much coffee today. And now I keep going from crazy, blinding, dizzy, energetic highs to exhausting, overwhelming, depressing lows. Help.
Appropriately, in light of my last post, today's excerpt from the Simpsons' Daily Calendar is as follows:
Comic Book Guy: Tell me, how do you feel about forty-five-year-old virgins who still live with their parents?
Tuesday, July 24, 2001
Ok, so I'm only gonna say this once so listen up.
I'm ready.
I'm ready to date again-- date seriously I mean. It's been four years now since my last boyfriend (bf, as we like to say in the trade) and I'm ready to try again. After such a horrible relationship and an even-worse breakup, my interest in dating any man for more than 15 seconds has been nil. But after four years of healing, thinking, progressing, traveling around, changing locations and jobs, playing around, and playing the field, I've decided I'm ready. This decision has not been a quick and easy decision to make; a lot of time and thinking has gone into it. However, I'm ready. And now I can go on singing my favorite Tevin Campbell song "I'm Ready" for the next few weeks. Anyone wanna sing with me? Anyone ready as well?
Ok, so they turned out not to be piranhas.... but they still look creepy. I don't think I'll be going swimming in Modesto anytime soon.
Sorry, guys, I just haven't felt much like posting lately. I know I'll get back into it again real soon. Bear with me please.
Monday, July 23, 2001
Help! Piranhas in California?!?
We're all behind you and hoping you will. Run!
Sunday, July 22, 2001
An update from world-traveling Leslie:
Jordan is great!!! Arabic is slowly coming along and life is pretty good. There is so much to learn here, from the history to the Language; each day is an inspiration. I am living in a family now. Since it is Christian the environment is very relaxed and very western. Though when I leave my house I must cover up. It is very hot here but the desert is beautiful... Take care, Leslie.
Friday, July 20, 2001
So I've decided to add a few of my own explosive headlines to the media insanity:
Congressman Condit Often Seen Eating Meat; One Outraged Vegetarian Asks: "I think we all know how Ms. Levy disappeared."
Elvis Says Condit Did It; Elvis Re-emergizes Alive to Weigh In
Aliens Say Chandra Levy Was Abducted For Needed Tests; Condit Admits He Is An Alien Baby
--(so says some guy named Bob)
Condit Seen Working At His Job; Outraged Americans Want To Know Why
I have had it up to here with all this media exploitation. Has anyone seen Network?
"How far will television go in covering the Chandra Levy saga? Here, courtesy of Hotline, is an excerpt from Fox's "The Edge with Paula Zahn":
Sylvia Browne, on where police should look: "If I were to take a helicopter straight up and look at this par, which makes sort of a square – if I were facing west, there's a marshy area. There are some trees down in a marshy area. . . . This is where the body is. This girl is not alive."
Zahn: "How do you know this, Sylvia?"
Browne: "Because I am a psychic. I know she is there."
And – this just in – the television show "Extra" will air an interview on the Levy case by that Other Famous Intern, chatting up Monica Lewinsky herself.
This morning, in fact, CNN carried a live shot: "REP. CONDIT ATTENDS AGRICULTURE COMMITTEE HEARING." And Gary Condit was, well, just sitting there.
We're gonna have a big fight on our hands over the next year and a half in Maryland.
Thursday, July 19, 2001
Stop Bush's stupid "faith-based" scheme. Wake up, America, and do something!
Wednesday, July 18, 2001
I never realized Egypt was so horrible.
Faced with rising electricity costs at his official residence, Vice President Dick Cheney is doing what every California consumer would love to do: passing his power bill to the Navy.
"The Catch-22 is continuing to be viewed as someone who has a sense of humor, and at the same time conveying the message that you would expect to be treated respectfully."
Serious electoral irregularities must be investigated.
Tuesday, July 17, 2001
Wow. I gotta go to this exhibit.
This 'minds me of last night. I went to see a Mae West movie at the Castro Theatre entitled She Done Him Wrong. It was amazing, very funny, and quite racy.
Racy being a good word for both its meanings. There was an African-American woman playing her assistant in the movie. And, boy, what a reminder of our racist past. The character was so stereotyped and Ms. West made a constant habit of criticizing her laziness. It hurt watching the scenes with her in them. I felt so terrible. It was especially hard when the movie tried to make comedy off of her. Oh, we must remember our history, even though it can be awfully painful.
The greatest democracy in the world, as we like to call ourselves, allowed an election outcome to be determined by clever lawyering. Bush's lieutenants were willing to use one argument one day and exactly the opposite argument the next, depending on what served their candidate's interests.
Cool cool cool. This is so cool. Now, this is one of the rare time when I actually wish I had cable.
Monday, July 16, 2001
Mae West was amazing!
There was a terrific article in the Sunday paper yesterday about very young boys (say ages 3-6) and how sometimes they like to dress up like girls. Sadly, very sadly, I cannot find that article on line anywhere because I wanted to share it with you. It really connected with me a lot.
When I was that age I always wanted to twirl in a dress and would turn my Superman cape into a skirt. It was really just harmless fun. My parents ended up taking me to a psychiatrist (funny, I can't remember that) who said I was just excited about my newborn baby sister.
They were worried I might turn out gay. Whew! They must be so relieved now. Heh. Anyway, the article brought back memories of childhood. If you haven't seen the French movie Ma vie en rose "My life in pink" you should rent it. It's a wonderful, beautiful movie about a little boy who wants to dress in girls' clothing and doesn't see why the grown-ups are so upset about it. It really is an amazing movie and has a lot of the ideas that were in that article. If I find the article online in the future I will definitely post it for you.
So yesterday I took a free pass I'd received from somewhere a year or so ago and spent several hours visiting the Asian Art Museum. I specifically wanted to go because they are currently housing an exhibit on Zen paintings and such. They even had a section of the exhibit for meditation where there were 5 pillows up against a wall and instructions near the pillows on how best to meditate. I did it. It was fun and very relaxing. Museums always tend to make me wanna sleep, but I actually felt more awake after the meditation part. And the beat goes on....
It would probably be odd for me, as a white gay man, to go to this African-American GOSPEL play just to see my favorite male Shemar Moore take off his clothes again. Oh well.
...Moore, who didn’t disappoint the overwhelmingly female audience by pulling off his T-shirt and flexing his muscles during a shower scene...
Of course, such oddity didn't stop me from going to the Disney kid's movie "The Jungle Book" so I could watch my favorite Jason Scott Lee run around in a loin cloth for an hour. Hehe.
Why does the shower curtain sink in while your taking a shower? Why is this article on page 2 of the NEWSpaper? Why do I continually ask these questions about the stupidity of the media? Why do I exist?
Sunday, July 15, 2001
I should do more vague posts like the one below. It's turning into a "You're So Vain"-Carly Simon type mystery where everyone seems to think it's them or they know who.
Que surprise.
Saturday, July 14, 2001
So I'm in the Castro today at a local cafe and I start reading a new book entitled Sissyphobia. This book "explores those negative feelings that are aimed at people termed fairies, faggots, flamers and queens."
Ok, so I just crack open the book and guess what? I hear on the overhead speakers my ex's favorite song (at the time of our relationship). This is the ex that once called me "extremely fem" in a very negative reference behind my back. What an appropriate way to begin this read.
So the movie was fantastic! It really is shocking to see this movie and realize that it was made in 1933. It's incredibly racy. It's basically about a threesome-type situation with two men and one woman all being in love with each other, made for comedy. As the festival stated, this movie was included in with other movies from the "pre-code" era of Hollywood movie-making, meaning that Hollywood could make just about anything at the time and did. Then in the late 1930's, under governmental pressure, Hollywood established a code of "decency." A movie of this ilk could be made today but would obviously have to include a lot of skin, all-out sex scenes, and hot bods in order to fit into current Hollywood crap-standards.. But the theme and dialogue would be perfect for today's open sexuality and proclivity. Here's to the movie and to my favorite star Gary Cooper.
This will probably surprise many, but my favorite actor is Gary Cooper. Back during my high school days I was in love with his movies. In fact, I would watch as many of them as I possibly could. My grandparents would record movies off of their oldies cable stations. I couldn't say how many of his movies I've watched over the years, I just know it's a lot.
This also led to the discovery that High Noon is one of my all-time favorite movies. I know, I know; it's a western. But it's a fantastic western and it's also a great subtle commentary on the then current McCarthyism. Betcha didn't know that!
Anyhoo, I mention all of this because I'm so excited this morning. I'm off to see a Gary Cooper movie this morning at the Castro Theatre that I haven't seen before. It's part of their pre-code festival, meaning that these movies were made before the government mandated a code of "appropriate behavior." This movie's called Design for Living and I'll let you know how it goes.
Friday, July 13, 2001
Amnesty International's new report on anti-gay torture around the word, entitled "Crimes of Hate, Conspiracy of Silence: Torture and Ill-treatment Based on Sexual Identity":
"The language of dehumanization paves the way for torture."
"...Nasty remarks were made that I should be punished for denying men what is rightfully theirs."
"It all begins subtly. It begins when a person's life is devalued. Devaluation tells us we can dispose of someone."
The issue of class has been almost entirely absent from the debate, and yet we could well argue that it's his socioeconomic status that's created a sense of upper-middle-class complacency and privilege in [Andrew] Sullivan's personal and professional life.
Ultimately, he is an intellectual with a lot of journalistic influence and we should openly question why an affluent, white, British man is allowed to be the "gay voice" in several mainstream media outlets on issues that acutely affect so many working-class individuals, particularly HIV/AIDS and workplace discrimination.
It's only taken more than 11 years but they've finally decided that it's important enough to fix the near-collapsible Bay Bridge. I guess they are psychic and can tell when the next earthquake will come and so they haven't been worried about the colossal ramifications. Now, how many years til it's fixed and safe? Geez!
And our cookies are almost natural.
It is not known why Daigle was giving his parrot a shower.
"The cool thing about Napster is that it...encourages enthusiasm for music in a way that the music industry has long forgotten to do."-- Thom Yorke (Radiohead), 10/9/2000
"Napster could be a great way for people to hear your music who wouldn't have the chance to hear it on the radio."-- Madonna, Rolling Stone, 9/28/2000
"Most people I know who listen to a lot of MP3s will download a lot of different songs. And if they like the song, they'll go out and buy the album. The record company doesn't want me to say this, but out of the millions of MP3 files that are out there, if someone chooses to download one of my songs or an album of mine, I'm very flattered."-- Moby, Macaddict.com
"I remember when they didn't want you to have a VCR, but they worked it out and I think for the best. Smart people always get together and work it out."-- B.B. King, Yahoo Entertainment News, 9/13/2000
"We're not afraid of the Internet. We think it's a very cool way to reach our fans. If a band sells 12 million albums, what are we supposed to say? Oh, maybe we could have sold 13 million if we had just been Internet Nazis. Frankly, at a certain point, you have to say. Hey, let the people have the music."-- Dexter Holland (Offspring), Inside.com, 9/15/2000
"We respect what they've done and regret any harm which this dispute may have caused to them...We now understand how important it is to Dr. Dre [and Metallica] to control how his music is distributed and to be paid for the effort and talent that go into crafting his records. We're pleased to report that our current system addresses his concerns and regret that we were not more sensitive to his concerns in the past."-- Napster
"I work hard making music, that's how I earn a living. Now that Napster's agreed to respect that, I don't have any beef with them."-- Dr. Dre.
"Our beef hasn't been with the concept of sharing music. The problem we had with Napster was that they never asked us or other artists if we wanted to participate in their business."--Metallica
Barring some sort of miracle, Napster is irrelevant.--research analyst.
Good for CBS! It's about time some new organization stood up to the tawdry sensationalism and conducted themselves in a newsworthy manner.
Thursday, July 12, 2001
Is there no end to it?!?
For those of you who have walked around downtown San Francisco you've probably noticed the strange and very consistent protester that's become a bit of an icon around San Francisco. If you don't know who I'm referring to then just bear with me.
He's this one-man-band protesting machine. Wearing a weathered suit, dark sunglasses, and disheveled hair he walks around downtown constantly carrying his home-made sign of protest. Previously it used to specifically say to impeach Clinton, but then after the last election it has also said to impeach Bush. Besides that slogan it always includes some nonsensical jibberish about impeaching the galaxies and something about UFO's. It's all very unclear and totally out of this world. He's become a favorite for local San Franciscans around Halloween and for other party jokes. However, regardless of whatever he is protesting he is at least persistent and constant.
So today I'm walking around downtown and as usual he is too. Everything's the same: the suit, the sunglasses, the hair, the sign. Except once he passes me, I turn around and look to see the other side of his sign and I stop right in my tracks. It's an advertisement! An advertisement for PIZZA!! A specially made, glossy advertisement plastered onto his sign! It says (paraphrasing), "There's no need to impeach Quizona's* pizza. It's too damn good! All of the galaxies agree."
What the hell?!? Is there no end to the placement of advertising in this world? How did he end up with an advertisement on his sign? What the hell?!? I will no longer be surprised by anything ever again.
*Quizona is not the actual name of the independent pizza place, I just can't remember the name exactly.
Speaking of cows, when I was back home there were all these Cows on Parade on the Plaza in downtown Kansas City (Missouri, that is). Cows on Parade.... ok.
It appears that Attorney General Ashcroft has decided once again to do the bidding of the gun lobby...
Can anyone say Zero Population Growth? Yesterday was World Population Day and here's some excerpts:
a day to reflect on the progress and struggles in global reproductive health care
Never before have so many teenagers been alive at one time (Ai-ya!)
Meeting the challenges of the 21st century will require greater emphasis on and more funding for family planning services, prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS, and prevention of maternal deaths through programs that emphasize girls and women's rights and well being. (All the women, independent, throw your hands up at me!)
I'm so sick of the way that tabloid journalism has become so mainstream. Unfortunately, this seems to be the new reality. Can't the newspapers actually monitor the issues of the day without sinking to tabloid lows everyday for ratings?
Wednesday, July 11, 2001
Quid pro quo
My letter to the SF Chronicle Editor:
Despite your egregious and faulty headline "Bush abandons move to exempt religious groups," in actuality the Bush administration is doing nothing of the sort. You even mentioned this reality in the article, however burying it near the end of the article. You weren't the only newspaper in the country to have such a faulty headline though; apparently the slick spin doctors at the White House fooled many.
The Bush Administration simply stated that they would not seek this further via the regulatory scheme they had concocted with the Salvation Army. They are still pursuing the concept of discrimination through federal funding via their legislative efforts in Congress, their view of existing law, and their continued promotion of the so-called "faith-based" concept. Please, in the future, don't mislead the public by employing headlines which actually hide the truth.
Lesbians Find Haven in Suburbs
Sisters are doin' it for themselves! CoverMyPills.Org
Despite egregious headlines like "Bush abandons move to exempt religious groups" and "Bush Drops Rule On Hiring of Gays " they are really doing nothing in effect:
[A]dministration officials said their rapid review of the matter convinced them that existing law, along with legislation now before Congress, is sufficient to protect religious charities from anti-discrimination laws.
"The White House hasn't backed down, given in or compromised on anything," said AU's Lynn. "Administration officials know that the Watts bill will allow federally funded employment discrimination, so they had nothing to lose by dropping the proposed regulatory changes."
"They seem to be backing away from the process aspect of this, being in cahoots with the Salvation Army, but they don't seem to be backing away from the substance," said HRC spokesman David Smith. "They seem to be supporting an effort to create a regulatory exemption for religious groups, which we find reprehensible."
Geez! Not only have we had to deal with the stupidity of the actual "Survivor" television series and the various headlines, commercials, advertisements made by the supposed stars of the shows, but now one of these wanna-be's is gonna run for the United States Senate. Can we get real people?!?
Tuesday, July 10, 2001
Hilarious story about dogs. Oh, I so want a dog. I've wanted a dog ever since I left my parents' home and my family dog back in '92. Wanted to name my new dog Calvin. I've always had an excuse not to get one, mostly because I've been living in smallish apartments in big cities where a dog wouldn't work out. But I still want a dog and I will, doggonit, get one soon.
Tally-ho! I have the solution to the energy crisis!!
Periodically I will present updates on this website from my dear friend Leslie, a great Woman of the World, who is now in the Peace Corps and stationed in the country of Jordan. Here's is her first update:
"Well I have made it to Jordan!!! I can not believe that I am here. It is so amazing. You look out your window and see the desert. We are out side the capital and just beginning to be introduced to life here. I feel quite at home don't ask why but I am very relaxed about the whole thing. We began our Arabic classes today and started cultural education. It is all so exciting. I have meet some really cool people and things seem pretty good. I will keep you all updated as things progress."
You see people, this is what we're fighting against. Just as we are finally starting to make inroads in passing basic gay rights laws in various cities and in a few states across the nation, the right-wing is making an end-run ploy around such legislation by trumpeting federal intervention on their behalf for supposed "religious" freedom. You will hear more and more of this kind of rhetoric on the national level because they are losing on the local levels and they know it. No one is saying that a church has to hire a queer; what we are saying is that federal funds, your tax dollars, cannot be used in any way to discriminate. But the new faith-based crap that the Bush administration promotes like crazy is all about finding ways to utilize your tax dollars to discriminate, to proselytize, and to perpetuate a larger national Radical Religious Right-wing agenda the likes we have only begun to see. Wake up, America!
Monday, July 09, 2001
The reality is that this legislation would protect all people who fall beyond the very narrow definition and perception of sex and gender roles and the strong stereotypes associated with gender....[including someone who] was wrongfully fired from his successful telemarketing job because his new boss worried that customers would not buy products from a man with a "soft, womanly tone."
This 'minds me of when I was in high school and had a job at the local Taco Bell. One day I was placed at the drive thru intercom. I was taking the order of these guys and they started hitting on me, assuming I was a woman because of my "soft, womanly" voice. Well, of course, this brought loud laughter from my fellow employees and was highly embarassing for me. By the time they reached the window and saw that I wasn't a woman they were simply quiet as could be and were obviously embarassed themselves. I'll never forget that day. Obviously their very narrow definition of sex and gender roles got them caught up in their own mess, and unfortunately it drug me along with them.
Never before had so many people wanted to sleep with me.
Can your uncle wrestle a 7-foot-long bull shark to shore after it chews your arm off? Actually, my Uncle Wayne definitely could do this.
Picked up my ticket to see the Sing-A-Long Can't Stop the Music at the Castro Theatre on the 20th. Jealous? You're jealous....
Sunday, July 08, 2001
Something's been missing lately. Something's been wrong. As happy as I am with my new job, I have been feeling messed up inside. I've been searching and longing for something. I've been trying to find it online or through others and continually felt down and rejected. Then, suddenly, last night I woke up and realized I didn't need to search anymore. Today I had a great day just living. Living without longing and desire. Just living and enjoying my life, my thoughts, and my self. Finally. I don't know if this is the end of my longing and desire, probably not. But at least it was a day of life fulfilled, of just being a good day. What a difference a day makes.
Taking care of your body is a good thing, and so is keeping your house clean. But I wouldn't call it the ultimate moral achievement. And some men take care of their bodies for all the wrong reasons.
I'm currently at my favorite cafe in all of San Francisco: Chat. I never get to come here much anymore because it's not in my neighborhood, but it's the cutest, nicest place you could find. And you get free internet access too. Here's to Chat.
Saturday, July 07, 2001
It is one more hard turn to the right from a president who lost the popular vote, received no mandate to repeal women's reproductive rights, and promised to bring the nation together.
Friday, July 06, 2001
Sorry I haven't posted much today. Been very busy at work for most of the day which involved traveling around the East Bay. Went to the Oakland Colliseum BART station for the first time today. Never been there before. Not too much out there it seems. Boring and empty.
Thursday, July 05, 2001
For those thinking they'd seen the end of the political career of Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris who helped block any efforts to actually count the votes in Florida, they don't know the reality of Republican politics.
Among today's more interesting headlines: Minister dressed as ninja killed by police in Pennsylvania after daylong standoff.
Jeez, gimme a break. I just want to drive down the street.
"Oh, it just wouldn't be the Fourth of July without Flasher [the Clown]." And straight people complain about the actions at gay events?
Wednesday, July 04, 2001
Will men ever stop expecting women to behave like barbie dolls?
Employment lawyers say they are seeing more and more women harassed, demoted or fired because they appear too masculine or too "aggressive" to their male counterparts or bosses.
Tuesday, July 03, 2001
Spent a wonderful evening last night with my good friend Johnny who's bought himself a 2-bedroom apartment in Oakland. Great apartment and cutest neighborhood. Why can't I buy a place? Oh, yeah, I don't have the foggiest idea what the words "escrow," "finance," "real estate," "ownership," "mortgage," "real life," or "adult" mean....
"[This] transsexual drag queen bill... turns the 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' into California labor law." Cool! Where do I sign up in support?!?
Monday, July 02, 2001
Phone call with my Mother today brings word that my 7-year old niece got in trouble yesterday. Seems she and her girl-friend went to the neighbors, left a note, rang the doorbell, and ran. The note left on the male neighbor's door read "Boys are so sexy. Boys are so hot." The neighbor thought that the girls were a little too young to be thinking such things and said as much to my Mother. I have to admit I admire my niece's moxie.
I've been known to leave a note or two behind with guys I've admired. It 'minds me of a time a few years ago. I was living in the gay Dupont Circle neighborhood of Washington, DC. For months I had been noticing this cute guy getting in and out of his car in my neighborhood. I was smitten with him for his car as much as his cuteness. Mind you, this wasn't a porsche or anything. It was a simple, broken-down, heavily-used station wagon. But it had the best accessories. Most importantly, a figurine of Wonder Woman hanging from the rear-view mirror, as well as the necessary gay pride emblems on the bumper.
Finally, after months and months of never running into him at the right time, I spied his car parked on the street and him at the neighborhood circle mixing and socializing. I tried to bring myself up to him, but what was I gonna say "I've noticed you and your car for quite a while," or "I'm not a stalker.... really," or something strange like that. So, of course, I did what anyone in my place would do. I placed a poem on his car noting my affection. It read:
Love your Pride
Would love an opportunity to meet you
I hereby do confide.
Much to the surprise of my friends he did call and we went out for an evening of tea and cookies. He turned out to be kinda weird, but I suppose you attract what you bait.
Everybody wants a piece of Reese.
Anybody who knows me well knows that I hate her. She stole my name! I had it first and it's mine, dammit. And now I get all these annoying jokes about my last name being Witherspoon and crap related to her. As if I needed a whole new area of jokes to contend with, what with the various types of candy references out there. I'm not complaining about that per se, something I've put up with since I was born. Just annoyed that there's this person out there that I seem to be in contest with over my name. Regardless (and I'm not bitter, mind you **cough cough**), I must say I do enjoy reading comments like the above. Hehe.
P.S. And why can't I be married to Ryan Phillippe? (Still not bitter... not at all... nope, nope... **cough cough** gag.... nope)
Sunday, July 01, 2001
When are your lights going out?
Advice for those straight people out there looking for international romance via the web:
"Basically," she adds, "what I found is that people lie." (No! Men lie? I don't believe it!)
And the article includes tips for Overseas Dating, with this all important tip #1: Misleading images. Many people are vain and will use old photographs that hide wrinkles, weight problems and other unflattering attributes. The picture you see on the screen may only approximate the person you wind up meeting halfway around the world.
Ay! Que horible! Donde esta mi Viagra?!?
Ai-ya! People keep yelling at me these days reminding me that I'm not Chinese. I know, I know. I'm not Chinese. But my favorite expression of late is "Ai-ya!"
For those who aren't Chinese, like...um...me, the word "Ai-ya!" sadly does not appear in the Merriam Webster's Dictionary. Ai-ya!
(Dear ever-so-funny Ernie, is life anything but syndication?)
Uh oh. For all those Chris at Boylog lovers out there, he has new pics up and in one of them, he seems to be holding a big stick.